✞ The human will serves as brush for Jesus in order to portray His image in the heart.
April 27, 2017, São José dos Pinhais
Dear children, peace!
I am your Mother, Mystical Rose (Rosa Mystica) - Queen and Mediatrix of All Graces.
Beloved, I invite you to open your hearts to My Son Jesus while there is time. Little children, it is time for conversion!
Repent of your errors and return to the Lord.
Dear children, conversion takes time and you cannot waste more time on the things of this world.
Pray, pray! Pray in your families. Pray during your work. Pray in groups or individually.
You need to pray. Without prayer I cannot help you. Without prayer you will not gain the victory over evil.
With affection I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
April 20, São José dos Pinhais
Beloved children, peace!
On this day I invite you once again to proclaim these messages. Reveal them so that all might know that God loves them and desires the conversion of everyone.
Do not be discouraged by the difficulties of everyday life.
Pray that these messages will be seeds of love and conversion, not only in Brazil but throughout the world.
I am your Mother, Mystical Rose - Queen of Peace.
Do not stop praying the rosary every day in order to find true peace.
Pray for children and young people.
With love I pour out My maternal blessing.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
April 14, 2017, São José dos Pinhais
Dear children, peace!
On this day spent in prayer, I, Mystical Rose - Mother of Sorrows, invite you to pray for those who do not believe in God's Love.
Little children, do not stop praying. Just as a rose needs water to stay alive; so each one of you needs prayer to stand firm in the faith. I am the Mystical Rose: Gardener of the Most High.
Little children, I am here to water each one of you with my Mother's Love.
Let Me look at each one of you and say: You are precious in the Eyes of God.
With love I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
April 13, 2017, São José dos Pinhais
Dear children, peace!
I invite you to pray the Rosary every day for peace in the world.
Continue to pray for priests and also for seminarians and religious.
My children, believe that with your prayers many priests are converting.
Little children, give good testimony!
Thank you all who have tenderly prayed the Trecena [13-day prayer].
At this time I wish to pour out my blessing upon everyone, and say: continue to do the Trecena, every month from the 1st to the 13th. Do not be discouraged.
I am the Mystical Rose - Mother of the Church.
Beloved children, what I started at Fatima will be completed in Medjugorje very soon.
Ask for the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Do not wait until tomorrow to confess.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
April 12, 2017, São José dos Pinhais
Dear children, peace!
Today I invite you once again to pray with love and confidence the rosary for unity in the Church and for the conversion of my favoured sons (priests).
Dear children, stand firm. Pray the rosary with love! Every time you pray the rosary, I will be there.
Dear children, pray and fast for peace in the world.
I am the Mystical Rose - Queen of Peace.
With much love I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
April 11, 2017, Ponta Grossa
My son, peace!
Before leaving this town, I want to leave the following message:
Pray the rosary for the clergy.
My son, tell everyone that without prayer you will not be able to stand in the face of the storm in which the world is suffering with disbelief.
You need to pray much. You need to pray many rosaries.
My children, I am here to lead you to Jesus.
Do not be discouraged. Trust in my intercession.
I am the Queen of Peace - Mediatrix of All Graces.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
April 6, 2017, São José dos Pinhais
Dear children, peace!
I invite you to pray with Me for peace not only for countries that are in conflict, but also for Brazil. Prayer is needed, and much of it.
Be witnesses to the graces poured out through my hands.
I am your Mother, Mystical Rose - Queen of Peace.
Pray in your families.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
March 30, 2017 São José dos Pinhais
Beloved children, peace!
This afternoon I invite you to pray before the Cross of My Son Jesus.
Do not be afraid of difficulties. Pray, pray.
I am your Mother, Mystical Rose - Queen of Peace.
My children, as a mother I am concerned about your future.
I ask you to return to My Jesus as soon as possible.
During this Lent I ask you for fasting and penance for priests.
Give good testimony as true children of God.
Forgive your neighbor and yourselves.
Little children, continue with the Saturday vigil.
Pray the holy rosary with confidence.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
March 23, 2017, São José dos Pinhais
My children, peace!
I invite you to pray for peace.
Little children, beware of the dragon (China), it is going towards Europe bound for America.
The great power of the world will be shaken. With it many conflicts have occurred in various nations. Pray much.
Pray a lot for Russia, North Korea and the United States. The lack of dialogue between them will unleash a war.
My children, beware of the sleeping [lit. "resting"] mountain in Europe, because very soon it will awaken.
Pray in your families, my children.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
March 16, 2017, São José dos Pinhais
Dear children, peace!
This afternoon, I invite you to pray with me for children and young people.
Increasingly they are easy prey for the enemy.
Pray with them. From an early age children need to pray.
Pray as families.
Little children, evil has entered into many hearts, even of those who are the most humble. Confess and repent of the mistakes made while there is time, my little ones. Only in this way will Satan completely abandon your hearts.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
March 13, 2017, São José dos Pinhais
Dear children, peace!
This afternoon I invite you to unite in prayer for peace in the world.
Pray much for this nation. Brazil is in danger if you do not pray. Pray the rosary as families and also in Churches.
My priests need to realize that without prayer many of my children will be lost.
Go to find these precious sheep.
I am the Mystical Rose, Mother of the Church. Beloved children, I ask you to pray for the priests who do not yet understand My coming to this nation. Great is My concern for My priests.
Pray, pray.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
March 12, 2017, São José dos Pinhais
Beloved children, peace!
At the start of this night I invite you to pray with Me for peace.
Little children, there are still few who are praying for a more peaceful world.
Dear children, you need to be aware that without prayer I cannot help you. Pray the rosary as families.
I come to this nation to teach you to love. I want to help you!
I am your Mother the Mystical Rose - Queen of Peace.
Do not be afraid to evangelize. Be evangelizers and bringers of peace.
Pray for Pope Francis.
Pray for the clergy, especially in Brazil.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
March 9, 2017, São José dos Pinhais
Dear children, peace!
I am your Mother, Mystical Rose - Queen of Peace.
My children, I am still blessing this nation, sowing seeds of love and peace through my messages left in this apparition.
Little children, I repeat: each one of you must live out these messages from day to day and then spread them urgently to all those whom you meet. Continue to give good testimonies as true Christians.
Continue to pray for my priests.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
March 2, 2017, São José dos Pinhais
My children, today I invite you to pray the rosary with love and trust for peace and for unity in the Church.
I am your Mother, Mystical Rose - Queen of Peace.
My favoured children, I invite you once more to consecrate yourselves to My Immaculate Heart. Have confidence and be obedient to this Mother.
Little children, pray for the health of Pope Francis.
With much love I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
February 23, 2017, São José dos Pinhais
Beloved children, peace!
On this day I wish that you pray with Me for peace in your families.
My little children, if you do not pray, peace will not come and many will weep.
My children, I am your Mother, the Queen of Peace.
I invite you to give good testimony as true Christians.
If I invite you to give good testimony, it is because you are not yet truly giving good testimony.
A true Christian does not participate in profane festivals and does not accept acts that go against the teachings of My Divine Son Jesus.
Remember: if you plant evil, you will reap evil.
Pray, pray greatly.
In this Lent, I invite you to do penance for peace.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
February 16, 2017, São José dos Pinhais
Beloved children, peace!
This afternoon I invite you to pray with Me for peace.
Pray the holy rosary with love and trust.
Beloved children, the world is in danger of losing true peace completely. Pray, pray.
As a Mother, it is my duty to warn you.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
February 13, 2017, São José dos Pinhais
Dear children, peace!
This evening I wish to exhort you once more to pray the rosary for peace. Pray, pray for peace.
Pray in your families for peace.
Beloved, I wish this apparition to be known throughout the world.
You need to work in favour of this.
I also invite you to pray for Pope Francis and all those around him.
Pray for children and young people.
I rejoice at the accomplishment and care of each of one of you regarding the Trecena [13-day prayer] this month of February. Keep praying the Trecena in order to obtain more holy vocations. To have more holy priests and also consecrated persons who want to honor Me with this title of Mary-Mystical Rose.
Dear children, I want you to give good testimony of this work.
With love I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
February 11, 2017, São José dos Pinhais
Dear and beloved children, peace!
Today I come down from heaven to invite you to pray for the clergy. Pray, pray.
Dear children, I want you to unite with Me in prayer for the peace of the world.
Pray, pray, my children.
My children, I am your Mother, Mystical Rose - Queen of Peace and Mediatrix of All Graces.
I also invite you to pray for Pope Francis.
Today My Heart overflows with Love for each one of you.
My children, I exhort each one of you to pray the rosary for peace.
Continue to form prayer groups for peace.
It is necessary to unite more and more in prayer with Me who am your Mother, the Immaculate.
My children, pray, pray many rosaries.
Your families are in danger if you do not pray the holy rosary together.
Many of my favoured sons [i.e. priests] are increasingly getting lost on the broad paths of materialism and sin.
I also invite you to put my messages into practice more and more.
On this 29th anniversary of my apparitions, I wish to bless you with all my love. (One more secret revealed by Our Lady)
With affection I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
February 9, São José dos Pinhais
Peace! This evening I once again invite you to pray the holy rosary with love and devotion for peace and for my favoured sons [i.e. priests]
Pray, pray my children, for my favoured sons.
Pray for the Church of My Jesus.
I am your Mother, the Mystical Rose.
The enemy is increasingly raging against My Church.
Watch and pray greatly.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
February 2, 2017, São José dos Pinhais
Dear children, peace!
This evening I invite you to unite with Me in prayer for peace. Pray, pray the rosary in your homes.
Prayer is needed, and much of it.
On this special day, I wish to pour out upon you the Flame of Love that comes from My Heart.
I am very glad to see you united in prayer, asking the Lord for peace.
Beloved, be loving and in solidarity with one another day by day.
Once again I invite you to meditate on my messages.
Pray, pray.
Sin takes you away from My gaze and My protection.
Remain in prayer.
With love I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
January 26, 2017, São José dos Pinhais
Dear children, peace!
This afternoon I wish to bless you so that this blessing may multiply from heart to heart.
Beloved, you should give good testimony.
Draw near to God's grace and your family will be transformed.
This year, changes that are not so favorable will occur within the Church. What is about to happen during this carnival is very sad.
They want to revile My image by putting it in a worldly festival full of blasphemy.
My favoured sons [i.e. priests] are already being corrupted by the popularity of the media. Caution.
A reaction may happen with the faithful.
Vandalism will occur in the Churches.
Pray, pray much.
Repent of your sins.
Pray for my favoured sons.
The hand of God will weigh upon everyone.
I suffer because of what awaits you. Pray.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
January 19, 2017, Itajaí
Beloved children, peace!
I come from Heaven this evening, and once again invite you to pray for the peace and health of Pope Francis.
Pray, pray much.
Pray also that the Pope's visit to Russian territory might become a reality.
Know, my children, that in the end My Immaculate Heart will triumph.
I rejoice with the presence of everyone in this grotto today. Do not waste these graces that I bring down from my hands.
I am Mary Queen of Peace - Mediatrix of All Graces.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
January 13, 2017, São José dos Pinhais
Dear children, peace!
I am Mary, Mystical Rose, your Mother.
I have come from heaven this evening to invite you to pray again for peace.
Pray, pray my children. The world needs peace. And the only one who can give you true peace is My Divine Son Jesus.
Pray the rosary as families. Pray for the Pope!
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
January 12, 2017, Curitiba
My children, peace!
I invite you this afternoon to pray with Me for Pope Francis, the successor of Peter.
Little children, open your hearts to My call.
Repent of your sins. When you fall into sin, quickly seek the sacrament of confession.
I love you.
With love I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
January 5, São José dos Pinhais
Dear children, peace!
This evening I come from heaven to invite you to pray the rosary for peace and for my intentions.
My children, my message needs to be made known so that all may know that I have been coming to earth to point the way to salvation and peace.
If you do not pray, this generation will not experience days of true peace.
I love everyone. I also invite you to pray for the Church, for some reforms will be implemented in the Vatican. It is not to my liking, you need to pray much more.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
December 31, 2016, São José dos Pinhais
Beloved children, peace!
Pray in your families and also in Churches. Seek time for prayer.
Pray with the children. In order to have peace in your homes, it is necessary to pray, to love and also to have dialogue among you.
Do not be discouraged. Pray, pray.
I am your Mother the Immaculate Conception, Queen of Peace, the Lady of the Mystical Rose.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
December 29, 2016 São José dos Pinhais
Dear children, this evening I once again invite you to pray for Brazil. Peace, peace, I beseech you.
Again I beseech you, do not tire of praying and offering sacrifice for the conversion of this nation.
I repeat: Brazil is very precious to me and this is why I have insisted so much on prayer.
My beloved children, I your Mother desire the salvation of all.
Pray in your families. Pray for the peace of the world and in the Church.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
December 27, 2016, São José dos Pinhais
18th anniversary of the first lacrimation of the Mystical Rose*
Dear children, peace!
I am your Mother, the Mystical Rose.
This afternoon, in a special way, I present [you with] My sweet and Immaculate Heart.
I rejoice in the presence of each one of you gathered here. I also pray for those who wished to be here today.
I invite you to entrust all your worries to Me who am your Mother.
Am I not your Mother ?
I thank all those who were lovingly praying in the month of November for the souls of purgatory.
My children, charity erases many sins committed in the course of your existence here on earth.
Beloved, charity must be practiced with love and much humility. It has to come from the heart and not by imitation.
I also invite you to make frequent use of holy water in your homes.
Every time you sprinkle holy water, it reaches [the souls in] purgatory. This makes them very happy and at the same time refreshes them.
Today I especially want to talk about the withered roses. How many people passed through this sanctuary and did not persevere in prayer. Today I see them as withered roses without water, without prayer.
For many years, I have pointed out the path of holiness, the way of salvation. Few were those who with love accepted to tread on this path.
It is a path of loneliness, sadness and even abandonment.
Happy are those who have persevered over these 18 years.
Dear children, many of them are no longer among you. My Divine Son has already called them. Today they already intercede for you here on earth.
Know, my children, these souls no longer wish to return.
Pray, pray much.
Little children, the lack of charity, humility and vanity has taken thousands of souls to purgatory.
Quieten your hearts ... (a moment when Our Lady prayed for each one present)
With love I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Pray in your families.
[*Translator’s note : reference to a statue of Mary in the Rosa Mystica sanctuary of São José dos Pinhais, weeping oil, tears and blood between 1998 and 2006]
December 23, 2016, São José dos Pinhais
Always be obedient to Me, and when I call, listen to me and I, Jesus, will be with you, my beloved ones.
Beloved son, continue in My Love.
Continue in the silence of My Sacred Heart.
Give Me total love.
I will continue to share the Cross with you. Accept it with love.
Embrace it faithfully.
Beloved, abandon yourselves in this Heart filled with love and compassion.
My beloved ones, I want to see you immersed deeper into My Love.
I will not abandon you.
Just look at Me and repair My Heart, wounded by many.
Beloved [sing.], love Me in the solitude of your heart.
Be cradled in My Heart.
Love Me.
December 22, 2016, São José dos Pinhais
My children, peace!
Once again I invite you to peace. Pray for peace.
I am your Mother, Mystical Rose - Queen of Peace.
Little children, abandon yourself into God's hand, as I trusted, so that you may obtain the grace asked of Jesus.
I am Mother of you all.
Mother of Love, the Mother of Trust.
With love I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
December 15, 2016, São José dos Pinhais
Dear Children, peace!
I am the Mystical Rose - Queen of Peace.
Little children, I am here because I love you and desire your good.
On this day I invite you to pray the rosary in your families. Your families are in danger if you do not pray in unity.
My heart becomes sad when I see a child distancing themselves from God.
Beloved ones, prayer is needed; otherwise you will not be able to withstand the trials of every day.
Only those who are steeped in prayer will be safe.
I do not force you to pray, but I do invite you to daily prayer.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
December 13, 2016, São José dos Pinhais
Beloved children, peace!
On this day I once more invite you to pray the rosary in your homes. Do not be afraid to pray. Fight tribulations with prayer.
Pray the rosary without ceasing in your families.
Children, your prayers should be lights for the world. It must penetrate the hearts of your brothers and especially the hearts of the priests [or "fathers"] in your communities. Pray, pray.
Dear children, pray and trust in My intercession. Live out My messages.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
December 12, 2016, São José dos Pinhais
Dear children, peace!
On this special day dedicated to the Flame of My Love, I, the Virgin of Guadalupe, wish to bless everyone, especially the pilgrims who are in Guadeloupe / Mexico in order to recall My last apparition to Juan Diego.
My children, I am your Mother and it is my desire to see [you] all together with Me.
I invite you also to pray the rosary in your families for peace in the world.
Pray for Pope Francis.
Dear beloved children, listen to the voice of this Mother who comes to you through these apparitions in São José dos Pinhais.
Always remain faithful to My Son Jesus. Only those who are faithful to My Jesus will remain standing.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
December 1, São José dos Pinhais
My children, humanity continues to distance itself from God. Do not let the evil one deceive you with false philosophies.
Today my Heart is sad to see many of my children on the way of perdition.
Turn to God as fast as you can while there is time.
Peace in the world is threatened.
Beloved children, open yourselves to this grace. Do not waste this moment of blessing that I, your Mother, have brought to earth. Pray, pray, pray.
I invite you to pray the rosary in your families.
Pray for the Pope. Something not very good is going to happen in the Vatican. Prayer is needed.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
November 30, 2016, São José dos Pinhais
Beloved ones, I, Joseph, invite you to work for the Kingdom of God. I invite you to be bringers of peace.
I and my dear spouse, Mary Most Holy, are intervening so that the arm of Jesus does not fall on the Church and on this humanity.
Beloved ones, cultivate with care the lily of purity in your families.
Pray, pray many rosaries in your homes.
Beloved Ones, I want all families to be peacemakers.
Dear children, do not despise the affection that Mary Most Holy, your Mother, has for each one of you.
Believe in Her presence in the midst of you.
Look around you and do not only see difficulties, but the blessings that God has given to each one of you.
Open your hearts to Our Sacred Hearts.
Beloved, the whole Church will know the truth. Pray, pray.
On this special day I wish peace to all.
November 28, 2016, São José dos Pinhais
My children, peace!
On this day I invite you to pray with Me for the African continent.
Today recall my apparition in Kibeho / Rwanda*.
My Heart bled for that nation on seeing thousands of my children die. My message was not taken seriously as it should have been.
Many lamented the loss of their loved ones.
Today once again I invite you to pray for peace in the world.
If mankind does not turn back to God, a great punishment will befall this generation.
I your Mother, Queen of Peace, continue to pour abundant graces upon all humanity.
With love I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
[Translator’s note : 1981-1989, see www.kibeho.org ]
November 27, 2016, São José dos Pinhais
Dear children, peace!
On this day I invite you once again to pray the rosary.
My children, do not be discouraged.
Little children, I invite you to penance and to fasting.
Take refuge in My Heart. The Mother does not abandon you. Many are those of you who forget Me.
I am the Mediatrix of All Graces.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
November 24, São José dos Pinhais
Beloved children, peace.
I am the Queen of Peace - Mediatrix of All Graces
On this day I once again invite you to pray in your families.
Little children, pray for those who have not yet reconciled with one another.
Little children, it is necessary to forgive those who persecute you, whether by acts or words.
Pray for Pope Francis!
I also invite you to put these messages into practice day by day.
With love I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
November 17, 2016, Curitiba
Dear children, I am your Mother, Mystical Rose - Queen of Peace.
On this day I invite you to pray the rosary.
If you pray, you will have the strength to continue with your walk, otherwise many will be left standing on the way. This saddens Me greatly!
My children, pray for all priests. Pray, my children.
Little children, do not lose hope. I am your Mother and I am with you.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
November 13, Curitiba
Dear children, peace!
This afternoon I invite you once again to pray for peace in your families. Pray, pray my children.
I am your Mother, Mystical Rose - Queen of Peace.
My children, many still doubt my presence in São José dos Pinhais. Do not waste this grace.
Pray the rosary with trust.
Forgive all those who criticize you. I am a loving Mother, I forgive you easily.
Pray for priests and missionaries.
Pray, pray, pray.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
November 12, 2016, Curitiba
Dear son, peace.
On this day I invite you to pray with Me for peace in the world and in the Church.
My children, the prayer of the holy rosary is a powerful and effective weapon.
Do not fear the attacks that are inside the Church. Trust in your Mother who is the Queen of Peace.
The time has come for you to commit yourselves in faith. Again I repeat: do not look back.
Pray, pray.
I love you and bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
November 11, Curitiba
Dear son, peace!
Continue to pray the rosary with the exclamation dedicated to the Flame of Love*.
Many souls are receiving the grace to reach heaven this month.
Also this afternoon my Immaculate Heart pours out many graces on the Brazilian nation.
My son, pray much, for sin has led many of my consecrated ones away from the way of God.
On this day recall with Me my apparition in Heede** / Germany.
Difficult days are approaching for Germany. My prophecies revealed in this apparition are about to happen. Pray, pray.
The future of Germany was revealed to the four girls. Pray much.
With affection I bless you all.
[Translator’s note :* As revealed to Elizabeth Kindelmann, Hungary (1913-1985) : see http://www.flameoflove.us/
** 1937-1940 to Anna Schulte, Greta Gauseforth, Maria Gauseforth and Susanna Brun. See
http://www.miraclehunter.com/marian_apparitions/approved_apparitions/heede/index.html# ]
November 10, 2016, Curitiba
My children, peace!
I am your mother the Queen of peace - Mediatrix of All Graces.
On this day I invite you once again to pray the Rosary for peace and for the sanctification of families.
Pray, pray the rosary in your families with love and devotion.
On this day I want to address my children from Nicaragua.
Beloved, do not stop praying. Pray that false philosophies and doctrines will not infiltrate your minds and hearts. These errors are brought by people from other countries. Caution.
I am your Mother, the Queen of Peace. Know, my children, that the only one who can give you peace is my Son Jesus.
Little children, do not let the grace of God fall unnoticed in your lives.
Give good testimony to the love of God in your life. Testify of the graces already received with my coming to this country.
Continue to pray with confidence.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
November 3, 2016, Curitiba
Dear children, peace!
I invite you once again to pray with Me for peace.
Pray the rosary with confidence.
Do not tire of praying for peace
My children, I am your mother, Mystical Rose - Queen of Peace.
I ask you to return as soon as possible to Jesus.
Forgive your neighbor and yourselves.
Love, love, love one another.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
October 29, 2016, São José dos Pinhais
28th anniversary of the first appearance of Jesus to Brother Eduardo [Ferreira]
Beloved, on this very special day I invite you to pray for families, especially for those who still do not know Me.
I am mercy, I am love, I am salvation.
Beloved, do not worry or fear those who deny these words of Mine. Be patient and pray!
I leave my peace upon you.
October 27, 2016, São José dos Pinhais
My children, peace!
I am your Mother, Mystical Rose - Queen of Peace.
This evening I once more invite you to pray with Me for peace. Pray, pray, my children.
Do not waste this grace. Here I am with open arms to welcome each child.
My children, I as a mother am concerned about your future.
Pray the rosary with confidence.
Forgive all those who criticize you.
Pray, pray, pray.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
October 20, 2016, São José dos Pinhais
Dear children, peace!
On this day I invite you to pray the rosary for priests.
Many priests are on the verge of perdition because there is nobody praying for them. Again I repeat: it makes Me very sad to see many of my favoured sons being lost.
Pray, pray, pray.
My children, take My message of love and hope to priests.
I am the Mystical Rose - Queen of Peace.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
October 13, 2016, São José dos Pinhais
Dear children, peace!
Be steadfast in prayer, my children.
Seek the things of Heaven and not the things of earth.
On this special day I invite you to pray with Me for the conversion of humanity.
Little children, the ungrateful will suffer desolation because they continue to seek the pleasures of this world.
Beloved, turn away from that which is evil, in order that you might not fall into the snares of the evil one.
Pray as families.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
October 12, 2016, São José dos Pinhais
Dear and beloved children, peace!
Tonight I come from heaven to invite you once again to pray the rosary in your families and also in Churches.
It is with love that I bless all those present.
Those who confessed and prayed as I asked months ago can today feel my real presence in this holy place.
All worry does not come from God.
I am your Mother, the Immaculate Conception, Queen of Peace.
Starting with the first rays of the sun this day, Heaven was already camping in this place.
The sun was a little gift from God to each one of you, my children.
I love everyone. Once again I ask you my children: pray, pray, pray the holy rosary with love and devotion.
Turn away from all false philosophies.
Bear no hurts and no grudges in your hearts.
Each of you is precious for the plans I have for this nation.
Do not forget to take my pilgrim images from house to house, especially those that I now bless.
Prepare yourselves with the holy rosary to face the difficult days that are drawing near to you.
I also invite you to pray the rosary, the Way of the Cross and also to go to Holy Mass frequently in November.
The month of November is dedicated to the holy souls
It takes much prayer to bring them out of purgatory.
Suffering in purgatory is great, dear children. Pray for souls.
I ask you to respect this place (the sanctuary).
If you come with an open heart, you will surely leave here full of grace.
I am your Mother.
I am here though you do not see me.
Pray for Pope Francis.
Pray for bishops, cardinals and priests.
Do not stop praying for those with vocations.
Many of them are losing faith for the lack of someone praying for them. Pray, pray, pray.
Also pray that my plans be realized as soon as possible.
I love you.
With affection I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
October 9, 2016, São José dos Pinhais
My children, peace!
The evil one in various ways is still trying to conquer many of my children for himself.
My children, if you do not have a life turned to God, you will be easy prey for the evil one. Pray the rosary every day.
Seek God every day! Pray, pray, pray.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
October 6, 2016, São José dos Pinhais
Beloved children, peace!
On this day I once again invite you to pray the holy rosary for peace.
Little children, I want to thank you for your prayers for this country.
Beloved, I want to unite you to My Heart more and more.
Pray, pray!
Many of my children are still insensitive to my messages. Live out my messages.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.