Friday, January 16, 2015 3:31 – 4:26 pm
Benevolent Children, hear My Call to you now.
I am ever with you,
and ask each of you to cast aside all doubts of My Love for you.
It is impossible for Love not to exist.
I am here and have been and will always be
and this, My Belovéd Children, is incomprehensible to you and your fragile Hearts.
Allow Me to bestow upon you the graces of My Love, Children.
Do not turn Me away.
You cannot afford to be so unlikely or stubborn or
reliant on the known or what you know and see.
You do not see wind, yet it exists.
You cannot see your breath, and yet you breathe.
There are many things Man does not know or understand
and you are willing to accept these gaps or inconsistencies or these nothings of knowing.
Yet when I ask you to come to Me,
to Love Me,
to believe in My Love
and partake in My Joy,
you turn your back on Me
(and) dismiss My Love as an impossibility.
I am.
I exist
and I am BIGGER than all of the things you might know in your time here
and BIGGER, more significant and present than anything you touch or see or hear. [There is profound feeling here especially “present.”]
Children, you do not have Time to be frivolous
or to bring anger to your Hearts when My Name is spoken
and with such Love and affirmation or affinity or sureness or confidence.
Why do My Belovéd Children hold such anger for Me,
their Lord God and Father who created each of you with such amazing Love
and with the intention to give each of you such Holy and glorious graces.
I am your Good and Eternal Parent.
I am the Holy One
and you treat your Lord God and Father
and My Most Belovéd Son whom I adore greatly,
the Christ who came before you to Redeem you from everlasting death,
you spat curses at your God of Light and speak untruths about My Very Love. [This is overwhelmingly heartbreaking…]
You deny Me your Love and turn your faces away from Me.
You laugh at My Will and make the Name of God part of your farces.
You are putting the fingers of your fragile souls in the hottest of all dens
and will reap the sure vengeance of your God who can be angered.
[This didn’t seem threatening, but more like a warning; like a father warning his kids not to swear or they'll get the belt. He doesn't want to do it, but because he loves them, he will, for their own good.]
Belovéd Children, I am a God of Love and Mercy.
Through the Christ, your Lord God is all merciful
and you receive forgiveness so readily, by Love.
Your God is also a God of Justice and anger.
I am not prone to middle-ship.
I do not allow gray into the Kingdom of Love and perfection.
There is no sin where there is the perfection of Godly Love.
Thus, Children, do not make the mistake that so many do.
Do not be confounded by the grayness offered by the sophists.
Your Lord God has standards or rules or things He does not accept unequivocally.
Do not mistake My Glorious and Inexhaustible Love for blindness to sin.
My Children must know what is black and what is white.
My Children must know what I Love and what I do not accept.
I do not accept the blasphemy of My Name.
The tongues of My Belovéd Children are like serpents’ tongues,
spitting out poison when you blaspheme.
The Name of the Lord is Holy and thus shall not be brought low.
You do not cast pearls before pigs or you do not give the treasures to the swine (pigs).
Belovéd Children, do not compromise with sin.
Hear the Holy Spirit and He guides you away from that which is dark.
Endure the ridicule and pain of this World,
for the rewards you will receive for Loving My Name faithfully, Lovingly, are great
and you shall know a joyousness surpassing all you know or could dream about.
I am the Lord God and bless My Children with Greatest Love.
[The itty bitty sense I felt about those rewards and joy hinted at something so BIG, we aren’t even close to anticipating it enough. We should be like children before Christmas multiplied times a billion!!! Crazy excited and doing our best!]
Belovéd Children, I say these things not to scare My Belovéd Children
but because I want you with Me and free from the calamities of sin.
I do not wish for any souls to suffer time.
Belovéd Children, I tell you these things that you will turn to Me, your Lord God,
with great Love instead of anger.
That you believe in My Love
and not forego the Great blessings I give to the faithful.
I want each of My Belovéd Children to take
the Most Beauteous Mercies
offered to each of you
by the BIGGEST Sacrifice of the Christ,
My Most Belovéd Son.
Take the mercies you are offered now.
Turn to your Lord God now.
Soon Mercy will shut its door
and the Time for cold Justice will come.
Belovéd Children, do not be frivolous with your Time.
Is it not less painful to step on one bramble
than to fall into the entire brush untethered?
This is what I say to you.
Your Lord God is peace and joy.
My Love is not a bramble but Greatest Blessings!
Come to Me now while Time is gentle and waters are calm.
Do not wait, now that you know,
To fall into the great brush of needles which will be painful
and take much time to remove and heal.
[He is trying to explain to us by drawing us pictures, comparisons….so we understand.]
See the hare, he
comes with all of
the pungency and putridness
of sin. Children who
know Me pray and know
the Light of My Love and
are given the grace of
peace. Those who insisted
on walking into the brush
face the pain and needles
without guard. Those
who have chosen today
fare well. Those who
will choose on this
day, when the accountment
of sin becomes clear,
will have this time
to walk into darknesses
or to choose Light.
Save yourselves the pain
of such needles. Come to
Me now and know your
Lord God intimately. Know
Love which stuns you by
its peace and joy and
the absoluteness and
BIGNESS of its existence.
Do not be fooled by the
temporal, Children.
The hare comes and
it is a putrid, unpleasant
thing. It will puncture
you unlike any knife
punctures a heart.
You will see what will
bring you to your
Choose to Love Me,
your Belovéd and Loving
Lord God and Father.
Know My Absoluteness
and Love. Do not choose
the chaos of this World,
for the hare or the
experience of the hare
will bring its own terrible
Belovéd Children, do not
be afraid. You are most
prayerful and prayer
increases your faith in
Me. Do not be troubled
but be always guided
by My Will for you
which is always Merciful,
Blesséd, and Loving.
Belovéd Children, do not argue
with Time. What will you do when
daylight leaves and darkness
stays and your tongues go quiet
dumbfounded? Will it take
a momentous darkness to make
you call to your Loving and
Eternal God?
Behold, the
Holiest of Spirits descends from
Heaven to touch each Man, each
woman, each child on this day
and the Light and fire of truth
of the Spirit will open your eyes
and the blind will see. And
the deaf will hear what they
have not heard. And many
will praise God in all
His Glory.
Know, Belovéd Children, that darkness will also pull or wrench others to its grasp.
Chaos will erupt because darknesses will create or stir fear.
Belovéd Children, pray and know I am with you always.
I walk with you on this day and every day before and after.
I am your Lord God and Eternal Father.
I give good gifts to My Children.
You are Belovéd to Me.
Pray for those who will not know Me, for their Hearts will burn painfully.
Pray they come and meet the Call of Love I send.
Pray, My Belovéds.
I watch each of you and know all of you so well,
to such detail.
Pray, Children, and spread the peace of My Love.
Be guided by the Spirit of Love and pray.