Thursday, January 22, 2015 12:42 – 1:12 Adoration
Belovéd Children, My Most Belovéd Son, the Christ suffered deeply for you,
suffered the calamities of becoming Man and suffered death
that each of you may have new life in His Mercy and compassion for you.
Oh Belovéd Children, become meek before the Christ
and adore Him with the Love of children.
Be innocent and good and treat Him as you should a King
for He reigns over Heaven and earth and is most Glorious
and Loving and righteous and BIG with EVERYTHING infinite.
Belovéd Children, do not fear the God who has created all things
and who gives you life.
I am for you.
I want you to be for Me, My Children.
Love Me and do not betray My Beauteous Love with your indifference or disrespect
or utterances/false utterances of denial, or denial of your Love for Me.
Do not claim to Love Me only to deny Me (before) your friends.
For you are accountable for sharing My Word of Love
with your friends or companions or comrades.
Do not lead any of My Belovéd Children astray and away from Me,
their Loving and Eternal Father.
I frown on those who assume this role
and there are severe consequences for this action.
Belovéd Children, I call each of you in My Longing for your Love.
Do come to your God who waits for you Lovingly, patiently.
My arms are open to you and My Mercy is abundant.
Do not be afraid of your Eternal Father.
I do not turn any of My Belovéd Children away.
No matter what you believe you are,
no matter what you think is forgivable,
no matter if you hold yourself in low regard,
I Love you and I will not turn you away.
I do not turn away the murderers or thieves.
I do not turn away the misers or prostitutes.
I do not turn away the poor
or those who have abused themselves and others.
I do not turn away the pedophile or the rapist.
I do not turn away the rich and corrupt.
I do not turn away the lukewarm.
I do not turn away the strangers
and I do not turn away those who have been most angry at their Lord God.
For I am Love and as such, only Love that which comes before Me in repentance and for Mercy.
Belovéd Children, believe in Me.
I will not break your Heart.
My Love is unconditional.
Turn to Me in all things.
Trust in Me.
Love Me with your whole Heart and know peace and joy by My Love.
Oh Children of the North,
you must pray. Redeem
yourselves through great
prayer, for your sins
are many and great.
Your Lord God is abandoned
by many and betrayed
and wounded by numbers
and scores of Children.
Do not believe that your
Lord God does not know
the Righteous from the dark.
Those who do not come to
know the Life and Savior
and do not choose to
worship the Christ, who is
all Holy and all Glorious
and Belovéd to the Father
will perish. They will
see that which they
do not see and their eyes
will burn with their
error. Children of the
North, I am a compassionate
God. I am also a
Loving Father. Know this
to be true. Your Eternal
God is also a God of
Justice. Do not lay
claim to sin. Do not
justify the darknesses
you wander within,
for the Lord is perfection
and perfect Love and
there are no sins where
Perfect Love exists.
Do not deign to compromise
with sin. This is a
mistake that many have
made and make. You cannot
make gray that which is
black or white. Know that
black will become black
again and white will
once again be white.
Discernment will be a
Blessing to My Prayerful
and Loving Children.
So I say, pray Belovéd
Children. Do not betray
Me with your indifference.
The hare comes and
you shall be given
a clarity of spirit that
will lead you closer to
Me if your will is Holy.
Then, you will be
prayerful and joyful.
For those whose eyes
remain shut and
covered by scales,
they must endure the
experience of a boar,
and a boar is a
terrible, strong, violent
thing that cares not for
or about those things it
destroys. It is a soundless
thing that wreaks damage
over every path it treads.
Come to Me Children, thus, and do not face the boar.
Belovéd Children, know My Love for you is real and everlasting.
Know My Love brings peace and joy to your Hearts.
Come to Me and know peace.
Come to Me and enjoy your Brothers’ and Sisters’ Love.
Share your own Love amongst those who doubt.
Pray, My Belovéds, for I Love your prayers
and I am made joyful by them.
Peace, My Children.
Peace. Peace.