Refuges and the Coming of the New Jerusalem

By John Martinez

March 4, 2025

Originally Posted By:
Holy Family Sanctuary

"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear, though the earth give way, and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging". "Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth"
Psalm 46:1-10

Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth. The first heaven and the first earth had disappeared, and there was no sea anymore. And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God. It was prepared like a bride dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne, saying, “Now God’s presence is with people, and he will live with them, and they will be his people. God himself will be with them and will be their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death, sadness, crying, or pain, because all the old ways are gone.” The One who was sitting on the throne said, “Look! I am making everything new!”
Revelation 21: 1-5


For those who believe in God, no explanation is necessary.
For those who do not believe in God, no explanation is possible


God the Father

My beloved and faithful servant. I am well please with your love and commitment to me. You have suffered much over these past few decades, and you have never complaint, nor have you been discouraged by your enduring obstacles. The evil one has been trying to destroy and kill you in many ways. Even death has not stopped you from doing My Will. I know that you have given all to Me and I love you for your persistence of doing My Will. I choose you even before your birth. I seek many of my faithful children such as yourself to help the world in sin to turn to Me and My Son, Jesus has always been at your side, even when you felt abandoned or disappointed. You have gone through a very difficult time in preparing you for these times that will change all of my Creation and prepare [all] for the Second coming of my Son Jesus.

Walking thru Heaven

As part of your outreach to my people I desire this holy land to be a training and teaching home for my children to prepare them for what lies ahead in the future.  I need them to know my love and protection.  I want them to be trained to teach others seeking guidance and direction.

The Holy Family Apostolic Catholic Sanctuary is one of the many tasks I had planned for you since the time of your consecration to Me. These Holy grounds will reach out to the whole world and are part of your Mission. I have chosen many of my anointed faithful to become part of your Mission. Many are joining my Crusade in preparing My people for the horrific physical and evil spiritual battle that awaits mankind.

I know that it has not been easy. I am giving and placing my grace on everyone that reads and sees these messages and reflections. This Apostolic Sanctuary is Mine and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Many donations from my faithful servants are coming. They must be used only for your Mission of spreading My Word and proclaiming the Good News of my son Jesus Christ. Do not be concern. It is taking place now as I speak to you.

Many conversions, repentance and healings will take place on My holy grounds. Our Lady of Guadalupe will be present as many will be converted and turn to me as was done on the Hill of Tepeyac

Your various battles with severe illnesses were not punishments my son. I allow them to take place as Satan tried to destroy you. You have truly walked through the Valley of the Shadow of Death. I have always been at your side; I have never abandoned you. I will heal your body and purify your soul with My Love and Grace. You will be stronger in health and in My Graces. I love you as you continue your walk with Me, your God and Savior. You will shout from the mountain top and proclaim the words of My Son and the hearts of many will turn from sin and return back to me. I love you my Juanito.



Our Lady of Guadalupe

Our Lady of GuadelupeMy little Juanito, I am happy and please for your love of God, the Holy Catholic Apostolic Church and your commitment and love for Me as you have not question any of my request. Continue to reach out to all the world and proclaim salvation through Mu Son Jesus. The Holy Trinity has given you many special spiritual gifts. I need for you to give your Gifts to the world as my children struggle with their addictions to sin.

My apparitions at Medjugorje are the completion of my apparition as Our Lady of Gudalupe on the Hill of Tepeyac in Mexico. I am with you now as I have always been at your side since your first cry at birth. The Holy Trinity has blessed you even before your birth. Please be aware that you have never been alone. We have always protected you and have been by your side.

I am touching the hearts of many believers who cannot find answers to their personal situation and difficulties. You are God’s warrior and messenger. Continue your work of love and commitment to Almighty God. Many of my beloved are continuing to pray for you and your mission. The Holy Family Catholic Apostolic Sanctuary will be one of the bridges between Heaven and Earth. Many donations will come forward for the purchase and completion of God’s Holy Home. The New Jerusalem will come soon, and there will be peace, love, happiness and My presence as we prepare for the Second Coming of My Son Jesus.

Be strong and continue to go forward in love and care for God’s children. I am blessing everyone that has contacted you and is sharing in the mission given by God the Father. Everyone has been anointed and chosen by the Holy Trinity.

Continue to pray, pray, pray. I love you My Juanito. 



Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I shall rescue you, and you will honor Me.” Psalm 50:15

Everyone has troubles and faces problems, affliction, suffering, and hardship. We need strength, endurance, and patience. Why do people suffer? How many of us blame God? Every trial is the result of the sin committed by each of us. Are we the one who suffers? Why does God allow trials, worries, anxieties, and difficulties? Can troubles and suffering make us better people? Is it possible to faithfully endure our difficulties? What solutions does the Word of God offer to help us endure and overcome our problems, afflictions, and hardships? Who is the only one that can help?

The Holy Trinity is the only answer to help us in these difficult and horrific times. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are our only salvation.  Lucifer, on the other hand, is out to devour us, lie to us, destroy us and cause all these areas of pain and affliction. We who follow and are children of God, are relentlessly being spiritually attacked. Satan never stops nor sleeps; He never takes time off. The only objective of the evil one and his followers is to distract us from God and rob our souls so to spend eternal damnation with him in Hell.


What is a Refuge:

A refuge is a place of safety and means “to flee for protection, to confide in, to put one’s trust in”. The word “refuge” is used many times to refer to God’s covenant with His people, and the protection He offers them. It is applied primarily to God as a "refuge" for His people. The word “refuge” also calls our attention to God’s power to save us from sin and its consequences.

Seeking refuge in times of trouble is a concept deeply rooted in the teachings of the Holy Bible. Throughout the scriptures, we find numerous references to God as our ultimate refuge and stronghold in times of distress. The biblical meaning of refuge goes beyond seeking physical shelter; it encompasses finding solace, protection, and peace in the presence of the Almighty.


Excerpts Taken from my first Article

– June 17, 2014

In 1987, As I was praying in front of the Blessed Sacrament when Our Blessed Mother came to me in a locution. In prayer I was lifted into the sky. It seemed like I was in space or near the moon; I could see the earth, but it was completely black. I asked Our Lady why the earth was completely black. She responded that the BLACKNESS was the SIN of man covering the earth.

Sin over the world

As we were approaching towards the earth I saw small white lights in various places. The largest was in the Texas Hill Country. She told me that these white lights were Refuges and that She was preparing to protect God’s children from all the evil that would surround us. She told me that the black areas would be destroyed, and that the world had to be cleansed before the coming of her Son. The refuges were for God’s people that were to enter a New Era of Peace. She continued to explain what was needed to prepare for the Refuges. 

After approaching one of these refuges, She asked me to enter, and so I did. What I experienced is beyond description or words. Everything was so clear and bright and beautiful. The grass was like velvet; a gentle breeze would sway back and forth. I could hear the grass and trees singing! The sky was an angelic bright blue, and the clouds were dancing in joy and singing with the wind. I could feel the presence of God in the entire valley. The trees, the grass, the wind, they were all singing in harmony. You could breathe God in and feel the sweetness of His presence in your body. The feeling of love and joy was overwhelming. I do not have the words to express what I was experiencing and being shown.”

The refuges will be places of holiness where the love of God will be a constant presence. There will be many repentant sinners, but no sin will be able to exist in God’s presence. I saw hundreds of people working in harmony and fellowship. There were ladies who worked with the children while most men did the hard labor. Food was plentiful. Angels were present throughout the refuge, helping and working with people. Prayer was continuous. Holy priests were seen giving the community the Sacraments. I saw everyone, including non-Roman Catholics, praying the Rosary with Our Lady.  People of all cultures and denominations were working as one community of God. There was no anger, no hatred, no strife, just complete peace and harmony.


The Present

– March 1, 2025

I ask that you discern and pray on what has been given to me. I had no idea what a Refuge was until they were shown to me by Our Lady of Grace.

Today I am hearing of many individuals bringing confusion and different interpretations of what they feel is being told to them by Heaven.  Some are saying that the Refuges will be built when God finds holy men to build them. The one in Texas is 300 miles by 300 miles. It is impossible for man to build such a Refuge. I was shown 5 in the United States and 2 in Canada, and I was shown many others all over the world. Theses refuges are not small and will hold and accommodate millions of God’s children at the fullness of time.


Small, Personal Refuges:

I have received thousands of emails and phone calls from all over the world asking me about the Refuges. Many people want to move to another state or country and seek the Refugees. They will not be found. But at the appropriate time they will be revealed to those that have consecrated their lives to God and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.


“But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only. For as were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and they were unaware until the flood came and swept them all away, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.
Matthew 24:36-44


My Recommendations and Suggestions:

Please pray and discern the following information:

Prayer of Consecration of Home and Land

Inside your home, take the exorcised holy water and say the following prayer from your heart:

“In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, God the Father, through Your Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, Who shed His Blood on the Cross to save us, I consecrate my home to you. It is yours. Use it as You will for the safety of Your people. I consecrate my home to You, through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, to be under the wings of the Holy Spirit for the time of purification.”

Sprinkle the holy water in the four corners of the house, making a sign of the cross, as you say, “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

1.            Consecrate yourself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
2.            Consecrate Your Home and Land as a Refuge
3.            Pray for your family and place them in God’s Hands.
4.            Have your home blessed by a Catholic Priest.
5.            Go to confession as often as possible.
6.            Attend Holy Mass and receive the Holy Eucharist.
7.            Visit Jesus at Holy Adoration at least once a week.
8.            Pray the Rosary at least once a day.
9.            Build a small little Prayer Altar at home and have Holy Water, Holy Oil, Sacramentals.
10.         Remove any items related to the occult.
11.         Invite people, if possible, to your home at least once a month (or weekly if possible) to fellowship in God’s Grace.
12.         Use exorcised holy water and say a prayer from your heart, consecrating your home to God.
13.         Teach your children the significance of the Sacraments and the holiness of the priest.
14.         Seek the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
15.         Consider using the Seal of the Living God for protection. (The "Seal of the Living God" is a biblical concept found in the Book of Revelation. It represents divine protection and ownership, marking believers who belong to God and are set apart for His purpose)
16.         PLEASE DO NOT MOVE! Move ONLY if you feel led to do so. God is with you, and he will always protect you and your family.
17.         Make your home and land a small Refuge. God’s Angels will relocate you at the appropriate time.

Please Note that the above Prayer is very Powerful and Spiritual. You are asking for God’s Protection for you, your home and your loved ones. 

Also, Psalm 91 is a prayer of someone who has taken refuge in the Lord. The psalmist is confident that God’s presence will protect the people in every dangerous situation. The prayer includes verses such as "He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty", "I will say of Yahweh, “He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in whom I trust”", and "For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler, and from the deadly pestilence"


When I share my messages

Almost all my Spiritual manifestations have been a “Real Life” experiences. In the beginning, all of this was new to me. Today I can understand why God allowed me to journey through the Valley of the Shadow of death so that I would know firsthand the world of spirituality, which was more real than mortal life. I wasn’t aware nor knew that these spiritual journeys were lessons given to me from almighty God to share in my Mission for God for future events. As I took each step forward in His service and learned that whenever I was to share with thousands of Gods children, they would come from my heart of lessons learned. When I am given the opportunity and invited to speak in Conferences or other means, I speak from the heart with conviction and truthfulness. When I share, it is God speaking through me. I can never take credit for any of it. Everything is real and nothing comes from ego or pride. I was instructed to listen to God alone. Thus, I rarely listen to other Chosen men and women of God to share His Message to the world.


Coming of the New Jerusalem:

In 1982 I became sick and could not stop vomiting and had a high fever. I knew I was sick but did not know what I was going through health-wise. It was after Vietnam, and I had been diagnosed with PTSD. I went to the Audrey Murphy VA Hospital in San Antonio, Texas. I was almost thrown out while being called vulgar names due to my tour of duty in Vietnam, Thailand, Laos and Cambodia.  They diagnose me with a slight flu and called me a “cry baby”. I was disheartened because I had given all that I had to my Country, which I love very much. That night I couldn’t sleep and had severe chills and headaches.

The following morning, I went to see my regular medical doctor at his Clinic in San Antonio, Texas. He immediately looked at me and told me I was dying. I had no idea. He sent me to the Metropolitan Hospital in San Antonio by ambulance. The orderlies were waiting for me because I had a fever of 108 degrees. As they rushed me in, they submerged me in a container of pure cold ice water. The doctors and nurses placed me on very high doses of medication to combat my sickness. It turned out that both Kidneys were gone, I was extremely dehydrated, and the rest of my body was beginning to shut down. I had no idea as to what was happening, and I heard the voices of the doctors saying they did not know if I would survive till morning.

At this time, I was just beginning my spiritual journey in the service of God. In previous days I used to preach to thousands that Jesus was Our Lord and Savior, and we had no reason to be afraid to die. I had previously gone through an illumination of Conscience and preached of not being afraid to die.  But I was not familiar with spiritual warfare and Satan wanted to destroy me. Fear started to take over my mind and I found myself afraid to die.  (So much for my preaching.)

Finally, after several hours I gave up and let go.  I prayed a simple Act of Contrition, a Hail Mary and other simple powerful prayers. I experienced my soul flowing out of my body and was going through a dark red tunnel. I saw Roman soldiers looking at me and turned their backs and allowed me to keep going. I said to myself… “Oh... Oh... where did I go wrong.”  In entered an enormous, large red cavern. Fear came over me and I was told to look down. On the sand someone had printed the name JESUS and peace came unto me. As I continue, I witness the horrific damnation of souls in hell. Again, fear came over me and I was told to look to the side of a cliff, and I saw the carving of the name JESUS, and peace again came over me. I then witnessed the great battle that was going to take place in the future between good and evil. There was so much blood raising up and almost covering those in the battle.

Crystal City in HeavenI cried and called the name JESUS. In an instant I was standing in a very beautiful valley and Jesus was standing in front of me and He told me to trust Him and that He loved me and not to worry. I could hear His voice, but His lips were not moving. He told me to look up and I saw this beautiful City made from crystal. It was so beautiful and beyond words to express what I was being shown. He then told me that this was the New Jerusalem that He would reign. He reached out to me and told me to extend my hand. I did and the city shrank to the size of a walnut.  He then took this City of Crystal and placed it on my hand.

To be Continued on my next Reflection…


“My people perish because of their lack of knowledge “


In Conclusion

My Friends I would love to invite you to become part of our Holy Family Catholic Apostolic Community.  If the Lord blessed you through these messages and reflections or our website, please consider a charitable contribution to this ministry to ensure we can continue reaching as many people as possible.

We need your prayers and possibly your financial support to accomplish the Mission given to us.  If you cannot help, please do not worry.  Just keep us in your prayers and become a part of our precious community of believers.

God bless.
John Martinez, Jr 

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