✞ The soul: Paradise of Jesus on earth.
Peace, my children. I invite you to pray for those who do not love God, for those who do not accept me as their Mother. I am here and I want to help you in your difficulties day by day. Trust me: I am your Mother, the Mystical Rose, Queen of Peace. My children, open your hearts to my love. I intercede for each person who lovingly asks for my intercession. I know your fears, your insecurities, but I say to you: do not be afraid. Pray, pray, pray with confidence. With love I bless you.
Peace, my children. I am the Mystical Rose, Queen of Peace. I invite you once again to pray for my sons the priests. Pray, pray much for them. Many of them are bearing bad witness and ceasing to be priests. This causes me sadness. This is making our adversary laugh at their weaknesses. Many of them are walking towards the abyss of perdition made by their own hands.
Wake up, my children, wake up while there is time. Seek a life focused on God, seek to be close to this Mother. My messages here have warned my favored sons [priests], but many have not given importance to these messages. God has called priests to conversion. The time is near, my children. Convert. This nation [Brazil] is a barn [1] for sheltering priests during the persecutions against the Church. Therefore, my children, pray and be good witnesses. Live out the Gospel of my son Jesus in your lives. Beware of false philosophies infiltrating the Church. Contempt for the Sacred is growing steadily. What has been happening within the Church is frightening. Many see it but do nothing. Many have lost their faith and many will yet lose their faith – this is sad. With love I bless you.