Thursday, September 24, 2015 3:07 – 3:55 pm
Belovéd Children, I give you new life through the Glory of my Belovéd Son, the Christ. Heed My Calls and know the Christ. Know the joy and blessing of everlasting Life. You are small, Belovéd Children and must think BIG when you are trying to grasp or understand or appreciate My Love for you and all things. I am Love and thus, encompass all things of Love. I made each of you for Love, from Love and by Love. How can you doubt the doting Love of your Lord God and Father?
Do not doubt, Belovéd Children. Your doubt and rejection wound Me so entirely. My Heart weeps for your abandonment of My Offer of Love and Mercy. Belovéd Children, act, for Mercy is yours. Do not dispel or repel that which is Sacred. Do not reject My Love. Do not reject the Love of the Lord Christ, for His Heart is filled with Mercy for each of you.
Believe, Belovéd Children, that Eternity is real and the road you take now guides you to Me or away from Me. Follow the path of (that) My Belovéd Son has laid out before you. Belovéd Children, be compassionate and forgiving of your Brothers and Sisters. Show forgiveness and Love to every Brother and Sister. I am Love and as you are compassionate and forgiving, so shall I be for you.
Belovéd Children, do not seek out those things that are darkness or that will bring darkness down upon you. You cannot compromise with sin. Your life is so temporary. Look over the fence that blinds you and see the beauteous garden that awaits you on the other side. Do not settle for the nugget of gold you hold in your hands. Instead wait and know your reward will be a treasure worth seven times seventy more than the rock before you. Such is Heaven and earth. Do not release yourself to the temporal and Worldly successes of this World. Concentrate instead on following the path of the Christ. It is through Him, My Belovéd Son, that you enter the Kingdom of God. All things that come through the Christ are allowed entry, just as all that does not meet favor with the Christ will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Belovéd Children, wave your bewilderment out of your Hearts. Place your Hearts in My Loving Hands. I am the Lord God and Father. Let your concerns be carried upon My Back as you rest and find peace in joyousness and freedom from fear or worries. When you trust in Me completely, you have no worries, no fears, and no concerns. When your trust for Me is as solid as a mountain, you do not concern yourselves with any thing that belongs to this Saddened World. Your Heart is so entirely Mine that your joy is perpetual. You know that all things are answered by My Love and Glory of your Eternal Father. Place all of your trust in Me, the Lord God and Father.
I am mighty and immortal and the Leviathan shrinks before the name of God. He moans at the mention of My Belovéd Son, the Christ. My Son is the Prince of Peace and Mercy. He is all-glorified. Know this to be true. When you do not rid yourself of the darknesses and evils done or proclaimed through the World, your Soul is more fragile still and grows sick with the sins that are so dark. Your souls deteriorate in the face of the sins of this World. It is as if a worm that makes its way through wood weakens the very chair upon which it feasts. Belovéd Children, sins eat away at your Souls as you partake in the outrageous and un-white pleasures and debauchery. Children, I tell you, heed My Words and do not mock the One who has saved you.
Instead follow the path He placed before you. Where you hate, replace the bitter rock of your heart with Love. When you are angered, allow the cool kiss of My lips (to) breathe serenity, Love, peace, and patience into your Life. When you are afraid, replace your fear with confidence in My Enduring Love for you. Call to Me and I answer your calls. I am not an obtrusive or confusing God. I am Love. I offer Love and Mercy to each of My Belovéd Children and long for each of you to call out to Me.
I suffer great angst from the lack of Love My Belovéd Children put forth for Me. I weep when you reject My Love. I weep with every lost soul. Belovéd Children, Eternity without My Love is a black and desolate thing. There is only pain and darkness where I am not. Do not throw yourselves into an Eternity without Me. Come to Me instead and be redeemed. Christ is the Redeemer and has sacrificed all that He is for your salvation.
Take heart, fervent Children. You are at the cusp of Heaven’s door. Pray, I say to all of My Children, but so few answer My Call for prayer. Do not spit upon the name of the Christ, for He is your salvation. He frees all souls that you may Love and rejoin Him in the Kingdom of His Father. Oh, Belovéd Children, I long for your attention. Do not wait to come to Me. Place your salvation above all things, for of what good is a feast before you if you refuse to pick up your spoon and fork?
Belovéd Children, do not reject the gift before you. Do not pretend at spirituality. Draw your Brothers and Sisters to Me. Show them the Light of the Christ. Show how My Belovéd Son has sacrificed Himself to save the whole of Mankind. Children, I say to pray. Pray and do not be frivolous with your time. The World is aching and you must prepare by prayer. Deep prayer will manifest itself as graces and (the) attentiveness of your Lord God. I sweep away the disasters that threaten your doorstep and mitigate destruction for your prayers.
Oh, devoted Ones, choose Me and pray most faithfully. Do not be corrupt and do not dismiss the AMAZING BIGNESS of the Cross. His Sacrifice saves all sinners, but you must call out and grieve in penance. Forgiveness is yours.
Belovéd Children, a time comes when warm mercy shall be replaced by cold justice. Do not wait to face Justice without the liniment of Mercy to cool the pain. Belovéd Children, do not be fooled, for you are meeting or learning to know the Hare. Beware of the shined words of sophists who would lead you away from Me. Do not be fooled by words dressed in King’s garments. When examined inside, the rot of untruth becomes clear. Thus, I say, pray that you might know truth from darkness and light from that which is black portraying itself white.
Belovéd Children, pray and shield your souls from darkness. Walk away from sin. Do not compromise with sin. Do not judge. Do not wait to call out to Me. Pray, My Children, and grow stronger in humility and in your Love for your Brothers and Sisters. Love and keep Sacred the Holiest of all Holies. Partake in the Eucharist. You are in complete union with the Lord Christ and receive ineffable graces. Make yourself clean before the Eucharist. Prostrate yourself before the Lamb of God who saves. Worship the Christ with reverence, affection, and abundant love.
I say this and it is true. You do not wait long before the World shall acknowledge the Presence of God in all of Life and Humanity. Captured in fire and passion, Man shall know what it is to recognize God. I am and will be. I Am. Belovéd Children, come to Me now and experience perfect Love. Love the Christ, for He is My Belovéd Son and He is perfect Love. Rejoice in His Name, Children. He is the Risen Lord and Savior. Bow down at His Holy Feet and humble yourself before the Most Gentle, Most Holy, and Most Love-filled of all that is. Belovéd Children, He is the Christ Jesus and He is My Son. Love the Son and you Love the Father. Dismiss the Son, and you dismiss the Father. Blaspheme against the Son, and you blaspheme against the Father. Love, Belovéd Children, and walk in My Peace in all things. Peace, My Children. Peace.