The Time is Now!

By John Martinez

October 25, 2024

Originally Posted By:
The Holy Family Apostolic Teaching and Refuge Sanctuary

“My people perish due to lack of knowledge”.  —Hosea 4:6

Medjugorje - Friday, September 16, 1983 
"In my messages, I recommend to everyone, and to the Holy Father in particular, to spread the message which I have received from my Son here at Medjugorje.  
"I wish to entrust to the Pope, the word with which I came here: 'MIR', (peace in Croatian), which he must spread everywhere.  
"And here is a message which is especially for him: 'That he brings together the Christian people, through his words and his preaching; that he spread particularly among the young people, the messages which he has received from the Father in his prayers, when God inspires him.”


Message from God the Father

The Holy TrinityMy son I come to you as I did when you were seeking Me, and I came to you. As I spoke that many future events will be shown to you and as your “Mission” unfolds, many events will unfold at the appropriate time. “Now is the Time” that I did not reveal to you. I have always been with you, allowing you to grow in your suffering and pain. This did not happen to punish you but to develop you as My earthly Spiritual Warrior and servant. I allowed your past to strengthen you in all kinds of adversity. I am very pleased that you have remained committed My faithful servant.  

I permitted Our Lady of Grace to take you aside to teach and explain to you the depth of My Love for all My children and My Great Love as I invite all into My Spiritual Holy Realm. It pains me that many have turned their backs from Me, especially my faithful clergy. Through the visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, she has reached out to millions of my clergy and laity to join you in the mission I entrusted to you. I will reveal to all of them in their prayers their objective that I have given each one.

I am very proud of your love for Me and The Holy Blessed Mother of my only Son, Jesus. Please share all your experience, explaining that I allowed you to confirm My message of Love and Salvation. You are now ready and spiritually prepared with all the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Never take any credit for the gifts I have given you. I am pleased that you always give all the Glory and Love to Me.

All of heaven is preparing for the Second Coming of My Son Jesus in the Flesh.  I chose you and many anointed Chosen to reach the whole world and make known My Son to the four corners of the earth. I am bringing many faithful servants to assist you in the completion of My Mission. Reach out to all my beloved children that have chosen to walk in the darkness of evil. Many hearts will be changed and will assist you in different ways as I speak to their hearts.

The Time is Now!

As you teach, pray, and through the gifts that I have bestowed upon you, you will heal those that seek me through you. Many seek liberation from their physical and spiritual pain, fear and confusion. There are many of my children who are afraid, scared and seek answers that only I can give. 

My people perish because of their lack of knowledge. Hosea 4:6

My promise that you will be spreading the Word and sacrifice of My Son Jesus to the four corners of the world has now come to pass. My plan is unfolding for these days of darkness, evil and turmoil. I have given you the answer to your questions for The Holy Trinity is now being heard through your anointed ministry and through many anointed chosen.  My servants around you have touched millions. I have anointed many of my laity and clergy with special gifts and with personal revelations. The day will come when My remnant church will come together as one. 

You understand the great task I have given. Now, I will bless and guide all of you in this combined undertaking. I desire you and those around you to be faithful and remove all fear from all hearts. When you drove from San Antonio, Texas to Kerrville, Texas I opened the eyes of your soul. I pointed to the Hill Country of Texas and My Words were “Many will come from the North, the South, the East and the West”. The Holy Spirit and the Blessed Mother have been with you since the day you consecrated your body, soul and heart to Me.  You will look for them and you will not find them; [but] I will send them to you.

My children are hungry for the truth of what is taking place throughout the world, especially in my Church. They have very few to talk to and answer many of their spiritual questions. They seek the Truth and MY Love. They are confused and troubled. I have designated you and other chosen souls to prepare this Sanctuary for all my children. The Holy Family Apostolic Sanctuary will be a portal between heaven and earth. I want you and all my true followers to build this center to teach and prepare my children for the events coming upon mankind. I will not abandon my children. I will bring them the Hope, Truth and the full Knowledge of Me and the Sacred Heart of My Son. He will plant in their hearts His love and they will be filled with complete fullness of the Holy Trinity. I am reaching out to the whole for My Mercy and Love will touch the hearts of my faithful to help you to complete My anointed Holy Safe Haven.

I am aware that you are not capable of doing this yourself. The Holy Spirit and the Blessed Virgin Mary are already reaching millions to help all of you in this task of holiness. The help will come. I need you to place your complete trust in Me.

I love and thank you, My son. The Words of Our Lady must resound in your spirit “May it be done to me according to your word.” This fiat of Mary is the perfect prayer of surrender to My Perfect Divine Will.  These past four decades since your consecration to Me your Heavenly Father has not been easy for you my son, but rest assure that I am sending many graces and blessings to all who will join you in the task and to all that are doing the similar task I have given you. Many Graces and Blessings from Heaven are being poured upon everyone who follows My Will. My Saints and all your friends that are now in Heaven are interceding for the Task that has been given to you and others. I am always at your side. Remember the Words of My Son “Jesus I Trust in You”. I am very pleased with the holy direction you have taken from the beginning when you drank out of the Cup that I your Father handed to you. I am very pleased with the name given “The Holy Family Apostolic Teaching and Training Sanctuary”.

Many of my children reached out and pray to The Holy Trinity and the Holy Blessed Virgin  Mother. I need you and all my Chosen Ones to Train and Teach My children walking in despair and confusion. Show them what We have taught you to prepare for these horrific evil times of darkness. I your Father am leading all of you to this Holy Sanctuary of Prayer and Training my children.  Many of My Chosen Ones must seek Me and echo the Words given the Archangel Gabriel as Mary the Virgin Child Mother replied to the Holy Spirit. “Let it be done to me according to your words”, These words will give you the strength and power to combat all evil from Satan and his followers. All of you will complete my purpose and mission for the salvation of souls. All had been prepared by Me before the beginning of time. All my Spiritual Warriors will succeed and prepare for the Second Coming of My Son, Jesus, and the Era of Peace.

You have been walking in Faith for over 45 years. Your love for the Holy Trinity has never faltered in your commitment to your mission given by Me your heavenly Father. I call upon all My devoted children to help in the building and construction of My Holy Sanctuary. I am blessing all of you as My anointed Holy Spiritual Warriors. All Holy Scripture is being fulfilled. You are now ready, and the Holy Spirit and the Blessed Mother have been guiding and walking with all of you on this spiritual journey for the End Times.  My devoted faithful followers have walked this same spiritual journey that hundreds of thousands have taken and given their unconditional love to Me. Both Clergy and Laity.

Ahead of all Mankind will come a terrible and horrific time. My Mercy and Love will give all My Mercy and Justice at the time of the Warning. You have nothing to fear for your Almighty God is with you.


Message from Our Lady of Guadalupe

Our Lady of GuadalupeMy dear Juanito. I know how much you have suffered these past four decades in your consecration to God Our Father. It has not been easy, my son, but rest assured that many graces and blessings from Heaven are being poured upon you and everyone that is helping you. The time is coming when my Remnant Church will come together.  Many saints and friends that are now in Heaven are interceding for the task that has been given to all of you. I have always been at your side. Remember the Words to my Son, “Jesus I Trust in You”.

I am very pleased with the holy direction you and your friends are taking. At the time of your consecration when you drank the Cup that God the Father handed to you, you had an idea of what was in the Cup. You drank from the Cup without any hesitation. We are proud and love you.

I am very pleased with the name given to the new center as “The Holy Family Apostolic Teaching and Training Sanctuary”.  Many of my beloved children come to me for prayers. I listen to all their prayers and concerns. I feel their despair and pain. I need you and the chosen souls that are in our ministry to train and teach my children to prepare for these dark and evil times. God the Father is leading all of you to this Holy Sanctuary of prayer and training for my children. 

You have been walking in faith and your love for the Holy Trinity has never faltered in your commitment to your mission entrusted to you by God the Father. I call upon my devoted children to help in the building and formation of this Holy Sanctuary. Many of my anointed children have also been ready and are walking the same spiritual journey as you throughout the world. We are all one family.

Church of MedjugorjeI desire that a Church be built at the Sanctuary with the same exterior design as St. James Catholic Church in Medjugorje. Many cannot afford to visit me nor have the financial means to travel. I will come and visit them as Our Lady of Guadalupe at the Sanctuary. I can feel their pain and sorrow at not being able to visit me in Medjugorje. The presence of Almighty God will be there. St Michael and his Archangels will protect this Holy Place and will not allow any darkness or evil to enter this Holy Grounds. Many will feel my Love and Presence immediately as they walk into our place of holiness holy grounds.  As they pray before me and My Son at the Adoration Chapel, many will receive the many Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Some will be given a special grace and the gift of feeling the presence of My Love.

I desire that an Adoration Chapel be built in honor of Saint Pope John Paul ll. Many of our Saints will be present, especially my beloved son Padre Pio. I also ask that a place large enough to hold holy conferences be built. And where you can invite many of my holy Clergy and anointed Laity to teach, pray and share their love of God and help those that seek many spiritual answers. The Stations of the Cross should be constructed, and I invite all to sincerely pray the Rosary. As my children pray the Sorrowful Mysteries and, in your prayers, you will live the Passion of my Son. 

All of Heaven and my saints on earth want to search for the love of Almighty God. I am praying for all of you. There will be many conversions, healing, and miracles will take place in this holy sacred ground.

Pray, pray, pray


Holy Family Apostolic Sanctuary Foundation
A Holy Place for Learning, Training, Teaching, and Healing In and For the End Times 

Reflection: - Excerpt from my Article of September 9, 2024

Several years ago, the Lord had instructed me that His Plan and Time had not yet come. As I journey with Him, He would reveal many events as His Plan unfolds. What I am sharing would be part of my mission; He informed me that in the future He would reveal part of His Plan as it begins to unfold. Several months ago, He reminded me that the “Time is Now”. His Plan is unfolding, and we are being asked to accomplish it for the sake of His children and the salvation souls throughout the world   

There are many people worldwide that have been chosen to help. I have been contacted by several holy individuals to help with this mission. Many will have a knowing and some will hear His voice in prayer and Adoration. The Holy Spirit and Our Blessed Mother have reached out for decades and people are stubborn and will not listen. Our Lady’s children must be awaken and face the reality that is taking place worldwide. We must not put our heads in the sand but face the reality that is happening.

This mission will be a worldwide ministry and many of God’s anointed men and women have agreed to help us in the teachings and creating of different podcasts. 


What are the areas of ministry that we are asked to create and participate in?

We are looking to purchasing several large acres of property that will serve as a holy place of teaching and preparation for these End Times. We are also still seeking other properties.

This mission will be a worldwide ministry and many of God’s anointed men and women have agreed to help us in the teachings and creating different podcasts. The property we are looking at already has some buildings that can easily be converted for our mission.

Our plans are to do the Will of the Father and follow the instructions of Our Lady of Guadalupe. We are stepping out in faith to build a Sanctuary for God’s children. We plan on building a television station to spread the Word of Jesus Christ to the whole world and on inviting everyone who seeks honest answers. 

Our plan is to build a Church named after Our Lady of Guadlupe and a Chapel for Perpetual Adoration named after Saint Pope John Paul ll, We will also have Stations of the Cross and an auditorium to invite speakers world-wide.  We also hope to build small cottages for guests that will visit us and stay for prayer, adoration, instruction or teaching. We plan on building a cafeteria and many other commodities as we go forward.

Our purpose is to teach everyone how to prepare for these End Times, including families and friends. We would like to build a community of compatible believers so that we can be in touch with each other. We can teach and show everyone who comes to prepare their own place of Refuge, regardless of circumstance or location. 

We plan on building small cabins for visitors to stay at the Sanctuary. Everything is free and whomever can donate would be a blessing to the Lords Ministry. This is a non-profit foundation 

We will have classes on the release of the Holy Spirit and teach how to use all the gifts we receive at the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Orders. We must not forget the Catechism and Doctrine of the Apostolic Church established by Jesus and His Apostles.  

We will be centered on the early teachings of Jesus and His Apostles of the early Church and will form communities world-wide.  “Koinonia”- Koinonia is a Greek word used in the Bible to describe the intimate fellowship that believers have with one another and with God

We will discern and pray for any suggestion that we might need to add and discern and pray against wolfs in sheep clothing and those brothers and sisters who are in line with the mission given to us by God.


Explanation of this Undertaking:

I was on a podcast with Ron Ray on Mary, Refuge of the End Times and was not able to completely convey our End Time mission satisfactorily.  This is the reason for this message and additional explanation:

Those who watched the podcast were introduced to our mission of evangelizing for the End Times. We have formed a non-profit foundation in the State of Texas.

The Holy Family Apostolic Sanctuary Foundation (HFASF) is a Texas nonprofit corporation organized and operated exclusively for religious, educational, and charitable purposes.

1.    We do not yet own the land and are seeking DONATIONS to purchase it. All the Donations are going directly to the non-profit foundation.

2.    We seek your prayers and discernment.

3.    The cost of this mission/project will be approximately $50 Million.

4.    Donations of Monies or payment from these donations are not for me personally; they are to establish the sanctuary. 

5.    We have also formed a Board of Directors composed of a group of people that are all in line with the work of God and are business professionals in the business world. They were sent to us by our Lady of Guadlupe and of course God the Father.


The President of the Board of Directors:

The following is information on Todd’s business experience and resume:

    Todd St. Romain, is from Mansura LA. He is a retired businessman who owned a petroleum fuel distribution company and convenience store chain here in LA. He started a nonprofit foundation in 2015 in LA to help serve the poor and under privileged people in Central LA called Corporate Works of Mercy. He also is active on several non-profit boards and currently serve as board president for a regional crisis pregnancy center called Cenla Pregnancy Center. 

We have received our official non-profit status with the IRS and we are now ready to begin our fundraising efforts. The property that John showed to Ron is one of several properties being considered by our board as we would like to be located near Fredericksburg where John can easily oversee any construction, meet with realtors and ultimately teach and oversee any and all other teachers who may volunteer or who we will invite to teach God’s people. 

The Sacred Heart- Ready for Battle

Our address is:

Holy Family Apostolic Sanctuary Foundation PO Box 97 Mansura LA 71350

Phone Number is 830-992-1589 (John Martinez Jr.)

My friends, I wanted to share the stage we are at and welcome your help and donations. This Mission belongs to everyone worldwide. After the Sanctuary foundation is ready, all activities will be free to everyone. 

In Matthew 24-25, Jesus teaches on the end times in what is known as the Olivet Discourse. Mark records his version of the Olivet Discourse in Mark 13. Luke records his version in Luke 21. Matthew 24 begins with Jesus’ walking away from the temple in Jerusalem toward the Mount of Olives.

Please pray for us and the task ahead of us.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we give you our hearts and our souls,

Your friend and servant in Jesus -John Martinez, Jr.



Directly from Todd on his journey: President of our Non-Profit Board of Directors

    Todd experienced a life changing Divine calling at a pilgrimage in Medjugorje two years ago. On one of the mornings, he saw what he believed was the morning star at dawn suddenly grow very bright and then it split into three stars in a perfect triangle, like the Holy Trinity, and as if that wasn’t enough, the triangle of stars began to move in a triangular pattern as if blessing him.  This lasted 5-6 minutes and he observed it move triangularly over 20 times. He solemnly genuflected and exclaimed: “ My Lord and My God!” and it had ceased and returned to normal. He was overwhelmed!  He did not fully understand the nature of this invitation (He still doesn’t), but he said Yes.  The next day he went to confession and when he was finished with his confession, the priest came out of the confessional, laid hands on him and prayed in tongues over him, then placed a veil over him and prayed some more. After he removed the veil, he anointed him with oil and then he left the confessional with people still in line for confession.  

    Todd recently read the book “The Warning” by Christine Watkins but after this experience he read it several more times which lead to reading the diary of St. Faustina, Elizabeth Kindleman and he gobbled up many other similar books. 

    This led him to begin researching private revelations, which he had never done, many of which he now regularly reads on the After-the-Warning website and others. This is how I became familiar with John Martinez. He felt drawn to many of the prophecies that spoke about Marian Refuges, something he had never thought about in my life. 

    So, he consecrated himself, his family and his home to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Immaculate heart of Mary and obtained all the necessary sacramentals for his home. He called John out of the blue one day to find out if the Ozarks in Arkansas would be a good place to buy property and to consecrate it as a refuge. John then explained to me about the location of the future refuges in the US and he assured him that he didn’t need to buy property in Arkansas. He asked him if his brother and sister in Christ, George Hardy and Louise Lajounie could come to visit him and pray and discern with him. They did so at the end of June 2024. This is when John shared with us the vision that he had been given about the Holy Family Apostolic Sanctuary.  

    We told him that we would prayerfully consider his vision, and we even went to look at some undeveloped property. After returning home the 3 of us prayed a novena to St.Therese of Lisieux and met in adoration to pray about this request that our efforts would be for God’s Salvation Plan and that God would be our CEO and we would follow John’ lead since he is the one who has been given this vision and receives messages. 

    I received confirmation that I was seeking and proceeded to establish The Holy Family Apostolic Sanctuary Foundation as a Texas nonprofit registered to John’s home address since he is a resident from Texas.

    After much discussion with John, we unanimously decided that it would be best if John weren’t on the board so that there would be no conflict of interest and that all donations to HFASF would be aggregated towards the purchase of land and the necessary improvements to accomplish this mission:

    The Holy Family Apostolic Sanctuary Foundation (HFASF) is a Texas nonprofit corporation organized and operated exclusively for religious, educational, and charitable purposes. 

    Specifically, HFASF is a Christian Mission dedicated to teaching, training, and instruction for all people who are seeking God and His answers to prepare them for the End Times. Messages and teachings are to be led by John Martinez, who spent years in the Catholic Seminary and who receives teachings given to him by Our Holy Blessed Mother and God the Father. Brother Martinez has received a directive from God the Father to teach His people. Through his study, research, and lessons, Brother Martinez teaches the public in person, through web postings and social media and in his writings about historical Biblical lessons observed across the world through the Apostolic Catholic tradition. Through his religious teachings, Brother Martinez and his Brethren seek to spread the word of God. HFASF will provide Christian worship opportunities and offer community in search of spiritual growth through prayer, shared faith and reflection on the word of God.

    We have received our official non-profit status with the IRS and we are now ready to begin our fundraising efforts. The property that John showed to Ron is one of several properties being considered by our board as we would like to be located near Fredericksburg where John can easily oversee any construction, meet with realtors and ultimately teach and oversee all other teachers who may volunteer or who we will invite to teach God’s people.

Saint John Paul II

“It is Jesus you seek when you dream of happiness; he is waiting for you
when nothing else you find satisfies you..."




The Holy Family