I want to be the one who jumps out of the boat and runs to you, Father. I really do. Help me to do that always. No offense, but Peter was a wimp.
Belovéd Child, you are so beautiful to Me.
Really? You make my heart sing!
Lovely Child, you have much to do for your Loving Papa.
See that you are settled and know that this is how I have planned your path.
Do not be afraid, for I am ever with you.
Trust in Me and your Heart is always alight with My Glory and Love.
(Note: As I transcribe this later, everything in me that is tense settles to peace - thank you Father)
Belovéd Children, kneel at the feet of the Christ
who Loves each of you with a fathomless or indefatigable Heart.
It breaks for you.
It breaks often,
for the Children of this World display animosity and contempt for the Song of God,
My Son, who I adore and who redeems Man.
He brings or has brought you a new and BRIGHT, FABULOUS, BIG,
NEW LIFE (no description for the this) by His Sacrifice,
yet you turn away from His Love and dismiss this Sacred gift.
Oh Children, do not do this.
Even the Blesséd Mother has begged you to Love Her Son
and yet her pleas fall on deaf ears.
She grows weary,
but she loves Man
nearly as much as Her Belovéd Son, the Christ.
[Nearly as much as Jesus loves us]
Do not dismiss His Love.
Do not turn it away.
Once lost, it can never be recovered in the annals of eternity.
Belovéd Children, I continue to warn you of your behavior and sins.
Cease sinning and come to your Lord God who Loves you Eternally.
I want all of you with Me.
I have created you
and you are meant to be Mine.
Come to Me, your Heavenly Father, joyously.
Forget the redemptions this World offers.
It is not redemption but deceit or deceptions.
Follow the Loving path My Belovéd Son has set before you.
Follow the Christ and know all joys.
Belovéd Children, you must not sin.
You must not compromise with sin.
I see you every moment within your Hearts and I say Love.
Do not confuse Love and continue to sin.
You cannot live where it is gray.
I am a constant.
I am whole and complete.
Love Me fully, Children
and step away from all things that place you in gray life
or that split your honor or split your Love for Me in half or quarters.
You cannot swim in the swells of an ocean
and be half soaked by salt water.
When your home is on the other side of a rushing river,
you do not walk half way of the bridge
and consider yourself comfortably home.
Belovéd Children, your Eternal Life outweighs the salt of the seas and the waters too.
Listen to the pleas of your Lord God and Father.
Do not Love your Lord God without joy and enthusiasm.
I wish to Light the Hearts of My Children always.
I want each of My Children to know the strength and joy and comfort of My Love.
Yet, I weep.
Belovéd Children, I say to you, consider your manner or state of being.
Consider yourself closely.
Eternal Life with your Lord God is a HUGE BIG JOY.
You do not know the gifts that await you.
[If you could just get a tiny taste, you would be THRILLED!]
It is all joy for those who come to the Kingdom of God.
Thus, think of your state.
Cease sinning.
Do not compromise with darknesses.
Know what I Love and what is un-Love.
What I accept and what is unacceptable.
In My Holy and Eternal Eyes.
Belovéd Children, see with your own eternal eyes
and know your reward is just before you.
SIDE NOTE: [He has tried to make this clear to me a lot. That while there is so much I want in THIS life, He says to me, don’t be impatient for stuff here. It’s nothing. A Porsche or a trip to London or a bowl of ice cream is nothing compared to what I have waiting for you. Be patient. Let it go. Don’t get mad about what you don’t get here – what you get later is going to blow your mind!]
Belovéd Children, continue to pray.
Your prayers mitigate what disasters come
and the World experiences many more.
[Unusual ones – not normal stuff]
Pray, My Children.
Do not be afraid, for I am with you.
Pray, My Children.