✞ The soul: Paradise of Jesus on earth.
For those who aren't aware, John Martinez and his wife have fallen on bad times. His business has dried up, they lost their home and now they are struggling with the basics such as food, transportation and basic utilities.
Although things are really bad at the moment though, his spirit is up and he is at peace. He informed me that the Lord is allowing him and his wife to go through this to prepare them for what is soon to come to our country. A combination of natural desasters and war will eventually bring our once great nation to the same level as Venezuala is currently.
"[God’s] justice will start in Venezuela..." by Maria Esperanza
Now, although they are enduring terrible hardship, that doesn't mean that we, the body of Christ, cannot reach out to help our brother. So I am sharing with you his GoFundMe page [https://www.gofundme.com/8jrk6d-seeking-help] explaining the situation. If you can help, then great. If not, then please pray for them and share this where-ever you can.
Thank you and God Bless.