✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
Again, I want to thank all you for your support and prayers. Prayers are the greatest gift you can give us, and they are such a powerful instrument of comfort, discernment and relationship with God. No one can ask for a greater blessing than a prayer!
It is truly humbling, uplifting and heartwarming to receive so many emails from all areas of the world. Many of the communications I have received express valid worries and concerns, while some share different locutions, visions, messages and posts, some which are rather dark and gloomy. Please know that I am far from judging any visionary or prophecy, for it is up to each of us to discern such private revelations. In my view, many of these messages are correct in what they share, but yet if fear is overstated or projected in the message, the message may cause extra confusion and turmoil.
My mission from Our Lady is and has always been to bring genuine comfort to all of you, and to let you know that we are not alone. My assignment is to convey the hope and love of God, positively teaching and taking you on a deeper spiritual journey, using my own experiences and drawing on what I have been told and shown.
As we continue in preparation for coming events, rest assured that the love and power of the Holy Spirit will come upon all mankind. Those that are open to God’s Will are going to be truly blessed in the midst of the storm.
“Then it will come about at a later time that I will pour out my Spirit on every person. Your sons and your daughters will prophesy. Your elderly people will dream dreams, and your young people will see visions.
Also at that time I will pour out my Spirit upon men and women servants. I will display warnings in the heavens, and on the earth blood, fire, and columns of smoke. The sun will be given over to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the coming of the great and terrifying Day of the LORD. And everyone who calls upon the name of the LORD will be delivered.
For as the LORD has said, ‘In Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be those who escape, the survivors whom the LORD is calling.”
The above scripture is being fulfilled in “our time”. It is a prophecy of chaos and turmoil, but also of deliverance, preparation and hope. Who needs to be prepared? All of us. Why? For our physical and spiritual existence and growth as well as the fulfilment of all prophecy in Holy Scriptures.
We are now still living in a rapidly ending time of mercy and love, given to us from God the Father. Some of us have been assigned the task of teaching the details of preparing ourselves for the coming storm—a time of divine justice but also a time of divine protection and deliverance.
Thus, we must begin our preparations by addressing our spiritual condition and atmosphere, and fiercely combating the destructive forces at work in our lives. Without accomplishing this important task first, physical preparations are useless.
To this end, we must remember that we live in two worlds: the natural world and the supernatural world. What destructive or evil influences are around us? Let us clean our spiritual house immediately through confession, prayer, fasting, and positive practice and action. Satan’s greatest tools in dealing with us in the supernatural world are fear of the unknown, discouragement, depression, lies, deception and many other entities that he places in the lives and mental world of every human being. What destructive parts of our culture are we allowing into our lives and the life of our family---media violence, sexual immorality, and occult movies? The mission of evil is to make you think that God, nor Satan, exist; evil often does not think that we are strong enough for spiritual conflict. Evil is wrong! The only power that evil has is the power that we give it. God has given us all the graces to combat and expose sin and darkness in our lives.
My friends, we have nothing to fear for God is with all of us in a special way in these times. He wants us to know that spiritual graces have been given to us to defeat and repel Satan from our midst. Our Lady and the Holy Spirit are teaching us that we are more than conquerors. Satan has no power over us, only what we give him.
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. 1 Peter 2:9-10
I want you to know that the preparations that God is calling each of us to do need to happen very soon.
I do not want to disappoint many who have built shelters and are saving food and water for the coming times, nor am I suggesting that you stop preparing physically. If God has placed this in your heart and you are seeking spiritual direction and confirmation of your preparations through prayer, then you should accomplish those physical arrangements as directed.
However, I have received hundreds of advertisement emails from people that are financially benefitting from the fear that people have of what is coming to mankind. Again I say, be aware that this will be a supernatural battle above all, and that it can only be won by the holiness and presence of God in our lives. I have never received an email on preparing ourselves spiritually. The reality is that spiritual preparation is FREE and Jesus is the only answer to perfect preparedness. All that will take place will be both natural and supernatural, but the greater battle is supernatural.
Remember what took place in Hiroshima during the Second World War? An Atomic Bomb was dropped a few blocks from where eight German priests were praying the Rosary at the same time of the blast. Everything was destroyed within a one mile radius, yet these holy priests were not harmed or touched by the atomic bomb. This is a sample of God’s spiritual and physical protection! This sort of divine intervention is what we will encounter under the protection of Our Lady and God through the coming storm. It is more important to seek a repentant and sincere relationship with God than to try to prepare in the natural (without the spiritual).
At this time, we have important choices to make. It is time to make them!
When Adam and Eve sinned by disobeying God, they lost the keys to the kingdom of heaven while Satan took the keys, thus becoming the ruler of this world. In the Book of Geneses, it was prophesied that God would send a Deliverer to save his people from this horrible situation. Please note that when Moses was asked by God if he would deliver the children of Israel from bondage, Satan thought that Moses was “the” Deliverer. He could only guess and did not really know. (By the way, most people believe that Satan can read their minds, but they are wrong. He only plays a destructive guessing game with information/misinformation.)
When Jesus was enduring the 40 day fast at the beginning of His ministry, Satan did not know who Jesus was. You will note that Satan asked Jesus that, IF HE WAS THE SON OF GOD, to throw himself over the cliff--- and that God’s angels would save Him. Jesus then spoke and told Satan: “Be gone”! Satan then left the presence of Jesus only to wait for the “hour of darkness”. As Satan observed the ministry of Jesus, he supposed that Jesus was the Son of God, and that he would destroy and kill Jesus. At the Passion and Crucifixion of Jesus, Satan was laughing up a storm because finally he was going to destroy God.
“Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into hell” [The Apostle's Creed]
Satan and his demons were having a party in Hell, rejoicing for their victory against God. On the Third day of their celebration a little tiny light appeared in their midst and only became larger and larger until, in all the fullness of the resurrection, the Messiah appeared. All the demons and Satan fell to their knees, prostrating themselves before their God. Trembling and shaking with fear at the presence of Jesus, they were perplexed. Jesus then walked up to the coward Satan and took the keys that Satan had taken from Adam and Eve. Jesus then took the keys to the kingdom of heaven and opened the door for all of God’s children. It was through His death and resurrection that Jesus gave His life for our salvation. For only God could open up Heaven for us.
on the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. [The Apostle's Creed]
I shared the above teaching to give us a better understanding of who we are, why we are in this current turmoil, but also of the graces and power that have been given to us to battle evil in our lives, in our families, those near to us and especially for those that have no one to pray for them.
Let us all diligently seek the Holy Spirit, along with the powerful sacraments of our church, as we each determine and choose spiritual and physical preparations. Be assured of our persistent and fervent prayers for you and your families.
Blessings in Christ and Mary,