✞ The soul: Paradise of Jesus on earth.
My child, give these words to the world:
My children, stay close to me for I am Jesus. It is only through prayer that you will render the graces necessary for the upheaval that is soon to spread from one nation to the next. Nations that are will no longer be, for parts of Europe will come to pass. Pray, my children, pray for peace, pray for hearts to soften, for there are many men who hunger for war because they have starved themselves from living in truth. There is no confusion in the truth, for what you deny as truth in this life cannot be denied in the next.
Pray as you have not prayed before, for the hour is at hand. Call upon the legion of Angels to guide and protect you. Ask the Holy Spirit to aid you in discerning My Will in order for you to live out your mission in this life. Recite the Rosary daily, for it is through My Mother that she will bring you closer to her son, for I am Jesus. This world is going to begin to rock and tremble for a wave of mourning will come and catch many off guard. I have warned my people that the innocence of my little ones is being stripped away and the sacrifice of these innocent souls is why My Father can no longer restrain his just anger. The precipice in which mankind has brought himself to will bring forth the time of warning. It is time to gather your blessed candles and pray, for there is nothing too great for My Mercy. Now go forth for I am Jesus and be at peace, for my mercy and justice will prevail.