Friday, March 27, 2015 3:31 3:41-4:18 pm
I know it’s ridiculous to try to act like I’m stronger than I am because You’ll know anyway that I’m miserable. It’s kind of funny. **** So, I just wanted to say thanks because Your presence is the most incredible, most vital piece of my life. It’s my whole life. Without you, I’d be a puddle.
3:41 pm
I am ever with you
and will not leave your Heart alone.
I am Love and I do not desert My Children.
I have created you in My Own Image or likeness.
Why shall your Creator abandon
that which He has created for Love, from Love and with such Love?
Do not disbelieve.
I will not leave you.
Belovéd Children, I am your Lord God and Father
and My Love for you knows no limits.
I ask you to Love your Lord God without limits
and take joy in following My Laws,
for they will lead you to Me.
When you Love your Lord, you do not chaff at His Laws.
Your Love drives you to obey Him with great joy and pleasure.
Your Love for your Lord leads you to desire only (to please) your Master
and never to displease the one you Love.
Belovéd Children, Love with all of your Hearts and souls
the One who has Created each of you from unbounded Love.
Please Me by your faith and trust in Me, your Lord God and Eternal Father
who wants only joy and Heavenly Eternity for each of My Children.
Belovéd Children, open your eyes
and see the gifts I offer you.
Listen to the words I say
and hear how I describe what your gifts will be.
Belovéd Children, the gifts that lay in wait for you
are steeped in Divine Splendor.
All these things that you desire in this life
are such little or meager notions.
The desires you have now
do not touch even the very edges of the joy My Gifts for you will bring.
My Gifts for you are so amazingly awesomely BIG,
the thrill within your Hearts will not be contained.
Trust in Me, My Children.
Do not fret over what you are not given or what you do not attain
or what is lost or taken away from you in this World.
Do not be disappointed or let the bitter nut of anger
grow within you and your Hearts.
Know that your Lord God has such great gifts for you
that all of these things you have longed for shall be forgotten.
Your eyes shall not recall the shine they once held for you.
Your ears will not think their music so sweet.
Your Hearts shall enjoy your folly,
because you shall revel in far greater,
and incomprehensibly glorious and “joy-bringing” gifts.
Thus, I say, do not be troubled by your lot in this World.
This World cannot offer you what your Lord God gives for Eternity.
Eternal joy, blessings, the honor or glory
or Divine BIGNESS of living in the presence of God
for all of un-Time or inside out of time or like without time or outside of time or where there is no time ever present (too IG to explain properly – time never existed).
Belovéd Children, come to Me to receive these great graces
and do not defy Me and My Laws.
Do not reconcile yourselves with sin.
Do not compromise with sin.
There is no Light in sinning and you must cease sinning.
By following My Laws and understanding (with) deepest prayer [prayer led though the Bible]
what I Love and do not Love
and what I accept and do not accept,
thus will you be whole.
Beleaguered Children,
gird your belts and
lock your doors, for the
storm comes soon and it
shall ravage many
and wreak havoc on
the World. It shall
raze land and bring
waters like fingers
crawling through the
cities. The earth shudders
by the sins of Humanity,
for they are many and
the number great. It
shudders and regurgitates
the blackness it has witnessed.
It cries out and the
seas rise and the lands
sink and the mountains
blaze and rocks are
strewn and the clouds
grow black as they
turn and roil and the
red fires fall to (from) the
sky and Man cannot
escape from the chaos
and destruction caused by
his massive sins. His
sins have been great and
the desolation those who
deny the Christ shall
know as they are moved
towards the pit will
stagger all those who
witness, and yet still
many will deny My
Son and His Love.
Children, you destroy
yourselves by your
obstinance and pride.
Be obedient, Children!
Your Father knows and
sees the damage you
do. I warn My Children
of the threat or warning
that comes. Do not
make folly of your
Time. Do not disbelieve
or mock those who
would have you know
and Love My Belovéd
Son. You shall see
and taste the
bitterness of regret for
your dismissiveness and
your mocking and derisiveness
of My Faithful Children.
Belovéd Ones, know that I hear your prayers
and they are sweetness to Me.
You must continue praying,
for your prayers are strong.
There is not time to pause or break.
Know that among you are the sophists
or the tricksters or those who would lead you astray.
Be aware of this always and pray that
the Spirit of the One True God guides you rightly into My Arms.
Belovéd Children, Love your Lord God.
Do not turn Me away.
Love your Lord God and pray.
Belovéd Children, pray.
Belovéd Children, I give you My Peace.