✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
Message of Our Lady
June 22, 2017, São José dos Pinhais
Dear children, peace!
Here is My invitation for today: pray the rosary with love and trust as families.
My children, with your prayers you will help Me convert many of my children who are still walking far away from the Lord.
Do not be discouraged by difficulties.
I am with you, my little children.
I am the Mystical Rose - Queen of Peace.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Message of Our Lady
June 15, 2017, São José dos Pinhais
Beloved children, peace!
This afternoon I invite you to prayer.
My children, the world without God does not have peace.
The human being has sought God in places where He is not.
Be careful not to lose faith.
I am your Mother and I am here to teach you the true way of salvation.
Continue to pray as families.
With love I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Message of Our Lady
June 13, 2017, São José dos Pinhais
On this day I invite you once again to pray for peace in this nation.
Open your hearts to my appeals.
Brazil needs to know these apparitions.
Pray that God's plan for this nation would be fulfilled.
Pray for the Pope.
Pray for my priests.
I am Mary, Mystical Rose - Queen of Peace.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Message of Our Lady
June 12, 2017, São José dos Pinhais
My children, I invite you to pray for Turkey, Poland and Spain.
Hear my voice inviting you to prayer. Pray, pray.
Pray in your families.
Pray during your work.
The world needs peace.
The only one who can give you true peace is My Son Jesus.
I am the Mystical Rose - Queen of Peace.
With love I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Message of Our Lady
June 11, 2017, São José dos Pinhais
Dear and beloved children, peace!
As this night begins I your Mother, Mystical Rose - Queen of Peace, want to be with you praying for peace in the world.
Pray, pray, pray.
My children, the world is in danger if you do not pray the rosary as families.
Pray, pray, pray for Pope Francis.
My Heart rejoices at the presence of each one of you here today in this sanctuary of mine.
Little children, come ever closer to Me who am your Mother. I am Mother of the Church and Queen of Families.
Many here are distancing themselves from God's grace.
My children, come back quickly into God's arms.
I invite you once again to put my messages into practice day by day.
Urgently spread these messages that I have brought to the world over the last nearly 30 years.
I realize that many hearts are still hardened. It is necessary to go more often to confession.
Do not carry hurts in your little hearts, my children. Forgive everyone who has hurt you.
Pray for those who persecute you. For those who slander you.
I could not let you go without telling everyone that I love you very much.
I wish to see you ever closer to Me who am your Mother, the Mystical Rose.
I invite you to be here in the sanctuary on July 13, a day when I will come with the Archangels Michael, Raphael and Gabriel and the Baby Jesus in my arms.
Do not let this grace go unnoticed in your lives.
I love you.
Pray the rosary as families and also in your parishes.
Give good testimonies as true Christians.
With love I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Message of Our Lady
June 8, 2017, São José dos Pinhais
Dear children, peace.
I ask that all unite so that these messages might reach all nations.
United in joy in search of souls for the Lord.
Be in solidarity with one another.
If all unite, there will be no difficulties with spreading these messages.
Pray for peace.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Message of Our Lady
June 1, 2017, São José dos Pinhais
Dear children, I invite you this afternoon to pray for peace in your families.
My children, love all people like Jesus. You need to practice charity.
Little children, continue to pray for the children and young people.
Renounce all evil and start praying the rosary today.
I repeat: If you do not pray, I cannot help you.
I am Mary, Mystical Rose - Queen of Peace.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.