✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
My child, Many ask you where are My words, why is your Savior silent? My child, I am where I have always remained—sitting in the silence of the tabernacle. Awaiting souls in Adoration and yet who comes? I ask My Children, are you seeking your Savior? Are you chasing a world that is being inundated with evil? The tide has turned and My Children need to heed the warnings that are all around them. Satan is seeking to gain as many souls as possible through the means of fear. He has unleashed his companions upon every corner of the earth in order to cause chaos and confusion. He has inundated the walls of My Church and he will take with him those who have complied to his wickedness. My Children do not be afraid, for as I told Peter, the gates of hell will never prevail against My Church. It is the only place in which heaven and earth unite because I Am present Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. Those within My Church who have allowed evil to enter in their hearts and have guided many souls down the wrong path, will come to see the errors in their ways.
I come to tell you that great change is beginning to unfold, and where it begins is in My Church, it will funnel throughout the world. Look to the roots of My Church, My Children, because when this false prophet begins to change the prayers of the Mass, the teachings of the magisterium, know this is not of Me for I Am Jesus. Just as the thunder follows the lightning, there is order in which humanity was created. As the passing of the true pope is shadowed by this false prophet, the changes will come like boxcars and so will the confusion. Pray the Rosary and seek discernment in all things because your true home is in heaven. Now go forth for I am Jesus, and be at peace, for My Mercy and Justice will prevail.
Note from Webmaster:
Before I get inundated with emails about if I think one of the Popes is the false prophet, let me simply answer with "No, I don't believe so." I could be wrong, but my opinion is that quickly after the passing of our current pope, this 'false prophet' will work to push for these changes. The only nagging question though is the use of the words "this false prophet" which sounds as if this person is currently on the world scene already. Just my 2-cents.