✞ The fruit and the purpose of Communion.
“My Children, the Peace of my Lord be with you and my Protection accompany you always.
It is your Mother of Carmel, who addresses you today through this little instrument of mine. Little ones, on this day of my feast I want to give as a present, a Special Plenary Indulgence to my devotees and to all those who are in Grace of God and with faith pray my Holy Rosary and offer it for the eternal rest of souls and for the Pope. Indulgence that will erase your sins and shorten your stay in Purgatory, when you reach eternity.
Little children, I ask you on this day to pray many rosaries for the souls of Purgatory. This is because today I come down to this place in the company of Michael, to take many souls to Heaven; to lift the other ones to the first Purgatory and to change places to many others so they to go upward; to the souls of the third Purgatory, I will grant them a rest. I, your Mother of Carmel, will pay with abundant Graces and Blessings in this world and in eternity, all that you do out of love for my Beloved Souls of Purgatory.
Little ones, always carry with you my Scapular, worn around your neck, because it is a mighty Armor of protection against the evil one and the forces of evil. My blessed and exorcised Scapular is terror for demons; no soul shall be condemned, for as great as his sins are, if he carries my scapular with him at the hour of death. The protection of my Scapular will protect you both in this world and in eternity; it will deliver you from the eternal death; always carry it with you and when you feel in danger, say:
“O Virgin of Carmel, may the power of your Holy Scapular take away from me the enemy of my soul; bless me, Mother of Carmel, and deliver me from all evil and danger in this world. I ask you O Mother, that in the hour of my death, your Holy Scapular frees me from the fury of the devil and in the eternity, of the eternal fire. Amen.
My children ask for my Holy Intercession under this title of mine of Carmel, that you may be protected in this world from all calamities, diseases, viruses, pandemics, evils and dangers; and in eternity from the fire of hell. Under the title of mine of Carmel, I protect all my devotees from condemnation. I give you little children, as a present, this prayer of protection, that you may pray it with faith and be delivered from all evil and danger.
(Dictated by Our Lady of Carmen for all her faithful and devotees)
O Blessed Virgin of Carmen, may the protection of your Holy Scapular liberate me from all evil, danger, viruses, pests, sickness and snares of the evil one. I come to you, O most sweet Mother, and I implore your Holy Protection, through your Scapular for my family, the whole world and me. May the power of your Scapular take away from us the enemy of the soul and to humanity, from evil and sin. We consecrate ourselves and consecrate to the whole world to your Holy Protection, beloved Mother. Oh, Virgen del Carmen; deliver us, keep us, protect us, and protect humanity from being lost eternally. Holy Scapular of Our Mother of Carmel, protect us from all evil and danger; deliver us from viruses, pests, pandemics, calamities, disasters and prolonged illnesses. In the hour of death, your protection may accompany us and free us from dying eternally. Virgin of Carmen, pray for us so sinful, in the hour and at the time of our death. Amen (Pray Hail Mary and Glory)
Your Mother of Mount Carmel.
Make my messages Known to all mankind, my Beloved Little Children and Devotees.”