✞ Obedience.
My Peace be with you, Sheep of my Flock
My children, my flock is beginning to be persecuted, the wolves have started to scatter my sheep to make them fall over the precipice. In many nations, the persecution and mistreatment of my flock has already started; in the time of the New World Order in all nations there will be persecution, torture, imprisonment, disappearance and death of my faithful flock. The wolves are free and many camouflage themselves in my herd, to disperse it and make it lose. Be very careful sheep of my flock with those who flatter you or show themselves as the Pharisees in the temple, very pious to be seen, but their way of acting is not consistent with what they do and say.
Again I tell you: do not reveal your heart to anyone, be ready to listen and slow to speak; analyze people who approach you very well to establish a friendship and ask my Holy Spirit a lot of discernment so that you can discern the good from the bad. Truly, I say to you: you will recognize the tree by its fruits, because you know very well that every good tree bears good fruit and that every bad tree bears bad fruit; betrayal and deceit are the habit of wolves. Pay attention therefore, my flock, to those wolves with sheep's skin who will come to you with fine words, but who hatch evil in their hearts and seek your perdition and your fall.
My flock, my incarnate adversary is already among you in the company of his servants of evil; his emissaries seek by all means to lose the greatest number of souls, so that when my adversary makes his declaration to the world and makes himself known they have millions of followers. The New Age doctrine, as the tares spread throughout the world and those who welcome it are numerous; the path for the public appearance of my adversary is flattened. The sons of darkness began to announce his appearance, the false messiah will soon show himself to the world speaking of love and peace, saying that he is the messiah awaited by all mankind.
Attention my flock, to fall into the deception of the false messiah; remember that you cannot see or hear him because he has the power to make you love him and accept him as God! The one who will soon show himself to you, the Sheep of my Flock, is not I, your Eternal Shepherd, but the wolf disguised as a Shepherd who with a sheep's skin comes to steal the soul of the vast majority of humanity, far away of me. My Flock, the days that you are living are already of darkness, may your Spiritual Armor be well oiled with prayer and strengthened with my Psalm 91. You are soldiers of my earthly militia, so be ready: having around your loins the belt of truth, wearing the breastplate of justice, the shield of faith your feet shod with ardor to proclaim the Gospel of peace and never leaving the shield of faith, to stop all the flaming arrows of the evil one, wearing on your head the helmet of salvation and to your feet the sandals of peace to proclaim the gospel and the sword of righteousness, which is my word (Ephesians 6, 10, 18) The final battle for your freedom will begin; courage, do not be afraid, Heaven will not abandon you; remember, the victory is your God, it is written! 18) The final battle for your freedom will begin; courage, do not be afraid, Heaven will not abandon you; remember, the victory is your God, it is written! 18) The final battle for your freedom will begin; courage, do not be afraid, Heaven will not abandon you; remember, the victory is your God, it is written!
I leave you my Peace, I give you my Peace. Repent and convert, for the Kingdom of God is at hand.
Your Master and Pastor, Jesus the Good Shepherd of all times.
Make known my messages of salvation to all mankind, sheep of my flock.