I Trust In You

By Linda

April 7, 2015


Tuesday, April 7, 2015 1:30 – 2:30 Adoration

Blesséd Children, you are unique and Belovéd to Me, 
your Eternal and Compassionate Lord.

Do not restrain yourself from My Mercies.
Do not reject My Gift of Mercy, Belovéd Children.

I am the food that gives you new Life.
You starve your souls when you avoid or ignore <strong "mso-bidi-font-weight:="" normal"="">or 
do not participate (in Mass) of the Body of the Christ 
which sustains your Life and Soul.

Believe in the blessings I give you 
when you are in perfect Union with My Belovéd Son, the Christ.
He has saved you by His Great Mercy and Sacrifice.
Do not turn His Love away.

Pray for those who would ignore His Love, 
for their souls are in grave danger.
To reject the Christ is to embrace evil 
and thus place your souls in the darkest possibility or position 
of descending to hell more surely and irrevocably.

Belovéd Children, take heed, 
for I am your Lord God and Father.
I do not lead you astray.

I guide through My Belovéd Son, the Christ who is All Good and All Holy.

Worship My Belovéd Son with gentle Hearts 
filled with purest and deepest Love.
Trust Him fully as a lamb trusts its shepherd.
As a child trusts his mother.

Trust in the Lord Jesus who has saved you from ever-lasting darkness by His Greatest Sacrifice.

Belovéd Children, live your lives in a way that makes My Son smile.
Follow His Path and it leads you to Me, 
your Eternal and Almighty God.

Do not bend like the reeds 
when the wind blows in every direction.
Be stolid like a great tree 
who is planted firmly in its root.

Keep your faith in Me, your Lord God 
strong and unwavering.
You shall be tested gravely 
and your faith will be rocked greatly.

Stand firmly about the rocks that hold you higher 
than those who would throw you down 
because you have praised My Name and do not falter.
You are just and your faith is righteous.

Believe in Me, your Lord God and Father.
Do not run astray, My Belovéd Children.

Belovéd Children, much of the World will turn black to white 
and white to black, and indeed you see it now.
(Do) not mistake one for the other 
lest you be caught with those who are unjust and are not righteous 
and in truth, do not Love Me or My Belovéd Son in their Hearts, 
but only seek to eradicate My Name 
and the Love and trust of My Belovéd Children.

Remember this, My Belovéd Children, for many will speak wrongly and too many will listen.

Many will be fooled, including My Belovéd Servants, 
for they must have Hearts of steel 
and the trust in My Son that is unwavering.

Pray for these men because they too shall be tested dreadfully.
Your unwavering trust and Love for Me protects you 
and prepares you and shows your Belovéd Lord 
the beauty within your Hearts.

Belovéd Children, do not be afraid.
You are called upon to pray and pray dutifully, deeply and often <strong "mso-bidi-font-weight:="" normal"="">or perpetually.
Sing to Me and place your Angels to work and protect you, as they do.

Pray, My Belovéd Children and do not be afraid.
If you Love your Lord God with all of your Heart 
and trust in Me will all of your Heart, 
there is not reason that you should worry.

It is those who do not believe or who reject My Love, 
the Ones who compromise so easily with the sins of the World, 
who comply with the wishes of this World and disobey My Laws, 
these Children are the ones who should be afraid.

Belovéd Children, pray for these people 
and gather them to Me by your prayers and by faith.
Your Love of Me is a Light within you 
and it will Light those around you.

Trust in Me, for My Will is right and I Am the Lord God.

Belovéd Children, beware, for the Mercies bestowed upon you 
are like the treasures of all ages multiplied.
You cannot guess at the blessings of My Belovéd Son’s gift of Mercy.
Love My Son, the Christ with ALL of your Hearts 
and do not report or put first this fleeting and erring World.

I entreat each of My Belovéd Children, come to your Lord God.
Be drawn in to accept My Belovéd Gifts of Mercy.

Do not be afraid, 
for My Love is unconditional 
and you are precious in My Eyes.

Come to Me, 
and you are granted the Love of My Mercy.
But come, My Belovéd Children.

You do not know when the day may come 
when the blessing will not be easily found 
and the blessing of the Bread of Life disappears.

Take all advantage of what Holy and Divine Gifts and Mercies you are privy to now.

Belovéd Children, do not be frivolous with your Time.
Come to Me, My Children.
Find your faith and Love for your Lord God.

Belovéd Children, I leave you My Divine Peace.
Peace, Belovéds, pray.