✞ The story of ‘why’.
Peace. I invite you to pray for your families. Pray if you wish to have peace in your homes. My heart continues to be concerned about the situation of many young people. In these times the enemy is trying in many ways to seize the youth, leading them onto the path of destruction. Help me, my children. Do not allow this to happen. Parents are also responsible for other young people. Pray. There are so many young people who are struggling to break free from drugs and other vices, but cannot. You need to do penance and prayer for them. The time is now, my children. With love I bless you.
Beloved, listen and write down what I am going to tell you. My Mother was born prepared to receive the child Jesus, to conceive the Son. The Holy Spirit illuminated her and she gave birth to the Divine Word. She was created in holiness for holiness. The Divine Perfection that is God prepared this Treasure that is Mary, My Holy Mother. He prepared this jewel that is Mary to receive His Son, also holy: Jesus. My Holy Mother was perfect and should be venerated as a saint, most holy, a saint among saints. She is the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Mother of the Son of God. Look at the holiness of My Mother and change your way of thinking about Mary, My Mother. The Father raised up Mary My Mother: Holy Mary, full of purity, of the humility of heart exemplified by Jesus. My Mother is holy because she gave birth to the Son, the Creator, Jesus Christ, who came to the world through the womb of Mary. Love her holiness and respect the authenticity of Mary, My Mother with her true and holy soul. Whoever loves Me, loves My Holy Mother. I leave you My peace. I am Jesus.
Beloved, you have my blessing. I also invite you today to pray every day this consecration that my beloved spouse, Mary Most Holy, gave you in this town on the night of August 21, 1996. Always call on Mary your Most Holy Mother. Mary Most Holy was a true spouse, attentive and devoted to the Lord’s plans. Beloved, do not worry about your sufferings. Leave everything in the arms of Mary [your] Mother. I am Joseph the Carpenter.
O Mother, Virgin, Queen of Peace and Mediatrix of all graces,
I offer and consecrate to you my body and soul, my heart:
all that I am, all that I have.
I consecrate myself to you out of love and for love.
I offer myself to your care as a Mother.
As Jesus did throughout his life,
I want to honor you, united to your Heart.
O Mother, I want above all to imitate
your purity, your humility:
in short, all your attitudes.
Mother, I want to devote myself and
fight under your orders so that
the Kingdom of God would come.
Mother, accept my act of consecration:
take me as your child and together with Jesus,
offer me together to the Heavenly Father.
Help me to be faithful until death.
O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.
P.S. The Virgin Mary invites us to make this consecration every day.
Peace to you, my beloved son. On this day I invite you to pray the Rosary for families. On this day commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Consecration that I dictated, I once again want you to make this highly desired Consecration to me, the Queen of Peace and Mediatrix of all graces, every day. Do it every day and you will see liberation in your homes. In these times in which you live, do not be intimidated by the great evil that threatens you all, for I tell you, my children, in the end my Heart will triumph. I lovingly bless you.