Belovéd Children, I am singular in My Love for you.
I want all of your Love electively (by choice)
and it is you who must choose Me.
My Heart longs for you.
Come to the aching Heart of your Lord God, the Christ.
Belovéd Children, My Love for you is a forever and eternal thing.
I do not change
and I Am Love.
I Love you without condition.
I have made each of you for Love
by My Love for you.
Beauteous Children, do not defy Me with your transient Hearts.
You do not know the consequences of this,
for you are small
and you are children.
Belovéd Children, allow your Eternal Father to protect you
and give you Love and Mercy
through My Beauteous and Most Belovéd Son, Jesus Christ.
By His unfailing Love for all of you,
those who were before and those who are after,
He opened the gates to Heaven for Mankind
that you too might live forever.
The Divine Loves Man so much
that He succumbed to the subjugations of this World.
Thus, I say to each of you, My Children,
the Son of Man offers you this Great Gift of Mercy.
Do not defile His Name.
Do not reject His Perfect Love.
Do not reduce the Beneficence and Superior-ness
or Divinity or the Divinely BIGLY Glory of His Sacrifice for Man.
The Christ Loves you so
that He continues to give or offer you wondrous graces.
Yet you are repelled by these gifts.
Children of the World, when you turn away the Christ
and have shut your doors completely
so that the King of Mercy is locked out from your Hearts,
only darkness is left for the World.
When there is no Light,
there is only darkness.
Extinguish the Flame and you shall plunge yourselves into darkness.
The darkness will
come like an explosion
or an exclamation point to
emphasize the nature of
our sins. Look to the East,
My Children. It comes
from the light of the East
and it grows hot like the
burning coals in ash. Do you
see how men stir the waters
and the earth cries out?
Do you see the murders and
My Heart is broken by
such hatred. Belovéd Children,
do not make folly of your
Time, but pray. Only prayer
can mitigate or contain the
ruin and wreckage that
comes. Your faith will be
sorely tested, and will
your Hearts and eyes still
be set faithfully, trustingly,
singularly upon your
Lord God or shall you
turn away from Me in
your despair and confusion.
Know Me. Know that I
Am ever with you and
make your faith strong
that you do not waver.
Your trust in Me saves
you and I Love you.
Do not bear witness to Man
when their ears are closed
and their eyes are set on
the World and on gold and
silver. They cannot see
and will not hear. I say,
those who speak in My
Name will be mocked and
abused. There will be
detractors who will laugh
and work to lessen your
words and their power over
My Children (is strong). Do not be
afraid. My Servants are
protected by the God who
Loves them and I do not fail
My Children who I Love.
The detractors and defamers
are many and they are
loud. They are vicious and
each of My Belovéd Servants
must shield your Hearts
and pray constantly. I
Am ever with you protecting
your Hearts from darknesses
and enemies. The Spirit
of the One True God
goes before each of you
and paves the way when you
face those who would deny
your work for Me. Your tongue
will not be your own but
the Spirit’s and many great
things or events will happen.
Thus, while your attackers
will mock you and work
to bring you down, My Works
shall be carried forth like
sweet air in a breeze and
will touch many souls.
Pray, Dearest Children.
Pray and build your faith in Me.
Your faith and trust in your Lord God and Father saves you.
Pray and search your Hearts for all iniquities
that you may reconcile yourselves with Me
and attain Greatest Mercies.
I grant such Mercies as a gift by My Precious Son’s Immense Love for each of you.
Children, pray.
You must keep vigil
and be in constant prayer.
The World does much to distract you,
yet I must be the larger of the two.
I Am the Lord God.
The Christ has prepared the path for you
that you may see the Face of God in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Pray, then, for that is a stone on the path.
Pray, for prayers on your tongues are songs to My Heart which is Beneficent.
Pray the rosary especially to mitigate the catastrophes and havoc that come.
Pray, My Children, simply because you Love and Adore your Lord God.
How joyful these prayers make Me,
and My Heart is filled with Joy.
Belovéd Children, peace.