✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
"Little Children of my Heart, the Peace of my Lord be with you and my Maternal Protection, always accompany you.
My Beloved Children, do not fear the trials of purification, if you put into practice all the instructions we have sent you through our Messengers, nothing and no one will be able to harm you. Prayer, fasting and penance, in community, will be your greatest strength against the forces of evil. Little children, set aside a space in your home for prayer and gathering, where you can pray to God and pray my Holy Rosary, without noise or interruption. This enclosure of prayer will protect you and will be a light in your homes for the approaching days of confinement and of darkness.
In this enclosure you must raise an altar with the Crucifix, the Holy Word of God, an image that represents me in one of these advocations: Fatima, Mystic Rose, Miraculous. An image of the Good Shepherd, the Holy Trinity, and images of Our Beloved, Michael, Gabriel and Raphael and the Holy Family of Nazareth. Water, salt and oil, duly blessed or exorcised, preferably. Everything at the altar must be blessed by one of my Predilect (the Priests). This space in your homes will be the place where you will be in communication with Heaven.
The homes where these altars are raised must profess the Catholic faith, and there must have at least one God-fearing person who prays and intercedes for the other family members. The instrument or instruments of God in these homes must pray for all who are in their families, separate from God. My Rosary should be prayed every day and after to pray with the exorcism of Our Beloved Michael, so that the chains of sin and of lack of faith may be broken in those homes. Every day, the instrument of God in homes, must read and meditate on the Holy Word and most importantly to be in God's Grace. At the time of the great tribulation these homes will be protected by the prayer of the instruments of the Lord's, which dwell in them. During the Warning, families far from God because of sin or spiritual lukewarmness will be converted as an attention toward the instrument or instruments of God that pray and intercede for them. I want to make it clear to you that if in these homes there are no people living a bad life, like, in adultery, fornication, free union, or same-sex union; if there is no impurity in these homes and there are fruits of conversion by the prayer of the instruments, after the Warning, I will choose you as Marian Shelters, the sign of this election will be my manifestation in them.
Go ahead then children of mine, Heaven will not abandon you; remain united to Our Two Hearts; praying and interceding united with me for all sinners in your families and for the whole world; and the Divine Mercy will convert them and deliver those souls from the eternal fire. Remember that I am your Mother and if you turn to my Son and Me, you will never be disappointed.
Remain in the Peace of my Lord.
Your Mother, Mary the Mystic Rose.
Make my messages know to all mankind, my Beloved Children."