✞ One who lives up high in the Divine Will, is not subject to mutations.
I kind of figure, Father, as I was praying and thinking about the day Jesus was facing torture that when He went to talk to You at the rock and ask if it were Your will that He’d have to march on (or not). Jesus must’ve been so scared and made so strong by Your Love for Him…and us for that matter. I guess by then, He knew what was going on. I picture when He is eating with His friends, the Apostles, and I can see the group of goofy men realizing what a serious moment it is when Jesus breaks bread and shares His wine. I can see all of them getting quiet and maybe one or two had gravy dripping from their beards, because of the meal. I don’t think at that point Jesus was afraid anymore. I mean, He wasn’t looking forward to things, but I think He came to terms and understood, everything was resting on His shoulders now.
Imagine truly having the future of all humanity as a responsibility?! I mean, as a man?? The thing is, Jesus I believe was extremely sad and hopeful during dinner because of Judas. Jesus knew he’d betray Him, and He was okay with it (I think….). There had to be a catalyst for Jesus to save all of us, right? But I believe the one thing Jesus feared and dreaded the most and even hoped it would go otherwise, was Judas’ suicide. Can you imagine hoping one of your closest friends (dopey as they might be) not having the faith that you’d forgive them for doing something to you? Obviously, this would be bigger than barfing in someone’s car, but the big stuff. That’s love. That’s friendship. Anyway, I think that was a very tough heartbreak for Jesus.
Why is it that I still feel anxious? As if I am late for something important. That is exactly how this sense of “something coming” feels like right now. I’m late for a big event. Well, hopefully that is not the case.
Father, I wanted to thank You for snow and roses and dogs and sausage. XOXO
3:37 pm
Oh Belovéd Children, your trust in Me soothes My Aching Heart and brings Me great joy, for how can you say you Love another when you do not trust? And am I not the greatest Love of all and by that shall you trust Me twofold stronger because of My unfathomable Love and Mercy for you? Trust in Me, My Beauteous Children. I call out to you with hope and Love in My Heart that you will hear My Calls of Love and open your eyes to the gifts I have waiting for you.
Belovéd Children, My longing for you is mixed or underlined by Time and the few consolations I receive during these harsh days of this World. Do you not see or understand that your Love and prayers appease My intents for this World. Believe Me as I say, I am a Most Loving and gentle Father even as I am a just and righteous Lord. You cannot expect to steal from your neighbor and when caught, not pay the penalty. You cannot hoard what is yours and refuse to share with the impoverished without the refusals of your neighbors to help you or raise you when (you too are) in poverty. Thus, I say, there are consequences for all things, both good and evil, My Children.
When you worship Me and pay Loving homage to My Blesséd and Most Sacred Son, the Christ Jesus, how joyful I am made. The whole of Heaven rejoices in the Love of My Children for Me or My Son [interchangeable as they are One and He talks like that – they are One.] When My Belovéd Children deride the Son of Man and ridicule His Love and dismisses His Sacrifice so easily and so willingly or so gleefully, how your Souls are wounded and condemned by your cold and mistaken Hearts.
Behold, dear Children of the West! You cannot expect the Blessings of your Good Lord and Father, as you deride My Love daily. You are like the faithless of Babylon and (the) whole peoples turn away from Me in disgust and with great betrayal (to His Love). Open your Hearts to Me, My Children, for your iniquities are devastating your Souls and what is soiled must be made clean again and what is not pure will be purified with fire.
Belovéd Children, do not choose to perish. I am Love and call out to each of you. I extend My Hand to each of you and will your Hearts to touch My Own. Appease My Sacred and Bleeding Heart. I am so very wounded by My devious orlecherous children. Believe Me when I say to you, I see all sins of the Heart and know the pity and forgiveness your Hearts desire, and I say to My Beaten or weary Children, come to your Loving Father who waits for you.
Belovéd Children, a sickness shall bring darkness to this World. Cities shall be crushed by the violence that erupts. Man shall throw down Man. Mother shall toss out daughter or children, children shall scatter and grow without guidance. I long for your lives to be otherwise. Thus I say with great emphasis or urgency, turn away from sin and walk upon the path of the Christ and it shall lead you to Me.
Give your Hearts over to Me and how shall the World touch or harm you? When you give your Heart over to Me, you have the protection of My Loving angels pronounced or pronouncing loudly against darkness for you. My Love is for you, My Belovéd Children. My Mercy and compassion are for you. Take them and have peace in your troubled Hearts. I am Mercy and Love in My entirety. I AM and do you not realize or understand that you are absolutely for Me as I am absolutely for you? [He wants to hold all of us in His arms!! Such Love!!]
How is it that My Belovéd Children do not recognize Love. How is it that My Children turn away from Love? Come to Me, Belovéd Children, for My Heart is agonize by the state of your Souls. I cannot emphasize this too much. Come to Me. Do not wait. My Love and compassion are yours. Do not wait until nighttime when the roads are empty and the land dark and the gates locked. When you are in the cold and fearsome darkness, how you will long for warmth and the welcome of affection.
Thus I say to you, it grows or it will grow dark soon and so many of My Belovéd Children do not see the coming night. Come to Me, Children, in all things. Pray, trust in My Love and will for you. Be Loving and forgiving, for to see this in My Children is a joy to Me. Pray and do not judge. It is a detriment to your Souls when you presume to judge your neighbor. I am a just and righteous judge. Do not carry or be caused to carry the sins of your neighbor because you have judged him. Love and be Merciful. Know that I am ever with you and so very willing to fill your Hearts with the peace and joy of My Great Love and compassion. I give you My Peace this day and say to you with all hope, pray and adore the Christ. Peace, My Children. Peace.