✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
"Sheep of my Flock, my Peace be with you and always remain (with you).
Flock of mine, you are already beginning the tragic days I announced to you ahead of time; these days will be more bearable to you if you put your faith and trust in Me. The trials will become every time stronger and stronger, but nothing will happen to you if you remain united to God. Again I say to you: comply with the instructions of Heaven, because only them will deliver you and will protect you from the calamities and trials that are to come. Do not be unwise by listening to human remedies. I repeat: only the medicine of Heaven and the prayers of protection we sent you, together with your faith and trust in God, will deliver you from the viruses, pests and pandemics that are about to arrive.
Great events are about to unfold that will change the destiny of humanity; the planned death of one of the great kings of this world will be the trigger that will unleash the war and with it, the definitive fall of the world economy. Fire from heaven is approaching and this event will cause the inhabitants of the earth to panic. The chastisement for the ungodly nations is near, the Just Wrath of God will be unloaded upon those nations that have approved abortion, gender ideology, same-sex couple marriages, euthanasia; as well as where injustice and corruption reign, where evil and sin have increased, asphyxiating the People of God. Many of these nations will disappear and there will be no more memory of them.
Rebel sheep, I call you to conversion. It is urgent that you heed my call and return as soon as possible to the Fold, so that you may attain my Grace and my Mercy, which will deliver you tomorrow from the eternal death. Do not be stubborn rebellious sheep, because the day is already ending and very soon night will come and with it, the time of my Justice. Hurry to put your accounts in order, so that you may attain my forgiveness and my Mercy! Do not continue to live with sin, make your way straight, remember that your passage through eternity is near and in keeping on sinning, what is waiting for you in eternity is the fire of hell. Listen to what my Word says: What profit would there be for one to gain the whole world and lose his soul? Or what can one give in exchange for his soul? (Matthew 16:26)
No place on earth will be safe in the days of God's Just Wrath; therefore, rebellious sheep, I ask you to comply with my anguished call to conversion, for you well know that I am more Father than Judge, and I am not pleased with the death of the sinner.
I am the Good Shepherd, who gives his life for his sheep and I have more clemency and mercy with my lost sheep. I am waiting for you at the door of my Fold, rebellious sheep; do not delay, because when night comes, the door will close and there will be no one to listen to you any longer.
My Peace I leave you, my Peace I give you. Repent and be converted, for the Kingdom of God is near.
Your Teacher, Jesus the Good Shepherd.
Make messages known, sheep of my Fold, to all mankind."