June 2, 1910
✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
Volume 9 — Entry 35
Beloved children, peace. I invite you to convert to God. My children, you need to be prepared. Seek peace and sow peace. This is a spiritual battle where evil is trying to seduce you. Pray. Be strong. My children, pray for my intentions. All your intentions are also [contained] within them. I your Mother will reward you according to the will of Jesus for each of your intentions. Start praying today that the Church would proclaim that I am the Mediatrix of all graces, Co-redeemer and Advocate. I am an Advocate before the Divine Judge who is my son Jesus. Pray, pray, my children for this intention. I am the Mystical Rose, Queen of Peace. With love I bless you.