Tuesday, October 27, 2015 3:10 – 3:41 pm
Sorry for getting You stinky.
Belovéd Children, I send you joy and peace to fill your Hearts. My Love for you swells within your Hearts when you say My Name. I am the Lord God and I desire to fill each of you with My kind Love and Mercies. Look to My Belovéd Son for consolation and guidance. He is the Belovéd Christ, Son of God and Son of Man. Worship the Christ at His feet, for He has redeemed man from his sins. Do not deny the Christ your Love. Do not dismiss His Love, for it is ineffable and deep and the most BIG.
He sees to you and, as the Father, longs for your Love. Do not withhold your Love from Him, the Christ Jesus. His Heart aches for you and He wants you with Him in Love and glory. You may come to the Father only through His Belovéd Son. Thus, you must Love and adore and worship the Christ with your entire Heart and face down or throw down the calumnies this World creates against Me, your Lord God and Father.
Gentle Children, I hear your prayers of joy and sorrow. I Love your prayers and long to hear your call to Me. I am the Lord God and My Love for My Belovéd Children is endless, like the sea by its center. There is no end to My Love, My Children. Thus I say, treat Me with honor and respect. Pay homage to Me through My Belovéd Son, for He saves you from Eternal death. He is who you must Love exceedingly. Do not place your Love behind you, forgetting that your Time is short. Do not wait, but offer your whole Hearts up to My Son. He holds them with gentle hands and a beautifulBIG Heart.
Belovéd Children, how can you turn away from such beautiful, miraculous Love, the Love of the Son of God. Oh, World, He gives you Love and you dismiss it time and again. He gives you Love and yet you have spit upon His very Name. He offers you priceless or invaluable Mercies, yet you do not take such a rare and bonifide gift. Belovéd Children, you cannot dismiss the Love of the Christ, My Amazing, Beautiful Endearing BIG Son. [HUGE LOVE!!] Would you ignore the Love of a child? Would you ignore the drowning man? Oh Humanity, there is Light within you still. Say the Name of the Lord Christ, and the light within you burns passionately with His unfathomable Love and Mercies.
Belovéd Children, I say open your eyes to what you do and what this World is doing. I do not abide by sin and look for My Good and obedient Children. I smile upon My Obedient Children, for you bring Me much gladness. Your prayers have mitigated or/and mitigate the destruction and chaos of the labor pangs of this World. There will be giant upheavals and great fires from the skies. There shall be great terror among the lands, but those who are steadfast in their prayer and generous in their worship of your Lord God and Father shall feel no agonies. Pray and you are exempted from the pains of the fire and the destruction of the airs and land.
Woeful are the Children who ignore My Name and the Love of My Most Belovéd Son, the Christ. I am for you as you are for Me. Listen to My Calls, oh Children of this sunken World. Leave all that is temporal and dark behind you and walk forward into My Loving Arms. Belovéd Children, do not ignore My Calls. I call to you minutely and so few hear the longing of My Voice. Belovéd Children, you have not long to wait. Choose Me, your Lord God and Father. As I become your first and only priority, always joyfully at the forefront of your Hearts and minds, so shall you be My Priority and My Joy.
Belovéd Children, I send down the miracle of My Belovéd Son, the Cross He endured for you that you understand and see the Glory of the King of Israel and of Man. Look to the skies, My Children. Look to the skies for the glory and the passion. The Holy Spirit will or guides you away from iniquity, so I say follow the inner voice within your Hearts, for that is your Lord God calling to you. Belovéd Children, you have not long to wait. I am here, within you and around you always. I am your ever more and always. I am the Lord God who looks to My Children for warmth and a tenderness of Love. Spoil Me, Belovéd Children, with your attention and your Love! [This is said with a ton of affection! So sweet.]
I am not grandiose in My Calls and I worry for My Belovéd Children whose Love for the Lord God and Father and the Christ and the One who extends from us grows tepid, My Heart is in ravels as I worry over you and crave your acquiescence and Love. Oh Belovéd Children, you must not wait. You cannot be frivolous with your Time. The bells shall ring and the rivers run dry. The sky shall shower the World with fire. Chaos of Man reduces worship and the Eucharist shall be a rarity or difficult to find. Thus I say, do not be frivolous of your Love for Me or your Time. It is brief, My Children and so many are unready to face the merciful and judicial Son of Man.
Oh Belovéd Children, I am a Loving Father, a Merciful Father, and I am too a just judge. Come to Me and receive the Great Gift of My Mercy that you will not face justice alone, unguarded, and weak. For your Hearts or Souls are fragile things and you take their health or well-being for granted or lightly. Pay attention to the harm darknesses do to your very Soul. Recall always that My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus restores you by His Greatest Sacrifice of Love. Belovéd Children, I give you My Peace this day and all days.