✞ The soul: Paradise of Jesus on earth.
Peace. I invite you to pray for the souls in purgatory. Know, my children, that they – the souls – cannot do anything for themselves except to pray for you here on earth. That is why today I insist that you pray and do penance for the souls in purgatory. Today I also ask you to look at planet Earth with affection. The next generation will have many difficulties if you do not care for the planet. The Earth is constantly undergoing transformations. Help nature. Today I also invite you to pray for my children in the city of Itajai* in the State of Santa Catarina [Brazil]. I am your Mother, the Mystical Rose, Queen of Peace. Love your neighbor and forgive. With love, I bless you.
[* Itajai is where Eduardo Ferreira was born in 1972. Translator’s note.]
Dear children, peace. In these apparitions, I have been coming to prepare each one of you for the difficult times that the Church has to go through. I repeat: only those who pray will remain standing. Your strength will be prayer. I am here to instruct you on the path of trust and abandonment in the hands of God. This trust can only be obtained through prayer. Pray, my children. I am the Mystical Rose, Queen of Peace. Pray for my beloved sons the priests. I bless you with love.