Friday, July 10, 2015 1:54 pm – 2:30 pm
Father, I am so glad that You are in charge of stuff.
Belovéd Children, do not fail Me in your prayers/prayerfulness. I long for each of you and wish to groom your souls for Heaven and its joys by My Great Love and Will for you. Little Child/Children, do not rest from your prayers. You have no time for rest but allow yourself the demeaning of labor now knowing Heaven awaits you for your rest. Belovéd Children, be ardent in your Love for Me as I am for you. Love Me with all genuineness and be ever thankful for My Blessings, which are great.
Do not demean the Name of My Belovéd Son, the Christ, or sustain those who do. My Love for My Son is great and I do not look kindly upon the Children who disrespect Him so vulgarly. Belovéd Children, when you endure ridicule in My Name or in the name of My Belovéd Son, the Risen Christ, you receive such graces. I am with you and also feel the arrows in My Shattered Heart. Love Me, My Children, and show others to My Great Love. Allow yourselves to trust Me in all things, for My Will for My Children is good.
Belovéd Children, do not dismiss My laws. To dismiss My laws is to mock Me, your Lord God and Father who Loves you so faithfully. Come to Me with all of your pains, your fears, your joys. Your Love and longing of My Presence is a balm to My wounded or hurting Heart. How this World wounds Me by its rejection of My Love. I offer My Children such great Love and all of My Blessings. Why do you hide from My Love? Why do you deny Me. Blesséd Children, lead your brethren to Me. Your Time is limited and My Belovéd Children must result with Me or be assured of My Company in the Life that comes.
As you stand, so many fall and will fall into the darkest pit of all grave punishments. How I yearn for My Children to choose Me and My Great Love. Oh Bewildered Children, release the bonds that hold you to all that is Worldly and temporal and come to that which is permanent, Glorious, and Beautiful. That is, My Love. My Arms are open to embrace you. I forgive all sins of the repentant Heart. Do not make the serious mistake of doubting My Great Love for you. My Belovéd Children, you are ever-small in your selves and yet, so important to your Lord God. I am the Father who Loves you and who saves great Graces for My Belovéd Children. Thus, I say, come to your Lord God and Father who yearns for you and seeks to shield you and your fragile souls from all that is darkness and evil.
Do not reject My Great Love for you, My Children. Abandon the temporal trappings of this lost and virulent World and come to My Open Arms. I welcome My Belovéd Children and perpetually long for your Love and affection, for Mine are always yours, My Children. Do not seek that which is dark from curiosity. Your souls are fragile and easily accosted by these darknesses that seek to wound you and your Souls. Protect and Love your Soul that is so fragile, My Children, and offer them up to Me for My Love saves Men and My Love cleanses you.
Belovéd Children, do not betray Me by your inattentiveness. Do not fail Me by straying from My Path and that of My Belovéd Son, for Our Will for all of you is the same and it is always correct and Good. I give My Belovéd Children My good gifts. Look to Me in all things, My Children, and feel the burdens upon your shoulders weaken or slacken orlessen. My Children, I do not force Myself upon you but long for your Love. Know this to be true. Those who have Loved Me well will receive the Kingdom of God. It is Heaven and it is adorned with the Glory of Greatest Love. BIG Your Souls are like jewels to Me, so precious and valuable. Trust Me in all things, My Children, and I grant you peace. Belovéd Children, by your prayers you do great things. Rivers will flow and winds will cease blowing by your prayers and your full faith and trust in Me. My Will for you is good and correct. Thus, trust in Me, your Father who Loves you so dearly.
Little One, do not stray. The day comes that you must know how to be more prayerful and thus strong in your prayerfulness. Belovéd Child, do not drift from Me, for it is I who Loves you so. I miss your attention and long for your company. Belovéd Child, I have much work for you and look to you for your full trust and faithfulness in your Love of Me, your Eternal Father who kisses your brow nightly and daily. Be My Faithful Servant, My Child and do not abandon Me. You are so easily lost and My Heart is in pain or My Heart hurts when you are not near Me or for Me.
Belovéd Children, I ask you to increase your prayers to Me, as I am a just and Merciful Lord and seek to send My Mercy to My every Child. Seek out My Love and Mercy, for they are so great. Love Me, your Lord God and Father and never cease in praising the Christ or in your praise of the Christ. To praise the Christ is to praise His Father. Make Us Belovéd to you, My Children. Know I am ever with you and fervently hoping you shall turn your Hearts over to Me. Belovéd Children, I say again, guard your souls from Worldly darknesses and be delicate or soft with Souls. They are such fragile gifts and you are treating them so harshly, My Children. Turn away from the treats this World offers you and come to Me instead. I give you everlasting Life and thus sheer joy within the Eternal life.
Belovéd Children, pray for this World and its Unity. Pray, My Children, and know that I hear your prayers and I answer your prayers. Belovéd Children, I Love you. Do not break My Loving Heart by your dismissal of Me. Instead, pray and Love Me, your Lord God and Father. I grant you My Peace this day and for all days as you are with Me. Belovéd Children, pray and rest later. You must be faithful in your prayers.
Be thou good in all things with My Belovéd Son at the forefront of your actions and thoughts. Belovéd Children, I give you My Peace. Peace, My Children. Peace. Peace.