Friday, October 30, 2015 3:15 – 4:05 pm
Father, I am speechless by that vision. I wanted to make them stop hurting Him, but I could not. It is as if my soul was crying out, trapped to stop what went on. It is too much to fathom, Your Heart, sweet Jesus. (the crucifixion)
Belovéd Children, it is by My great Love for you that you are made whole again. I am the Lord God who Loves you. Do not turn Me away. Do not turn your face away from the Eternal God and Father who Loves you so. I am ever with you and ever immortal, most powerful and Most Loving, for I am Love. All that is Love is a wellspring brought forth from the Blesséd and Most Beauteous Heart of My Belovéd Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Belovéd and Blind Children, you cannot have life without Loving My Belovéd Son. He is your Merciful and Loving key to the Father. Oh Children, worship My Son, the Christ, with all of your Hearts. With all that you are. Even one minute not spent in praise and Loving of the Christ is a minute wasted, for your purpose in the whole of this Life is to Love and serve your Lord God, the Christ Jesus. He is My Most Belovéd Son. If you understood the depth or size or all that My Love or Our Love encompasses, your Hearts would be overwhelmed by its sheer size and force and BIGNESS.
Oh Belovéd Children, turn to Me as the plants turn to the sun. Turn to Me as babies turn to their mothers’ voices. Turn to Me as a lamb once lost hears the reassuring call of its shepherd. Run to Me. Leap with joy at My invitation to Me. Belovéd Children, My Arms are open to embrace you and yet so few come to Me. I am weak with sadness. How I worry over My Belovéd Children as a good parent worries about their children. Fearful that you may harm yourselves or lead yourselves down a dangerous path, as so many have. Do you not know My Anxiety for you?
Hear My Calls, oh Children! I am calling out to you constantly or perpetually. I am for you as you are for Me. Listen to the Holy and Living God who beckons you to His Side. Oh Belovéd Children, your woes have just…begun. Believe Me when I say, when you turn your Heart away from your Lord God and Father, you live in a darkness that eats at your Precious and most fragile Souls. Oh Children, bring your Hearts to Me and dispel My constant anxiety.
Belovéd Children, you cannot live two lives in this World. You cannot pretend (or portend?) to Love the Lord God while compromising with sin. I am a compassionate and Merciful God and a Just Judge as well. You who Love Me well, I bless with great joy and with anticipation of your holiest gifts and rewards. You who know Me and only Love Me at times crush My Heart. I long for your Time, My Belovéds. It is like having a feast before a starving man, allowing him to smell its fine scents, but never allowing him to eat a morsel. I starve for your full Love and attention, Children.
Oh Belovéd Children who are invited into the Heart of the Christ but deliberately, aggressively turn your backs on the Lord God, Jesus Christ, are in such danger. You do not understand or comprehend the amount and calibre of danger you place yourselves in. Darkness is like a plague. It is a ruinous thing and seeks to deceive My Belovéd Children by enticing you with charm and temptations, only to consume you by sin and unholiness.
Belovéd Children, know this to be true. Just as I exist BIGLY, Most Loving, ever Eternal, the Lord God and Father, so does the evil of hell. Angels were cast aside for their intentions and hell opened up before them. Children, you mustunderstand Me. I am Merciful and so desirous of your Love and your Souls, but in My Just and languishing Heart, I must turn away those who sin gleefully and without remorse. Oh Belovéd Children, you are Mine, for I have made each of you. The Lord God does not endure or suffer any darknesses. The Kingdom of the Lord is filled with Light, purity, Love and joy. There is no imperfection where I dwell and it is bigger than your small Hearts can fathom.
If you could only believe that the rewards I have set aside for My Children are so powerfully, ineffably great, more than you can ever know, if you had but one small notion, you would use your short Time now with nothing but praise and adoration in your eyes, for your Lord God. You would perpetually worship at the feet of My Belovéd Son and know the reality of My Glory and Love. You would know lasting peace throughout this World and Man would be good to your brothers. But, My Belovéd Children, because so many do not believe or are unconvinced of My Great Love for you, and indeed unconvinced of My “AM-ness” or reality, there is chaos and darkness and pain within this World.
Thus I say, Children, believe Me when I tell you your Time for folly is short. You cannot serve Me and serve the World at the same time or simultaneously. You serve only Me, your Eternal Lord God and Most Righteous Father. To do otherwise is death for your Souls. Belovéd Children, I am FOR you just as you must be for Me. I cannot force your Love but merely show you My Love, My Heart in all the many ways I call out to you.
Hear Me, Oh Children of Israel, hear Me My beleaguered ones, you shall be redeemed by the power for your Lord God and Father as you are attentive to Me. As you Have grown inattentive and gross to Me, or have felt the desire to insult Me, so shall I cast you aside and bring mountains down upon your homes and slaughter your herds and burn your crops. Thus shall you (be) without My Gifts of life. Belovéd Children, you have wandered so far into blackness and blight. Come away from those things and know the peace of My Forgiveness. I am compassionate and desire to forgive every Child of My Heart. You must turn your back against this faulty World and turn your faces, your lovely faces, and Hearts toward Me, your Lord God who Loves you. [BIG LOVE]
There are lands among you that will falter and fall. Oh Israel, you shall be consumed by fire and the red hot rocks from the heavens shall rain down upon the earth like massive balls of fire. They will rain down upon the lands and will only cease on the day of My Command. I am the Lord God and every river, every ocean, every World in the heavens succumb to My Commands. Belovéd Children, your Time is so short. Why must you need calamity in order to turn to the God who Loves you so? Why, My Belovéd Children, do you crave destruction as proof of My Will? Why do you seek to test your Lord God to affirm I Am.
Belovéd Children, believe in Me and trust in the Christ, for Our Love for you is immense. Turn to your Lord God and find peace through My Love for you. You will need a sturdy rock upon which to rest your head when the storm comes. So shall you see the Glory of God with great gladness and fear. My Children, do not turn away from My Love. Do not cast the Christ who suffered for you out of your life. You will not know peace, but only fear and anxiety as the Glory of God is revealed to you.
Oh Belovéd Children, do not be afraid. When you are for Me, I am for you. You are each and all so very Belovéd to Me. Hear My Calls and choose rightly. Accept the Love of God the Father and Son and Spirit. Follow the path that My Belovéd Son, the Christ, has laid before you. Consume yourselves with Loving Him. Love the Son and you Love the Father. Adore the Son and you adore the Father. Praise the Son with great Love and oblations and you make My Heart leaps with gladness and joy the calibre of which you cannot guess.
Belovéd Children, hear Me. Pray and spend your Time being attentive to Me, your Lord God and Father. Grow intimate with Me through constant praise and prayer. I am your Lord God and Creator and you bring Me such joy by your expressions of Love. Belovéd Children, I am always with you. Do not be afraid. Be My Obedient Children and pray and Love Me and your Brothers and Sisters fully. Belovéd Children, I give you My Peace that is gentle and warm within your Hearts. Peace, My Children. Peace.