January 28, 1909
✞ What victim means.
Volume 8 — Entry 63
My children, peace!
I invite you today to pray for my sons, the priests.
I am the Mystical Rose, Mother of the Church.
Pray for vocations… We need to pray for young people, so that true vocations may be born.
Here I have insisted that you pray for vocations.
We need to make everyone aware that without prayer, there will be no true vocations. Every month, pray the trezena (trezena to Our Lady Mystical Rose Queen of Peace) for vocations and for all the clergy.
Difficult days are ahead for the Church.
There will be a shortage of priests in all nations; seminarians will leave the seminaries and convents will be emptied because there are no vocations.
Pray, pray with will.
With love, I bless you.