✞ When souls are all filled with God, storms have no strength to agitate them even slightly.
"Peace. My children, my Heart is glad for everyone's affection for this work. Pray and work for the spreading of this place of grace.
Eduardo my son. Tell my children to come to this place to drink and bathe from the spring water with faith and trust.
Special graces will be achieved with prayer and penance.
Pray a lot for the Church, difficult days are still to come. Pray for the Church in Germany. Pray that they will not lose their faith.
Pray for the Countries: Turkey, Netherlands (Holland), Indonesia and France. Nature has a lot to punish these places.
Forgiveness and charity I also ask you.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit."
"Beloved, I the Lord speak to you through this son! Listen carefully:
This generation thrives on rebellion. Disobedient children. How much hatred still occupies many hearts. Throughout the centuries, My Holy Mother has multiplied Her appeals, Her warnings.
Few were those who listened to Her.
I still see many rebelling and blaspheming Her apparitions!
But I tell you: Nothing can delay the warnings that will fall on many countries like thunder.
Mankind has refused to heed the warnings that My Mother left in Her visits to various countries.
Satan has a diabolical plan. It is to win many to his army, leading them to believe that they don't need My Mother's intercession, that they don't need Her.
Satan has also spread the spirit of rebellion even within My Church. Cardinals against cardinals, bishops against bishops, priests against priests; Cardinals, bishops and priests against the Pope.
Satan will not tire until he sees everything in dust, in ashes.
Beloved, you need to strengthen yourself with cenacles of prayer.
Watch and pray.
I leave you My peace."