✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
Father, who would have guessed that four years ago I was so against working for You, and now I long for it. Is this loneliness how You feel when people abandon You??
Belovéd Children, I am always at your side, My Hands upon your shoulders, My Loving Kiss upon your brow. I am your gentle and Loving Father and I want you each to know that you are precious to Me. Your young and fragile Hearts cannot fathom the glorious depths of My Love for you. Come to Me, My Children, for My Heart is filled with Love for you. How I yearn for those who set Me aside. How do you set the Love of your Creator aside?
Do not doubt My Love for you ever, My Belovéd Children. I am ever with you and always longing for your attentions. Belovéd Children, you are Mine and how I long for you to say the same of Me, your Loving and longing Father. Never believe or think I abandon you, My Children. As I have said so often or I have said so often (so) that you will believe, My Love is endless and unfathomable and I do not ever abandon you.
Come to Me, oh Children of Zion. The winds are great and your burdens are heavy. The clouds dim your sight and you are blinded by all that you find valuable in this World. Take heed, My Belovéd Children, for the glories of this World wane and wither underneath My Gaze. Set aside that which encumbers your Love and service to Me. Do you not see the danger and disgrace of your idolatry?
Be one with your Lord God and Father and humble yourself to the Christ whose Love is all consuming. Pray heartily that you will grasp the depths and guidance of His Love. For He is the Christ and He has garnered salvation because of His Great and Immense Love for you. Worship the Christ as your savior and hero. He is the lamb, the sacrifice of this World. Love Him or give to Him the Love, the complete Love within your Heart that He so rightly deserves.
Children of Zion, do not dismiss My Calls. You are My Belovéd Children and ancient Children who have run astray. You know what your Lord God accepts and what I reject. Thus, why do you reject My Great Love and guidance? Do you not understand that My Love longs to penetrate your hardened Hearts? My Love longs to penetrate you who are lost to the temptations and wiles of this adulterous World.
Come to Me, My Belovéd Children. Rest yourselves upon the safety of My Mantle. I guard you like a mother to her babes. I rejoice in your joy and weep in your sadness. I offer consolation, Love, and compassion. My Mercy for you is great. You need only seek Me out. I offer you My Love and forgiveness so readily, yet so many of you dismiss My Love.
How do you reject the Love of your Eternal Father and Holy Benefactor? Do you not see the darkness of your lives orhabits or behaviors? I am your guidance. I am the Truth. Love and compassion, Mercy and forgiveness. You seek to know that which you are saved from, and I say to you, it is an Eternal darkness wrought with agonies and pains of the Eternal world or life. It is not Life but eternal nothing or darkness or wantonness. You shall long for Me in this darkness and your agonies shall be wrought with your desire for My Love. The greatest agony of all shall be My Eternal absence. There are especial consequences for those who embrace sin so wantonly. When you forcefully, gleefully, knowingly reject the Love of your Lord God, when you deny the passion of the Christ Jesus who saves and reconciles your Hearts to Me, so you shall suffer the worst of eternal darknesses, and you shall gnash your teeth in the agonies of your grave punishments.
Believe Children, I am a Most Loving Father, and yet I am a just and righteous God. How shall a parent abide by the savage indiscretions of a child? Shall he reward the son for his transgressions or will he leave the son to consider the consequences of his errors? I do not turn any sinner away. I do not banish the sorrow of your Hearts (does not turn away the sorrowful). My Compassion and Love and Mercy are for you. I await with great longing the Love of your Heart. I am your Lord God and Father. Do you not see the distress in My Heart for those Children whom I Love so dearly and who have dismissed Me so completely or utterly? My Heart weeps and yet I long still for your Love. I am not an intrusive Father, and though I long so deeply for your notice, I will not accept your forced Love or that which is untrueor lukewarm in its devotion.
You are My Heart’s yearning. How can My Children be so indifferent to My Love? Why do you spend so much time concerning yourselves with all that is temporal and unworthy of your great concern? Shall you not consider the state of your Soul? Shall you not concern yourselves with all that is Eternal? I offer you gifts so great, there is no comparison to the joy and satisfaction you shall have to that which is offered in this shallow World.
Turn to Me, Oh Children of Zion. The winds shall blow harder and all that was shall be blown over by sands and the land shall engulf that which you held so proudly. Belovéd Children, I am first and all and before and after. I am and have always been and you cannot understand the smallness of your time. You are My Greatest Love and Belovéd Children. Walk with Me in My Great Love. Ask for My Mercy and it is yours. Ask for My Forgiveness, and My Heart swells with My desire and willingness to forgive you, My Precious Children, and enfold you in My Loving arms.
I am for you as you are for Me. I thirst for your Love and count the moments of your joys shared with your Loving and always attentive Father and Lord. I am here for you, longing for your Love. Come to Me in this hour of haste. Look to Me in the hours of defiance. Hold tight to your prayerfulness and know that I hear your cries of sorrow and pain, and hear your requests for understanding and answer all of your desires, because I am the One True God, and I do not fail the Children who Love and adore the Christ and the Father and all that consumes the Godly Spirit. Take the peace I offer you and pray. My Peace is for your longing Hearts and I seek for it to lead you to Me. Thus, I say, pray and find peace within Me. Peace, My Belovéd Children. Peace.