✞ The soul: Paradise of Jesus on earth.
The Praise of the Father:
At that time Jesus said in reply,* “I give praise to you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for although you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned you have revealed them to the childlike. Yes, Father, such has been your gracious will. All things have been handed over to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son wishes to reveal him. Mathew 11 25-27
Message from God the Father:
My son, the fulfillment of time is now and so shall it begin. I have anointed many of my chosen ones throughout the world to receive the completeness of My Spirit. The Holy Spirit will anoint them with My Spiritual Gifts as were given to My early Church. Words will be revealed to the hearts of all who have eyes to see and ears to hear. Be not afraid to speak and to share my Love and Mercy. I will be speaking through you that no sinner is beyond forgiveness.
My remnant army of faithful will bring many of my children who are now walking in darkness into the light. With the grace given to each one, they will have the power and authority over demons and the evil of darkness that has a stronghold on so many people. My Son will proclaim His love and extend salvation to all my children just as He sacrificed Himself for the sin of all humanity. I will send my anointed chosen followers and leaders to teach and to come deeper into my heart. I am a God of Love, Mercy and Justice.
Many have left my Church as Satan has placed discouragement, treachery and deception in their hearts and souls. The battle will be very strong and vicious. I am sending my elected leaders to teach and train my new consecrated followers. I am happy with what many are doing in prayer and joining Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart and the Sacred Heart of My Son. I honor the reverence given to my Son in the Consecration of the Holy Mass and the prayers before the Blessed Sacrament, and especially the thousands of my children who defy the authorities and proceed with the many processions of the Blessed Sacrament throughout the world. I was especially joyful with the courage of my faithful in the State of Louisiana as they consecrated their State to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and My Son with the large Monstrance sailing down the Mississippi River.
Evil and the darkness of men has grown and has gained strength by Lucifer and the evil that my children have embraced. He will continue to attack everyone on this planet as Lucifer has released all his demons in hell and some are manifesting themselves to the human eye. Be not afraid! I am with you as is St. Michael with his army of Glorious Angels to protect my faithful followers. Call upon him for he has My authority to come to your rescue and protection. Many of you are confused and have no idea how to combat evil, but you must learn to protect yourselves nd your loved ones.
My son, from the beginning you were made aware of the coming of these times. Before you were sent to Vietnam you needed to be trained to combat your enemy. I have asked you that, in the fullness of time, you would be directed to teach and train my faithful followers in this area of Spiritual Warfare. Now, I am sending My chosen faithful leaders to help you in establishing this Center for Spiritual Warfare training and teaching---teaching and training what to expect and preparing my faithful to use the gifts I have given them.
Years ago, I told you that I would send you to the Texas Hill Country and show you what must be done. I revealed to you that hundreds of my followers would come to you at this time. You cannot accomplish this by yourself. Seek land and build this place of knowledge for my teachings and direction. Be not afraid to seek help and know that many are seeking answers and will search for My help and yours. You have learned much and now you must demonstrate this knowledge and teach the tactics of spiritual warfare. You are one of my leading warriors of this army for My Holy Sanctuary. I will continue to guide you as St. Michael has always been at your side with a host of Holy Angels to protect the Sanctuary of love and knowledge.
Stay strong and go forward for I am with you, my son. All of Heaven is praying for you.
No evil will enter these holy grounds
Explanation of the Mission:
Almost 20 years ago, God the Father told me that what we are doing for Him is part of His plan and mission for all of us. Years back, the time was not ready to go forward. Now He is blessing us and asking us to go forward with His plan.
There are many people worldwide that have been chosen to help. I have been contacted by several chosen holy individuals to help this mission.
“My people perish for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children. “ Hosea 4:6
This mission will be a worldwide ministry and many of God’s anointed men and women have agreed to help us in the teachings and creating different podcasts.
What are the areas of ministry that we are asked to produce?
We are looking at purchasing 165 acres of property that will serve as a place of teaching and preparation for these End Times. We are also still seeking other properties.
Explanation of this Undertaking:
I was on a podcast with Ron Ray on Mary, Refuge of the End Times and was not able to completely convey our End Time Mission satisfactorily. This is the reason for this message and additional explanation:
The President of the Board of Directors:
The following is information on Todd’s business experience and resume:
• Todd St. Romain, is from Mansura LA. He is a retired businessman who owned a petroleum fuel distribution company and convenience store chain here in LA. He started a nonprofit foundation in 2015 in LA to help serve the poor and under privileged people in Central LA called Corporate Works of Mercy. He also is active on several non-profit boards and currently serve as board president for a regional crisis pregnancy center called Cenla Pregnancy Center.
Directly from Todd on his journey:
• Todd experienced a life changing Divine calling at a pilgrimage in Medjugorje two years ago. On one of the mornings, he saw what he believes was the morning star at dawn suddenly grow very bright and then it split into three stars in a perfect triangle, like the Holy Trinity, and as if that wasn’t enough, the triangle of stars began to move in a triangular pattern as if blessing him. This lasted 5-6 minutes and he observed it move triangularly over 20 times. He solemnly genuflected and exclaimed: “ My Lord and My God!” and it had ceased and returned to normal. He was overwhelmed! He did not fully understand the nature of this invitation (He still doesn’t), but he said Yes. The next day he went to confession and when he was finished with his confession, the priest came out of the confessional, laid hands on him and prayed in tongues over him, then placed a veil over him and prayed some more. After he removed the veil, he anointed him with oil and then he left the confessional with people still in line for confession.
• Todd recently read the book “The Warning” by Christine Watkins but after this experience he read it several more times which lead to reading the diary of St. Faustina, Elizabeth Kindleman and he gobbled up many other similar books.
• This led him to begin researching private revelations, which he had never done, many of which he now regularly reads on After the Warning website and others. This is how I became familiar with John Martinez. He felt drawn to many of the prophecies that spoke about Marian Refuges, something he had never thought about in my life.
• So, he consecrated himself, his family and his home to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Immaculate heart of Mary and obtained all the necessary sacramentals for his home. He called John out of the blue one day to find out if the Ozarks in Arkansas would be a good place to buy property and to consecrate it as a refuge. John then explained to me about the location of the future refuges in the US and he assured him that he didn’t need to buy property in Arkansas. He asked him if his brother and sister in Christ, George Hardy and Louise Lajounie could come to visit him and pray and discern with him. They did so at the end of June 2024. This is when John shared with us the vision that he had been given about the Holy Family Apostolic Sanctuary.
• We told him that we would prayerfully consider his vision, and we even went to look at some undeveloped property. After returning home the 3 of us prayed a novena to St.Therese of Lisieux and met in adoration to pray about this request that our efforts would be for God’s Salvation Plan and that God would be our CEO and we would follow John’ lead since he is the one who has been given this vision and receives messages.
• I received the confirmation that I was seeking and proceeded to establish The Holy Family Apostolic Sanctuary Foundation as a Texas nonprofit registered to John’s home address since he is a resident from Texas.
• After much discussion with John, we unanimously decided that it would be best if John weren’t on the board so that there would be no conflict of interest and that all donations to HFASF would be aggregated towards the purchase of land and the necessary improvements to accomplish this mission:
• The Holy Family Apostolic Sanctuary Foundation (HFASF) is a Texas nonprofit corporation organized and operated exclusively for religious, educational, and charitable purposes.
• Specifically, HFASF is a Christian Mission dedicated to teaching, training, and instruction for all people who are seeking God and His answers to prepare them for the End Times. Messages and teachings are to be led by John Martinez, who spent years in the Catholic Seminary and who receives teachings given to him by Our Holy Blessed Mother and God the Father. Brother Martinez has received a directive from God the Father to teach His people. Through his study, research, and lessons, Brother Martinez teaches the public in person, through web postings and social media and in his writings about historical Biblical lessons observed across the world through the Apostolic Catholic tradition. Through his religious teachings, Brother Martinez and his Bretheren seek to spread the word of God. HFASF will provide Christian worship opportunities and offer community in search of spiritual growth through prayer, shared faith and reflection on the word of God.
• We have received our official non-profit status with the IRS and we are now ready to begin our fundraising efforts. The property that John showed to Ron is one of several properties being considered by our board as we would like to be located near Fredericksburg where John can easily oversee any construction, meet with realtors and ultimately teach and oversee any and all other teachers who may volunteer or who we will invite to teach God’s people.
• Our address is:
Holy Family Apostolic Sanctuary Foundation PO Box 97 Mansura LA 71350
To John Martinez:
• Jim and Ron have a deep appreciation for the work that you do in getting the word out to all of God’s people around the world. There are many who are diligent about keeping up with this information and somehow integrating it into their daily lives amidst the ever-changing world events. There are also newcomers to this as many are being awakened like I was just a couple of years ago. So, keep up the good work!
• A I mentioned earlier, God is the CEO of HFASF, and all things will happen according to His plan and in His time but any help that you can provide us in getting the word out so that potential donors can know and understand our Mission would be much appreciated.
My friends I wanted to share the stage we are at and welcome your help and donations. This Mission belongs to everyone world-wide. After the Sanctuary foundation is ready, all activities will be free to everyone.
In Matthew 24-25, Jesus teaches on the end times in what is known as the Olivet Discourse. Mark records his version of the Olivet Discourse in Mark 13. Luke records his version in Luke 21. Matthew 24 begins with Jesus’ walking away from the temple in Jerusalem toward the Mount of Olives.
Please pray for us and the task ahead of us.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we give you our hearts and our souls,
John Martinez, Jr.
Photos of 165 Acres land to construction our Project