✞ The soul: Paradise of Jesus on earth.
Peace and blessings, my brothers in Jesus Christ
I communicate again with you flock of the Lord, bringing you the Peace of the Good God. Brothers in Christ, ask for my humble intercession when you feel attacked by the enemy of your soul; for by the grace and mercy of God, I am also spiritually in this world among you. Have recourse to me, my brothers, when you feel sick in body or soul; my humble intercession is heard by the Good God, who never ignores the supplications I make to him in favor of all my devotees.
When you feel sick in body or soul, say:
Eternal Father, through the intercession of your Beloved Servant, Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, I humbly ask you to grant me the grace to be free from every spirit of darkness that disturbs my soul and my peace; from every spirit of sickness that afflicts my body, especially [=========]
Oh, Father of Mercy, I ask this through the merits of the holy stigmata of the passion of your Son, which your servant Padre Pío de Pietrelcina has borne holy in life. May everything be for your Glory.
Then pray the Creed, an Our Father, a Hail Mary, and Glory to the Father.
This prayer that I give you my beloved brothers, will be of great spiritual help in this time of tribulation that you are already living; do it with faith and in the grace of God when you feel sick in body or soul; I assure you that you will not be disappointed.
Brothers in Christ, all blessed souls, we accompany you in your passage through the desert of purification, we have been given the grace to heal, to liberate and to work miracles in the People of God, if your free will allows us. Do not be afraid, we are here to serve and protect you, it is our honor to be able to do so. I am one of the many blessed souls who will be with you; invoke my company at all times, especially when you pray the Holy Rosary; remember that when I was in this world I did not let go of my rosary, always asking for the salvation of sinners, for priestly vocations, for the propagation of the rosary, for peace, for the church, for the sick and for the conversion of the whole world. I have been the promoter of cenacles of prayer, spreading the prayer of the Holy Rosary throughout the world; therefore I ask you, brothers, to remember me, so that through my humble intercession many souls may become devotees of the Holy Rosary.
Do not forget that the prayer of the Holy Rosary is the most powerful spiritual weapon that Heaven has given you, to defeat the Devil and his armies of evil. Bring your rosary with you and pray it; do not let it go, for it is a powerful Armor with which you will have the protection and intercession of Our Lady and my humble intercession, if you heed me.
Remain brothers in the Peace of the Good Lord.
Your Brother in Christ, Padre Pío de Pietrelcina.
Make these messages of salvation known to all humanity, my beloved brothers.