✞ The soul: Paradise of Jesus on earth.
Peace and goodness. Dear friends, I, Anthony, loving the Heavenly Commander — Our Mother, the Mystical Rose, Queen of Peace — come today once again to this place where Jesus invited His beloved Mother to appear, to make manifest her signs and also to convey her precious messages to all her children who love her and want to be with her.
Beloved brothers and sisters, today I invite you to re-read the messages that I have already conveyed here over the years. Sao José dos Pinhais is the only city in Brazil where I have conveyed messages. I repeat to you: do not devastate [literally “massacre”] the Heart of Jesus, and now that of His beloved Mother Mary Most Holy, with doubts because many still refuse to believe in these apparitions.
Beloved [plural], you must always be ready to pay the price for your disobedience. Brothers and sisters, no one is obliged to believe in the apparitions, but look carefully at the messages already dictated here over the years. The world is facing great tribulations. The family continues to be a target for our adversary [the devil]. Pray as families if you want to win this battle. The Church will continue with its divisions and many priests will abandon the priesthood. The House of God, the Church, has become a house of spectacle. Priests who should set an example are encouraging the faithful to profane what is sacred; you, my brothers and sisters, should pray as Most Holy Mary asks here. Pray; do penance for these priests. Pray for priests. I bless you in the Name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.