The Enthusiasm of Christ

By Linda

April 7, 2017

Friday, April 7, 2017 3:16 – 4:16 pm
Father, I do see how You are Love and perfect in it.  That is, while all of us should consider ourselves lucky to even worship you at all, and then, by Your generosity and mercy, You – Sacred Love – are so willing and wanting to Love us back and forgive anything.  It is like two people who are so in love with the other, their every desire or want or needs or wishes are all bound by whether it makes their beloved happier.  That’s what You are – perfect Love.
World of My Belovéd Children, you shudder for the sinning of Mankind.  How the core of this World shudders by your sins.  Belovéd Children, how I Love each of you and I continue always to Love you, even after you reject My Love time and again.  You are helpless and weak Loves.  I adore every thing about My Children, as I have created you so especially and with such Love.  It is impossible for your Lord God and Father to cast off any single one of My Belovéd Children.

My Love for each of you is so great that I bear the solitude or loneliness I suffer when you ignore Me.  I bear this yet always hoping with great fervency that you shall hear My Loving Calls and hurry to Me with open Hearts and repentant Souls.  Belovéd Children, I so want to grant My Compassionate and gentle forgiveness upon each of you.  Why do you deny yourselves the joy and Eternal Life that I offer? Why do you dismiss Love so often and so completely that this World shudders through its core?

Your sins, My Belovéd, can be erased by My Forgiveness and Love for You.

Each of you must but come to Me on your own volition.  For when the Soul opens the doors of your Hearts, I fill you with Love that lights your very being, and you cannot know the greatness BIGNESS of this miracle.  My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus has such BIG Love for humanity.  All of your anger and all of the hatreds and all of the pain you endure shatters His Loving Heart.  In your grief or dishonor or pain, He wants you, My Belovéd Children, so badly to turn to Him for comfort and Love.

Why do you prefer to consume the bitter fruit of this World when you could enjoy the sweetest feasts instead?  Does a starving man reject food?  Will a thirsting man reject water?  Will the woman who weeps reject comfort?  Will the man who works reject the help of others?  Would any of My Belovéd Children, when cold from the clouds and wind not take shelter?

These things you do minu
tely when you reject My Great Love for you.  These things are what you do when you dismiss the Love of My Christ Jesus [So affectionate!]  And like to the starving man who does not eat, you shall perish.  And like the man who thirsts, you shall perish.  And like the woman who turns solace away, she shall perish.  And like those who do not take shelter from the storm, so shall you perish for your rejection of the One who Saves you.
The detriments your dismissal or dismissiveness of the Belovéd Christ Jesus, My Wondrous and Belovéd Son are great and very real.  Your Souls suffer by this and when you reject the Son, so do you reject the Father.  If you fall from this World, if you die in this state of barrenness or emptiness or empty of all that is good and most holy, you shall perish.
Belovéd Children, come to Me now as I call so desperately to each of you.  Do not believe that because you are only one of many of My Children, I do not see or take great notice of you.  Do not believe that the lack of your Love for Me does not wound Me so deeply.  Each of My Belovéd Children is the sole Love in My Eyes.  My Love for you, for My Belovéd Children, is so BIG, My Heart, My Love, My “Be” dotes upon you like you are the only Child that exists before Me.  My Love for you is that singular and intense.  Belovéd Children, this is how precious each of you are to your Loving and Eternal Father.  My Love for you does not pale.  It simply expands to embrace you more fully, My Belovéds.  
[I don’t know how to explain the complete presence of His Love – His Be.  It’s almost like, no matter what you do, you’re moving in His Love constantly and always.  Maybe like God’s atmosphere, but unending.]

Thus when I call out to you, do not ignore My Loving Calls.  To die in denial of the Christ Jesus is certain to bring you to perdition, but when you grasp at the Light of His Love even minutely, He bursts into your Hearts so enthusiastically and with Joyous Love.  He savors your Love and affectionately takes your hand to guide you to His Belovéd Father, your Eternal Lord God.

Belovéd Children, do not allow the temporal concerns or joys of this World close your eyes to Eternity.  This Life in which you live today is but a blink, but one that is so very crucial or important or REALLY IMPORTANT.  Why will you live like hellions and invite darknesses into your homes?  Why will you risk your Eternal joy and Life for such temporal treasures.  For these things do not serve your Souls well, and of what use will your status be?  And of what use will your money be?  And of what use shall the things you have accumulated bring you?

I do not see stature or money or things of this World, and when you leave this Life I give to you, these things, these inconsequential things fade from you and you see or understand your folly with clarity and dread.  How you shall hate yourselves for denying Me even one day of your prayer and worship.  How you shall regret the attentions you kept from Me.  How sorrowful will you be when you see the sorrows in this Life you ignored for want of power, status, money, or convenience.  Belovéd Children, do not give your Loving and Eternal Father cause to hurt.

Bring to Me your Hearts, filled with Love and wonder and repentance.  You are My Very Belovéd Children, and I do not wish to lose even one of you to the darkest liar in this World.  Know this, My Belovéd Children, the majority or most of My Belovéd Children are so unprepared for the trials that come.  I fear for each of you and long for you to take My Belovéd Son’s hand that He may lead you away from perdition and great agony.

The whole of Heaven worries or mourns for this World I Love so deeply.  My Love is so great, that I call you perpetually.  I call you to Me and away from darkness.  This World is surely filled with darkness and how very blind are so many of My Belovéd Children.  So many of you are so unprepared.  It is or it will be as if a child has decided to face a storm raging upon the ocean, who is quickly taken up by the force and violence of the waters and wind.  It is unsafe for the Child to wander alone in this state of fury, so shall it be dangerous for My Belovéd Children who are weakly prepared for that which comes.

You have asked Me often, but Father, how must I prepare?  My answer is the same as it was yesterday and will be the same after each of your tomorrows.  And what has your Loving Father and Lord God said to you?
Prayer, My Children.  Constant, obedient Loving prayer.  Prayer is the tool that can break any stone and pull down any mountain.  Pray deeply and open your Hearts that you may trust the Son of God and Man thoroughly.  Your prayers are so Loved by Me and the whole of Heaven sighs to hear but one.  Children, when you pray, pray with determination and joy, trusting utterly in My Willingness to answer.  Trust in Me to give you good gifts.  You must trust.

So many of My Children recite the words of prayer with no movement or no understanding in their Hearts.  So many pray and yet mistrust Me.  Many pray openly, loudly, and yet their Hearts are unmoved to obedience.  Belovéd Children, those who do not pray need prayer.  Those who dismiss Me need prayer.  They are so utterly unprepared.  The children who need the most prayer are those who know Me and know of My Love and yet feel no Light or joy or communion with Me.  They are living as if their days are countless.  It is like a lantern unlit but leaking oil that was meant to create a warm and bright flame.

So I say, My Belovéds, pray passionately.  Trust in Me that I answer your every prayer and My Will for you is always correct and given with and through BIG LOVE.  Pray for preparedness and pray for those whose Love for Me is lukewarm or stagnant.

Belovéd Children, your Souls are perpetually blessed and Lovingly placed within the Hands of Christ when you receive the Holiest of all Holies.  The Eucharist gives you new Life and strengthens your Souls and Hearts in such ways you cannot grasp.  Thus I say, partake of the Holy Eucharist that saves as often as possible.  I say to you, one day soon it shall become a precious scarcity and so many of My Belovéd Children shall lament in their desire for its wonder/blessings/purity/Life. 

[Any attempt of mine - or anyone else - to describe the blessings and the degree of holiness of the Eucharist will always and can only fall short – the Eucharist is far beyond wondrous; gives us far more blessings than can be explained or quantified; cleans us with far more purity than we’ll ever understand; and gives us eternal life, something none of us can understand (until we die).  In other words, it’s so BIG, it defies reason, and faith transcends reason.]

Belovéd Children, you know not what is at your door.  Ensure you are safe from the storm that comes.  Your Souls are fragile things and in need of constant protection and guidance.  I send the Holiest Spirit often to guide you.  Open your Hearts to His Guidance of Love.  Prepare, Belovéd Children.  Pray and I shall have the rushing rivers move around you and those you love.  Pray, and the fires that burn shall be doused before you feel their heat.  Pray, and make yourselves constantly attentive to your Lord God who Loves you without end.  Peace, My Belovéds.  Do not be fearful but trust in My Love for you.