✞ The story of ‘why’.
Beloveds, I Joseph, wish to speak today about the Church. Beloveds, the Enemy will continue to try to destroy the Church of Jesus. Knowing that he has no power over her, he will destroy many priests, bishops and religious. He has already managed to remove the cassocks of many priests and also nuns’ habits. Everything is unfolding slowly and with it the Church of Jesus is slowly falling. The enemy has a bold plan for the Church. You need to listen to what the Most Holy [Virgin] Mary has been saying here in her apparitions. Pray that nuns consecrated to God would not leave their cloisters. The Enemy wants to corrupt everything. Do not let yourselves be deceived.
Dear children, peace. Do not let your hearts be troubled by catastrophic news. Pray and do penance. Be meek and humble of heart. I ask you to be more faithful to my call. Do not seek consolation in the things of this world. Everything here is transient. Pray for priests and religious. I am Mary, Rosa Mystica, Queen of Peace. Seek peace with sincere love. I lovingly bless you.