✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
Dear son, on this day I invite you to pray with me for peace in humanity.
I am bringing you the graces of my Divine Son Jesus, which are handed over to me, for I the Mystical Rose - Queen of Peace, distribute them among all of you.
Do not get tired of praying. Put my requests into practice. I desire that this nation hear My Voice.
Many of my children are corresponding to my requests, my messages.
I wish that my favorite children will accept my messages. I did not come here to play games, I came to be serious!
Time for many of you is short. I am here to prepare you for the great persecution that my favorite children will suffer for the testimony of their faith in Jesus, my Divine Son.
I know that many will not endure and deny this, but I am with you.
Persevere in the ways of faith so as to be led to eternal life.
My beloved children, you must fulfill my requests.
Beloved children, love opens all the doors of God the Father. My Mother's appeal will open those that have been closed because of your negligence or pride. I intercede for you, my children.
My children, distance yourselves from everything that does not belong to God. Greed, avarice, pride, ingratitude, disobedience, hatred, lack of forgiveness, and all that does not belong to God.
My children, pray and pray a lot.
Many ask me: why so much prayer?
I answer you: Look, dear children, around you and you will see so many sins spreading. The human being needs inner peace which is obtained through prayer.
My messages must be heard. Answer me, my children.
I bring you in my Heart special graces. Look at your heavenly Mother.
Behold today my Immaculate Heart which is too much offended in these times.
Pray always, seeking ever more conversion.
With love I bless you.
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.