✞ The soul: Paradise of Jesus on earth.
My child, I am weeping for the world that continues to pierce my most Sacred Heart. The earth, my child, will begin to rock and tremble as I witness the temple, my church being torn in two. You are witnessing the ushering of the wolves in sheep's clothing. How is a shepherd to truly guide his sheep if he is not uniting them in truth but sending them in a direction that leads to confusion. I am a God of order and truth. Just as the sun rises in the East and sets in the West, it does not change. Man cannot change what my Father commanded from the beginning. Everything has an ordained place and time.
My children, it is time to awaken to the changes that are ushering in all around this world. It is time to pray and seek the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. I come in love, I come in warning that as you begin to witness the chair of Peter being empty, you must recognize that the time of my visitation is near. Do not become paralyzed in your lives waiting for my return for you are here on a mission to be my hands and feet. You are here on a mission to be my witness and example in this dark world. Open your eyes and recognize that the unraveling has begun. I am unraveling the lies and showing mankind the truth. Woe to those who know truth, see truth and yet continue to turn away from it. My children, the signs are coming from the East and great fire will fall from the sky. When you hear the horses being summoned from heaven know that the hand of justice is coming upon the world that is harboring the pains of labor. Return to prayer my children, return to the sacraments by coming to the fountain of my mercy. Now go forth for I am Jesus and be at peace, for my mercy and justice will prevail.