July 4, 1910
✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
Volume 9 — Entry 36
Saturday, October 17, 2015 2:59 – 3:11 pm
Father, I am like a bad puppy that has peed on the floor, and yet You love me still. How?
It is I, the Lord God, the Conqueror of All Evil and Darkness, for I am Love and guide My Children into the Kingdom of My Light. Join Me and My Belovéd son, the Christ Jesus who is all merciful and most Loving, in the Kingdom of Heaven!
Turn away from the darknesses or dark behaviors that bind you or restrain you from knowing Me. Walk away from those things that endanger your Souls. Know that I am the Lord God and I seek to protect My Belovéd Children from all that is evil. Belovéd Children, do you not see the danger in what you do.
Belovéd Children, I Long for your Love. Give your Love to Me and know the joy of My Everlasting Love. I want you to know Me intimately, like a lover knows his spouse. I want you always with Me that I will fill you with My Love and joy and affection and Mercy.
Belovéd Children, there comes a time when the white will be white once more and that which is black or dark shall be seen for what it is. Do not be afraid, for these things must happen and all that is good and Holy comes from the Lord God and Father. Love My Belovéd and Eternal Son, the Lord Christ Jesus, for He is the way to My Home. Those who He Loves, I Love. Those He forgives, I forgive. Those He banishes, I too will banish, for We are One God forever and ever.
Belovéd Children, do not be weak in your faith. Do not be weak in your prayers to Me. I Long to hear your prayers. I Long to answer you with My Loving Hands. Oh, Children, trust in Me, the Lord God who Loves and adores each of you. For you are My Children and I Long to show you the extent or depths of My Holy and Sacred Love. The joys you feel here do not match the joy of My Love that I give to you. I want you with Me always. Come to Me My Belovéd Children, and know the Sanctity of your Lord God.