✞ The soul: Paradise of Jesus on earth.
Little children of my Heart, may the Peace of my Lord be with all of you, may my Motherly Love and protection accompany you always.
My Marian Army, the days are approaching when you will honor the Glory of God with your testimony. The time of the Great Evangelization is about to arrive; the Spirit of God will accompany and guide you, just as He did with the disciples of my Son and with the Church of the first Christians. Little children, you are the disciples of my Son, of these last times; today I call you to congregate around my cenacles or sanctuaries so that you may receive the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, who will baptize you with His fire, so that you may announce to all nations the gospel of my Son, without fear.
Consecrate yourselves to the Heavenly Father and to the Holy Spirit of God, so that by His Grace and Mercy, you may be transformed into brave warriors who will announce to the nations the triumphant return of my Son. Be then my beloved children bearers of the Light, Wisdom, Love and knowledge of God, with which you will transform the world and pave the way for his second coming in Glory and Splendor. You will receive the Fruits and Gifts of the Holy Spirit, through the personal consecration that each one of you will make to the Father and to the Holy Spirit, which will be poured upon you, by the imposition of the hands of one of my Predilected Ones, Priests of my Marian Priestly Movement.
Ask me in prayer through the recitation of my Holy Rosary, to send you one of my chosen ones to guide you in your missions, for only in them will the power of the Holy Spirit be manifested in those days. My beloved ones of the Marian Movement of Priests will be your spiritual guides in the days of spiritual darkness that are approaching.
Little children, pray for the Church of my Son, because very soon millions of souls will lose their faith, because of the spiritual hecatomb[1] that is about to happen. The Schism has already begun and the apostasy is increasing, the vast majority of humanity today is far away from God. Many little rebellious children are becoming unbaptized, renouncing the Church and my Son; what sadness I feel in my Heart as Mother of humanity, when I see this abomination that will separate the Spirit of God from these poor creatures! By renouncing baptism, the Church and God, you remain at the mercy of the Evil One, who will take possession of your souls; you are no longer children of God, but incarnated demons at the service of the master of darkness. Pray then, my children, for the crisis of the Church, because a Great Schism is about to break out, which will move its foundations but will not collapse it. I, your Heavenly Mother, in the company of Michael, the Angelic legions, the Blessed Souls and my Marian Army here on earth, will not allow its fall; we will support and protect it from the attacks of the Evil One and his evil hosts.
My Marian Army prepare yourselves, be alert and vigilant as good soldiers, for the great spiritual battles are about to begin. Unite in prayer with my Holy Rosary and let us give together with Michael and the Heavenly Militia, the battle cry: Who is like God? No one is like God!
Be in the Peace of the Most High my children.
Your Mother, Mary Sanctifier
Make known, little children, the messages of salvation of these end times, to all mankind.