✞ What victim means.
As long as I am with you, you should not fear, My Children, for I am the Almighty God and I create all that is good in creation. I am the whole and the Light. Come to Me Children in adoration and repentance. How I long for each of you, Belovéd Children. You cannot know or fathom the depth and strength of My Love for you. Take the Mercy I offer each of you. Let My Love consume you, so you may have sweet relief from your pains and sorrows. I Love you like no other can.
I am your Loving Father and Just Lord. Belovéd Children, you cannot know Me if you never come to Me. I wish for you to be intimate and close to Me. I Love you like no other will, for certainly does Man in all his Love, places his conditions upon Love. Oh, wretched Children, come to Me for purest and unending Love. I thirst for you. I long for your affection. Do not place this temporal World before Me. How this breaks My Heart, for you are meant for Love, and I am Love, My Children.
I weep. So many of My Belovéd Children are unprepared for what My Judgement brings. Despite My longings and Love, so many do not hear and so many, even in hearing, ignore My Love or shun Me. How this breaks My Sacred Heart and the whole of Heaven moans in dismay. I am the Lord God and you are meant for Me. Belovéd Children, do not wait, for the Son of Man lingers even as He too longs for your Love and Affection. Do you not see the intercessions that mitigate what would come? All of your prayers bring hope and gladness to Me.
Belovéd Children, I am ever present, next to you with eagerness or great anticipation, but I am not an intrusive God. You come to Me on your own will. Thus is your Love made pure for Me. I do not force My Belovéd Children, but call out to you and hope. [As I transcribe, I came to see and hear a shepherd/man whistling and calling out to a flock of sheep.] Belovéd Children, come to Me and know that the prayerful will be made strong.
Be prayerful and Loving to Me and your brethren. Love others as I Love you. Do not despair when you are unloved because you have chosen the Sacred Love of all. When you are with Me, My Glory runs through your Hearts and protects your Souls, for they are so fragile. Belovéd Children, come to Me and talk to Me. I hear your every prayer and every thanks or appreciation you give to Me, your Lord God and Loving Father, how My Heart swells!
Belovéd Children, do not let the distractions of this World rule your Hearts and Souls. These things are so temporal and flimsy or pale compared to the Love and gifts I have for you. Belovéd Children, pray with your Loving Hearts. I do not wish to be a chore to My Children. I wish to be your joy and comforter or the one who comforts you. Children, put your full Heart on Me when you pray. Worry not about the things you believe you must do and the worries or concerns that lead you away from prayer. These distractions are not for you to fall into. Your Love for Me is far more important. [Like, waaaay more important for us.]
Do you not look forward to what rewards I give to those who have asked for My Mercy and Forgiveness? Why do you convey all of your energies to all that is temporary and not know that the next Life is BIG. Belovéd Children, do not doubt that the World as you know it cannot compare to the Eternal haven I have for you. There is only Love and joy and these embrace your Hearts like a breeze engulfs flowers gently. Belovéd Children, know that you must be wary of your actions now, for what you will do will be reflected when you are before Judgement. Take the Mercy and Love that I give you so readily, Children!
Why do you work so hard for riches and yet cannot spend any time with the Holy One who will dispel or despoil or (like scattering or flying freely) give all of the most Holy and joyful things for you and My Love is enduring and FULL BIG! I am Light and lead you when you are in darkness.
Belovéd Children, worship and adore My Most Belovéd Son, the Christ. How He longs for your affections. How He thirsts for your Love and attentions. Believe that the Christ has redeemed you. He has made you clean and so, come to Me for Mercy. The Belovéd Son of Man, My Most Belovéd Son, Christ Jesus, perpetuated Love by His GREATEST Sacrifice. He perpetuated Love that you might see My Loving Face. Oh, His pain is huge or a dreadfully BIG thing. He seeks each of you and longs to save your Souls from loss and darkness.
Oh, Belovéd Children, the fall of Israel is unquestionable or soon or inevitable. My Belovéd Children who I have chosen with great Love have betrayed Me for the temporal. They have dismissed My Love and instead Love those things that will impoverish their Souls. The Souls of Man are so fragile, and yet My Belovéd Children of Zion do not see this or they no longer believe in the Lord God and Father. I am ever present and the betrayal scourges My Heart and brings Me such pain.
Do not lose Love for the temporal-ness of riches (and/or) status. You will long for Me in your times of fear and agonies. You will wish for more time that you might make amends for your Soul and come to Love and know Love. Children, you are deluded by the charms of this temporal World and I ask you, when you are so imbued in this life, how can you reach the next with joy and fearlessly? Do not forego My Love and Mercy. Do not be frivolous with Time. You do not know when it is I shall call you before Me. Will your Heart be filled with Love and wonder and joy or will you face death with dread and fear? Thus, I say, do not dismiss the Christ who saves!
Do not forego My Great Mercy and Love, lest you long for Mercy when you cannot have it. Belovéd Children, raise your Hearts and give them over to Me. I am Love and dote over My Belovéd Children. Love and forgive those who have wounded you with My Grace and Love as your example or Light. Do not lay blame on others when you err. Love your Brothers and embrace your Sisters with Love. Thus shall you know and see My Great and Holy Bounty.
Trust in Me, for I am God and I am all and will ever be [like so big, God is everywhere all the time.] Know and trust in the Christ Jesus, for without Him, there is no Light or Life. Belovéd Children, I ask you to pray. Pray always and without distractions. Pray, My Belovéd Children and I give to you My Peace.