✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
3:28 pm – 4:03 pm
Belovéd Children, come to Me as I call you so longingly and with such urgency oremphasis. You cannot live your lives without Me. You cannot empty yourselves and fill your Hearts with the darknesses and concerns of this World.
I am the Word and I have created all that is. I have given each of you life from Love and for Love and to Love. You cannot dwell in this World that is so temporal and place all things before Me. How can your lives be whole when you do not see Me? When you do not hear Me? When you do not know Me intimately? My Children, I long for your Love and attention. I long for your notice and have great joy when the Heart of My Children is (are) given over to Me. It is cause for such great and Loving rejoicing, for My Belovéd Children will have everlasting Life in the Eternal joy of My Lasting Love.
Do not give yourselves over to the constant or perpetual ways of this World. Those things that lead or take you away from Me, your Lord God and Father who cherishes each of you as treasures. For each of you is a treasure. You are My Precious and Belovéd Children, and I cannot bear to lose even one of you to darkness, which too is eternal but unholy and dark or filthy or exists with such agonies. [My sense about “filth” is like something stinking as bad as a rotting chicken – something that makes you cringe.]
Believe, Children, that just as I am real, you will behold the face of God if you shall follow My Belovéd Son, the Christ who has saved you from death by His own Sacrifice. Belovéd Children, know and believe also that there are detriments for sin. When you turn away from My Love, when you abhor My Holy and Most Belovéd, Cherished, Immeasurably Good Son, you reject Eternal Life and shall suffer the agonies of despair and the darkness that will not hold the brilliant and Heavenly Love of My Touch. [This sort of was pulsing with love…like His touch is more brilliant than the sun and it’s “feelable.”]
I am for you, My Children, as you are for Me. Do not doubt My Love for you is most tangible and real. Why shall you take offense of My Immense and pure Love? You waste the waters in an endless desert. You throw your food to the wolves. You leave the World of Love and forgiveness in order to lose yourself to agonies. Oh, Belovéd Children, come to Me. I am your compassionate and doting Father. I am for you. Place your Hearts into My Hands and how your complete surrender to My Love will bring you such joy, comfort, relief. [That's how His mercy feels…like, phew!]
You shall remain untouched by the destitution of this World. When you give yourself over to your Lord God and ever-Loving Father, how you should rejoice as I rejoice with you. I am the sweet water that saves you when you weep and thirst in the desert. I am the gold you seek so desperately to buy your food. I am the peace of music and the animals of song that comfort the wilting Heart. Thus, I say, when you deny Me and deride the Christ Jesus, My Belovéd and Eternal Son, you throw away precious water that would save, gold that would feed, and music that would bring joy.
Belovéd Children, where is the choice? I Love you so well and long so much, so BIGLY, to give My Forgiveness and place the peace of unconditional forgiveness into your Hearts. Do you grieve? Come to Me and I shall comfort you. Do you fear? I shall shield you with My Great Love and give you the grace of strength and courage. Have you turned hopeless and reside in the destitution of Life’s poverties? Turn to Me, Belovéd Children and know the great comfort of My Love and Forgiveness. I do not turn My Children away. Though you have defiled yourselves and brought grief to your family, I do not abandon you, but hold out My Hand of Love and Forgiveness to raise you. You are My Belovéd Children and My Love is always for you.
Wanton and prideful Children, I say to you, your defilements are far harsher than the man’s who finds himself without a home, without friends, and without hope. Better to see and hear and repent than to deny what I offer to you so plainly. I am the Lord God. I am righteous and just even as I Love and treasure each of you. Would you not punish another who has stolen from you? Would you let go free the one who has murdered your brothers? No, I say to you, for each sin has its consequence and when you have no repentance in your Heart and dismiss the Love of the Christ Jesus, how you should dread that which awaits you.
Belovéd Children, I desire only Love and joy and righteousness for My children. I am your Loving Father and Most Doting God. Do you not understand what treasures I find each of you? I have made each of you, and you are precious before Me. I do not wound but heal. I do not hate but Love intensely or immensely. I do not turn away from you but open My arms wide to embrace you.
Oh, Dear Children, do not falter. Do not wait or delay. Do not wait until the storm is upon you to make yourselves safe and your family sheltered from harm. Prepare before the storm rages before you and sleep soundly knowing you are safe.
Belovéd Children, I continue to call to you. Come to Me for forgiveness and Love. I am here for you as you are for Me. Trust in My Great Love for you, My Children. No father shall bring pain and worry to his children but shelters and feeds and protects and Loves his children well. I am your perfect and Heavenly Father and how much more do I seek to protect and guide you rightly? How much more do I Love and feed you? I am the Lord God and when you come orapproach Me with sorrowful and repentant Hearts, I rejoice and forgive and pour My HUGE Love upon you.
Come to Me, Children. Trust in Me always. Be attentive to Me and I shall lead you to grace. Peace, My Belovéds. Peace.