✞ One who lives up high in the Divine Will, is not subject to mutations.
Peace. My children, once more I, the Mystical Rose, Queen of Peace, am among you and wish to call you to sincere conversion. My children, there must be times of prayer within families. I am here and I want to help you. My children, open your hearts – many of them are hardened. This is the Hour of Grace. I am among you and graces are poured out. On this day of prayer, on the feast day of the solemnity of my Immaculate Conception, I want to grant you my maternal blessing. With love I bless you.
Peace. My children, do not be discouraged. Walk full of grace. I am the Immaculate Conception, Mystical Rose, Queen of Peace. My children, pray the rosary for peace in the world, for peace in families. My children, pay attention to the signs that God is still sending to humanity. My children, I call you to conversion and forgiveness. With love I bless you.
Peace. My children, open your hearts to God’s love. Do not be discouraged. Remain firm in prayer. I am your Mother. Have confidence in my Immaculate Heart. Walk next to me. Do not give in to discouragement or despair. Pray, pray, my dear children. Prepare your hearts for Christmas. Pray for my intentions. Pray for my beloved sons the seminarians and also for those with a [religious] vocation. With love I bless you.