Wednesday, December 17, 2014 3:30 – 4:22 pm
Belovéd Children, I envelop you in the arms of Love, of My Love.
I see each of you and Love you as you are.
Do not condemn yourselves by your judgments
but Love and Love your Lord God.
Your Love for Me brings Me such immense joy and BIG Peace or satisfaction (Heavenly unreal).
When you give your Love to Me,
I give you strength to Love others as you should
by My very word, My Son, the Christ’s example.
Who among My Belovéd Children bears the Love and patience and Mercy
resolutely demonstrated or practiced or “to be” as My Belovéd Son?
His Love for you is your guide to Love and for Love.
Belovéd Children, sin is a detriment to your joys and to your souls.
Sin deteriorates your souls and places you closer to the pit’s edge that you do not want to fill in
even though so many of My Belovéd and misled Children are so curious about.
Do not sin, My Children.
Do not allow curiosity to become the reason for your sins.
Do not compromise with sin.
Follow My Love instead and seek out the answers to Love.
Find therefore Light by your search for My Eternal Love.
I am with you always, preparing My Love or Heart to welcome you.
Your prayers are divine to Me.
Belovéd Children, do not let the sins of this World
draw you away from your Lord God and Father who Loves you unconditionally.
You must not compromise with sin.
Your first duty is to your soul.
By Loving Me you save your soul from Eternal damnation or the Eternal “No.” [Life or existence without God.]
By Loving your Brothers and Sisters fully,
you feed your soul sweet milk and the honey of My Blessings.
Love brings your souls closer to your devoted Father and Lord God.
Thus, un-Love takes your souls away from Me, your Lord God.
Follow the path the Christ has set forth for you.
He has or was or became Love personified for your redemption.
His Love is perfection and so I say follow My Belovéd Son, the Lord Christ, and share your Love.
Love Me and Love your Brothers and Sisters to the fullness of your Hearts.
My Belovéd Children, know that no matter the sin that has darkened your soul,
the Son of Man, your Lord God forgives with wondrous compassion
and Loves each sinner with Great Passion. [BIG, HUGE LOVE!!]
Despite your sins, you are worthy of My Love when you seek out My Love and forgiveness.
What Father will turn away His Son?
Yet, I say, do not presume to sin rambunctiously or freely, thinking there is no consequence for your sins.
There are consequences for sin, My Belovéd Children.
You cannot know their form or extent
but only that there must be effect to My Laws against sin.
Belovéd Children, I plead with you to cease your judgment of your Brothers and Sisters.
The Judge of All is Most Holy and unearthly or Eternal or of a different state or realm. [Heavenly]
My Children cannot be what is not their right to have become.
Do not judge.
Do not sin against your fathers and mother.
Do not take arms against your father in anger
or accuse or insult your mother who has carried or bore you.
Make no demands upon your neighbor or upon the goods of your neighbors.
When you Love, Love will extend its hands to you.
Love, therefore, and be grounded and bound in the safety and surety of Love.
Do not steal and do not abuse all that I have given to you as gifts.
The thief becomes Love’s outcast because he is untrustworthy and pretends at Love.
Those who will abuse the gifts I give will have those gifts taken away
so they will know clearly that it is by My Grace their lives were lit by good fortunes.
Belovéd Children, know the Word.
Know My Belovéd Son and worship Him deeply, reverently, and joyfully.
Do not be His acquaintance but become His dear friend. [How beautiful, right?!]
How My Son longs for you to call on Him for company, aid, in joy, in sorrow.
Your calls in the darkness of your lives
bring to you Our Loving beacons with which you are guided.
Oh Children, search for the lighted beacon
that is your Loving God and Father.
Belovéd Children, do not become concerned when you have no answer
to the questions you are asking within your Hearts.
Trust that the Lord God’s Love for you is true and strong.
I do not hate and I cannot lie.
Know that the King of kings, My Son, the Christ is One with His Father, and Spirit.
When Our Children respond to the Son, they respond also to the Father and Spirit.
When a Child raises his fist in anger at the Father, the Son and Spirit weep with the Father
and soothe Our Child with Love through the Holiest of Holies.
When a Child prays, the Spirit hears as do the Father and Son.
We as Three are unified to One God.
Our Love is ineffable
and Our Being or sheer existence or absolute “to be”
is beyond Our Belovéd Children’s comprehension
and so I say, Love answers all questions.
Your lack of understanding or knowledge of all things Eternal does not hurt you or your soul.
Thus, I say, concentrate on Love.
Love your Lord God and Love your Brothers and Sisters unconditionally.
Trust in your Lord God.
Rely on My Loving and merciful guidance
Your Lord God and Father does not fail His Most Belovéd Children.
Children, move your Hearts to Love all those who you encounter.
Seek solace in the arms of your Brothers and Sisters.
Give the guidance of My Love to the impoverished Spirits
and share the fruits of your labor with those who are set low and humbled.
Give charity to the poor and learn humility and Love from the poor.
Do not seek temporal rewards for fulfillment,
for you will never be filled by these things.
Only the Love of God can fill you thus,
and to be aware of this Love, you must be aware of the One who fills you.
Blesséd Children, your reward exists just as the Eternal darkness exists.
Believe in Me and I guide you to My Love.
Follow the World and its temptations or intricacies or false gold
and you will lose more than you shall gain.
Know that to be true.
You must work now to gain much later.
Do not seek out to gain so little now for such little or no work.
Your meagre gains will become losses
and the work you did will grow heavier and darker and dread-filled.
Belovéd Children, so I say, do not sin by the guidance of this World and its rewards.
Pray and seek out My Love and Mercy.
Know I am Merciful and most Loving.
I Love each of My Belovéd Children, each of you,
All of you individually, without pause and without condition.
I ask My Belovéd Children to walk away from sinning.
I ask you not to compromise with sin.
I ask you to pray.
Belovéd Children, the Spirit guides each of you to pray.
Listen and pray according to His Will.
Also pray for My Children who will die….
Many die without their souls’ healing.
Pray for them deeply.
Pray for all souls and extend your Love of Me through prayer.
Belovéd Children, partake of My Mercy and peace and pray.
Pray, My Belovéds.
Pray. Pray.