✞ The story of ‘why’.
My child, the world has entered into a time of transition. The day, the hour of Revelation is upon mankind when the scales of deception will be removed, and My people will see all that they have been blinded by. I tell you this, that many will be wailing at the very sight of what they have allowed themselves to become complacent to. Many will question how their creator allowed this to be, but I say to you that I do not interfere with the free will of man, for I am Jesus. My child, My passion, death, and resurrection was the greatest act of love. Those who were putting Me to death believed they were bringing the world justice, but in turn, My death was bringing the world mercy. Do you see that man’s ways are not always My ways? The world has failed to heed to My warnings, has failed to obey My commandments and live the Gospel message. I have sent My Mother to light the way and show the world that your only hope is in her son, for I am Jesus. The world has compensated morals for the pleasures of man. There is no modesty, discipline, and men are failing to reflect the guidance of Saint Joseph. It is time for the world to awaken and every corner of this earth is going to shake with the fury of My Father. Countryside by countryside, city by city, continent by continent, the trembling will come and it will last the duration of which My passion did. My church will appear to crumble but remember this, that where there is a good foundation not every piece of wood is without rotting. It is through My mother that every rotten piece will be removed and what remains will be into eternity. It is time to unite the world through the Rosary, and when the world becomes united through the Rosary it will lead you to the tabernacle of My love, the Eucharist, for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.
My child, I come in love. I come in mercy to aid My children on the path to heaven. This world is lost, My child, because Satan and his companions have submerged humanity into a purgatory of fear. Those who author disease in the name of greed succumb to their own sinfulness.
The days are growing shorter, and fields will lay barren from any harvest. Food will become scarce; neighbor will begin to rely on neighbor. At a time when the dry heat of summer comes to a close a sudden shift will bring great rain and a sudden freeze that will usher in the cold winds of winter. You must prepare now for the time of transition is here.
Do not lose hope because that which has been stolen will be returned. Nations will begin to crumble because they have been guided by evil. My child, I say to My people if you pray and surrender your life to the will of My father then you have nothing to fear. The triumph of My Mother’s Immaculate Heart is coming. Stay focused, stay focused on the cross and keep your eyes fixed upon the mission I have sent you to do. Do not give into the distractions of the deceiver and those who comply to his lies, for those who live by the sword will end with the sword. I am the author of life and those who live for heaven have nothing to fear, for I Am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.
My child, the danger to mankind is not the evil forces that seek to rule the world, it is those who seek to comply with evil.