✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
August 13, 2024:
Peace. My children, today I invite you to pray for my intentions. Pray so that your hearts may be filled with God’s grace. I pray for you and your intentions. I am the Mystical Rose, Queen of Peace. With love I bless you.
August 12, 2024:
Peace, my children. Today I invite you to pray for those who do not pray, for those who do not believe in God. My children, humanity urgently needs to draw closer to God. Days of great trials are approaching. Only those who are in God will be able to get through these difficult days. Pray. Place all your trust in God. Do not doubt God’s existence. My children, place your sufferings in the Heart of my Divine Son. Look to the Heart of Jesus. Surrender your lives to the Sacred Heart of my Divine Son. Consecrate your lives to this Heart which beats for each one of you. I am your Mother, the Mystical Rose, Queen of Peace. With love I bless you.