✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
Dear Friends,
We all have questions concerning our personal responsibilities, roles and duties as we approach the Great Battle. Many are concerned as to what to do or where to go; we might be distressed about our children and families, or we may wonder about the refuges or have other nagging questions. In emails and communications, many of you have expressed these very normal and legitimate thoughts, concerns and feelings as we approach the coming tribulations.
Yet, this is a time to earnestly seek guidance and direction from the Holy Spirit and Our Blessed Mother.
This past Thursday at 10:00pm (CT), I brought these concerns to Our Lord before the Blessed Sacrament at our parish, St. Mary’s Catholic Church. I asked the Lord for help and support for all His children who are pleading for direction and guidance. At approximately 10:15pm I felt the presence of our Lady, who with a beautiful and gentle voice, greeted me with unconditional love.
In this locution, she appeared as Our Lady of Fatima, confirming that the time has come for her apostles and spiritual warriors to focus on the task that has been given to us by the grace and love of the Father: the formation of her Remnant. The “Remnant” are those of us believers who will come forward and stand up for God as Saint Michael once did in the heavens. She indicated that she is aware of all the suffering and pain that her children are currently experiencing, and she stretched out her hands for graces to go forth to all of us.
She asked me to relate to you the following message:
“Tell my children not to be afraid, for I am with them. Even if things seem hopeless and beyond help, hold fast to your faith in God, as He has been your protector since He gave you life. Satan will lie and try to convince you to turn away from God, but his trickery, treachery, deception and evil will be coming to an end.
I would like for each of my children to make a sincere commitment and truly consecrate their lives to my Immaculate Heart and the Sacred Heart of Jesus. My Son will richly bless them and the Holy Spirit will come upon them.
Then, I would desire that those of my children that feel a calling from Our Lord, to come forward in faith, and place their complete trust in God the Father. He is commissioning thousands of His children throughout the world with a special grace for these times. The Holy Spirit and I will be alongside each of them.
At this time, my request is for my children to form prayer groups in their homes. I want my dear children to invite friends and family to meet in prayer and in fellowship. Do not be afraid of what to do or how to start; however, before you begin, I am asking each of you to discern and pray before my Son in the Blessed Sacrament about this great task. Then, I desire that you begin your preparation by Fasting or Prayer for three Days by focusing on the task that you are about to take. Reflect on your relationship with My Son. Come before the Blessed Sacrament and the Holy Spirit will speak to your hearts as to what to do.
Pray about a group leader, someone who you feel in your hearts will direct you in this task, then, select a day to meet once a week as there must always be order and harmony in your group. Do not be discouraged if only a few of those invited come, for the Holy Spirit will open doors and guide you. Invite those whom God has placed in your hearts, and let your prayer groups be open to non-Catholics, fallen-away Catholics and even non-believers. God’s call is for all.
Always start by giving praise and glory to the Holy Trinity. Follow with the Rosary and read Holy Scripture to one another, but do not compromise the teachings and doctrine of your Catholic faith.
I am asking you, my son (John), to be available to help all my children, regardless of state, country, denomination or distance. You are to teach others what I have taught you from the beginning of your calling.
Be at peace, my beloved children, for you are one of many threads that will form my Remnant. Many of you are ready, and have been waiting for direction from Heaven.
Always give all glory, praise and honor to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Pray, pray and pray.”
"So too at the present time there is a remnant, chosen by grace." Romans 11:5
From the beginning, my instructions and training from Our Blessed Mother were to prepare me for these times. There are some areas that I have already shared in our writings; other areas I am shown and will understand as God’s plan unfolds.
Other parts of His plan I was not shown, or if shown aspects of it, must wait to see if or until the Lord is ready to reveal it. As I have previously shared, it took 34 years of private revelations (with the exception of my Spiritual Director) until I was permitted to share aspects of the coming storm in August of 2014.
I have experienced much in my journey, and I was happy to know that Our Lady and the Holy Spirit are now touching the hearts of thousands of our brethren throughout the world. Our Lady has indicated to me that I am to teach, proclaiming God’s word as a humble servant of God. My lessons have not been from books but from life-sharing experiences. Part of my mission is to know and accept that I personally have control of nothing, but to trust in Him, confident that my life and service belongs to God alone. He is in control of all, and I trust Him and only Him.
One of several tasks of my personal mission is to help each of you as you start a home-based prayer group, if you pray and feel called to do so. I have attached information from the early Catholic Church (at the end of this contemplation), which was started in homes by simple, God-loving Christians who were guided by the Holy Spirit. Of course, the times of the early Church are different from today. Today, Our Lady is preparing us to fight the Storm that is upon us, but with her magnificent help and support.
The United States has never experienced the full assault of a physical war. We have been blessed by God and He has protected our homeland from the horrific assaults of coast to coast war in our land (even our civil war was limited). But, this blessing will not last. The troubles that are coming will be world-wide, and no country will be exempt. This will be a battle with evil itself, and the world will experience the full pestilence of Satan's demons. It will be both natural and supernatural. A global war is coming, but do now allow dispair to consume you. Always have hope for God has a better plan for the world, and you are a crucial part of His plan.
And who is the remnant so talked about in the Bible and so readily discussed these days? Throughout His Word, God has made it clear that He would foster a group of people, those He would bring to Himself, a true people who would obey Him, trust Him and follow Him.
Isaiah 1:9 If the LORD of hosts had not left us a small remnant, we would have become as Sodom, would have resembled Gomorrah.
Revelation 19:10 I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, “Don’t! I am a fellow servant of yours and of your brothers who bear witness to Jesus. Worship God. Witness to Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”
The true remnant church of God obey Him and keep His commandments, and they have the spirit of prophecy.
Revelation 14:12 Here is what sustains the holy ones who keep God’s commandments and their faith in Jesus...'
The Remnant Church will not just have faith in Jesus, they will be keeping the faith of Jesus.
If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and remain in his love. John 15:10.
Thus, we are the remnant, the church of Christ, the keepers of the faith.
I ask you to pray for me so that I can give my all to the mission and service to God through Our Blessed Mother. Those of us answering the call by Our Lady and the Holy Spirit will be protected under her mantle. Thus, the reason for the start of home-based prayer groups and the coming together of the Remnant. In the addendum, I have included information pertinent to home-based prayer groups.
My dear friends, I will continue to write on this subject in the coming days. If anyone has questions, concerns or thoughts, I will be happy to visit with you regarding prayer groups in your home. You can email me at johnservantofGod@austin.rr.com or you can call me at 1-830-456-9608.
Your brother in Jesus,
I recommend the following steps in starting a home-based prayer group:
There is a Scripture Study that you can use to start your prayer groups at home. You can use this Catholic Scripture Program to begin (undoubtedly there are other programs), but please carefully discern and visit the following website before you determine this is for you: http://www.cssprogram.net/. Fr. Mitch Pacwa also has several books that you can use for this purpose.
I recommend beginning the prayer time by asking everyone to make a circle and placing a Catholic Crucifix, a white candle and a Holy Bible in the center of the prayer group. Once a leader has been selected, open with a prayer to the Holy Spirit and invite Our Lady and the Holy Spirit to be present in your home prayer group. You will then feel the presence of peace and holiness among you.
Start with one Our Father, three Hail Mary’s and Glory be. The group may then follow with the rosary, share scriptures or simply have intercessory prayer and share. I believe it is very important to have group members take part in prayers, sharing, discussions or comments so that all can contribute and participate in the prayer meeting.
There is no right or wrong way to hold a prayer meeting, and these are simply my personal suggestions. But please feel free to adapt the prayer meeting as needed for your personal prayer group. Just remember the basic guidelines Our Lady is asking of us:
St. Louis de Montfort, an 18th century French Roman Catholic priest, described the men and women of our time devoted to Jesus through the Blessed Mother as a truly remarkable people:
"Such are the great men who are to come. By the will of God, Mary is to prepare them to extend His rule over the impious and unbelievers..... They will carry the crucifix in their right hand and the rosary in their left, and the holy names of Jesus and Mary on their heart."
He was often fond of talking about the saints of the end times and their devotion to Jesus through Mary:
"In this battle, those who follow God will conquer with one hand and build with the other. The saints of the end times will be formed by Mary in their devotion to her. She will shape them and teach them even as she formed the body of Our Lord in her womb."
Along with praying the rosary daily, St. Louis de Montfort also recommended that the faithful consecrate themselves completely to Jesus through the Blessed Mother. The following is St. Louis de Montfort's Act of Consecration:
O ETERNAL and incarnate Wisdom! O sweetest and most adorable Jesus! True God and true man, only Son of the Eternal Father, and of Mary, always virgin! I adore Thee profoundly in the bosom and splendors of Thy Father during eternity; and I adore Thee also in the virginal bosom of Mary, Thy most worthy Mother, in the time of Thine incarnation.
I give Thee thanks for that Thou hast annihilated Thyself, taking the form of a slave in order to rescue me from the cruel slavery of the devil. I praise and glorify Thee for that Thou hast been pleased to submit Thyself to Mary, Thy holy Mother, in all things, in order to make me Thy faithful slave through her. But, alas! Ungrateful and faithless as I have been, I have not kept the promises which I made so solemnly to Thee in my Baptism; I have not fulfilled my obligations; I do not deserve to be called Thy child, nor yet Thy slave; and as there is nothing in me which does not merit Thine anger and Thy repulse, I dare not come by myself before Thy most holy and august Majesty. It is on this account that I have recourse to the intercession of Thy most holy Mother, whom Thou hast given me for a mediatrix with Thee. It is through her that I hope to obtain of Thee contrition, the pardon of my sins, and the acquisition and preservation of wisdom.
Hail, then, O immaculate Mary, living tabernacle of the Divinity, where the Eternal Wisdom willed to be hidden and to be adored by angels and by men! Hail, O Queen of Heaven and earth, to whose empire everything is subject which is under God. Hail, O sure refuge of sinners, whose mercy fails no one. Hear the desires which I have of the Divine Wisdom; and for that end receive the vows and offerings which in my lowliness I present to thee.
I, ________________, a faithless sinner, renew and ratify today in thy hands the vows of my Baptism; I renounce forever Satan, his pomps and works; and I give myself entirely to Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Wisdom, to carry my cross after Him all the days of my life, and to be more faithful to Him than I have ever been before. In the presence of all the heavenly court I choose thee this day for my Mother and Mistress. I deliver and consecrate to thee, as thy slave, my body and soul, my goods, both interior and exterior, and even the value of all my good actions, past, present and future; leaving to thee the entire and full right of disposing of me, and all that belongs to me, without exception, according to thy good pleasure, for the greater glory of God in time and in eternity.
Receive, O benignant Virgin, this little offering of my slavery, in honor of, and in union with, that subjection which the Eternal Wisdom deigned to have to thy maternity; in homage to the power which both of you have over this poor sinner, and in thanksgiving for the privileges with which the Holy Trinity has favored thee. I declare that I wish henceforth, as thy true slave, to seek thy honor and to obey thee in all things.
O admirable Mother, present me to thy dear Son as His eternal slave, so that as He has redeemed me by thee, by thee He may receive me! O Mother of mercy, grant me the grace to obtain the true Wisdom of God; and for that end receive me among those whom thou lovest and teachest, whom thou leadest, nourishest and protectest as thy children and thy slaves.
O faithful Virgin, make me in all things so perfect a disciple, imitator and slave of the Incarnate Wisdom, Jesus Christ thy Son, that I may attain, by thine intercession and by thine example, to the fullness of His age on earth and of His glory in Heaven. Amen.
For those who wish to prepare for this most wonderful consecration with prayer and fasting first, St. Louis de Montfort recommended a 33-Day Preparation period. To learn more on how to prepare before consecrating one-self, please visit TotalConsecration.AgeOfMary.com.
You can also find the paper-back version of St. Louis de Montfort's book "True Devotion to Mary" at CatholicCompany.com.