✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
Father, I’m so tired again, not for my trying to serve You at all but because of this world and the dangers I know it faces ignorantly Father, I fail You so often and this is worse than another person lying because we’re talking about You. You’re God, all Love, perfection and easy. Affectionate. And still You give us “boundaries.” Time out, sort of. I’m glad for Your discipline of us, even though I’m afraid of it. I know I have to face the consequences of all my actions, behavior, thoughts and feelings, whether they are good and kind or jealous and terrible. I mean, yoikes! I know that we will all be judged as individual children by You. My older sister has this in her heart or my younger brother did thatto someone else…. Why do we bother to compare our good deeds and sins with each other?? Our opinions in these matters don’t matter. You say don’t judge. That’s Your job. So how come it’s so hard for us not to?? XO
3:41 – 4:15 pm
Be wise, My Belovéd Children, and come to Me in anguish. I am the Lord God, and I am righteous in My Love for you. How I long for your Love, My Children. How I long for your Hearts to be gifted to Me because you choose Me, your Lord God and Father who Loves you like no other.
Do you not see or know the intensity of this World. You are bound by sin and can only be untethered by your Love of the Christ Jesus, My Most Belovéd Son. Worship and adore He who has brought you salvation, Children. Be wise and look to Him who saves. He is Eternal Love and Glory, and whose hand shall you hold more tightly than His? He is the Lamb and His Heart is engulfed in pain, for this World is cruel to His Love and derides His very Sacrifice.
Unwise Children, do not deny the Love of My Most Sacred and Belovéd Son. I am the Lord God and Father and the Lamb is My Son. When you deride the Son, so have you insulted the Father, and when you shall deny Me, so do you deny the grace and Mercy of the Christ and the Salvation He has brought to you.
Wicked Children, turn to Me and I shall make you clean or whole again. You cannot fathom the Love and peace of My Great Mercy. It tempers the angry and denounces what is evil. It brings peace into hardened Hearts and Love and joy into the weary.
Oh, Children, Belovéd Children, you deny Me and I am wounded so deeply. The whole of Heaven moans for My Great pain. Belovéd Children, do not turn away from the Face of God. It is as if to cut off your limbs and destroy your very self. It is to annihilate your humanity and life. Do not deny Me, for I am the Lord God. I am just in My Will for each of you.
Belovéd Children, come to Me, for I plainly or BIGLY offer you My Love and forgiveness. I hope for each of you to choose to Love Me. I long for you to denounce the flagrant evils of this World. I look to guide you away from darknesses that you may reside most faithfully with Me and those who have cherished Me faithfully. Belovéd Children, you cannot thrive without food to nourish you. You cannot move when there is no water to moisten your lips. You cannot live when the very thing that gives you life is removed from you and leaves you unto yourselves.
I am the Light that guides you OUT of darkness. I am the spring that quenches your thirst. I will feed you the seeds of joy and you shall flourish as My Children. I give you Life anew. I breathe into your Soul and revive the dead and soften the hardened Heart. I can dislodge what is thought permanent and call the Heavens to send fire, water, ice, or boulders down upon the heads of Man. My Love can heal those who are sick and beyond hope. I can touch the Hearts of the downtrodden and cast them into the glorious Light of My Everlasting Love, and what joy shall they experience. Thus, I say to you, My Belovéd Children, I am your Lord God and Father. I am Eternal and the good Creator of all things. My Belovéd Children, you cannot fathom the very depths of Me or AM. My Heart longs for the Love of My Children.
[It is hard to describe “AM” except to say, God is and has been “always.” He just is.]
Hear My Calls, oh Children of Israel. Let your eyes see righteously or rightfully what the Hand of God shall do! Deny Me not, My Children of Israel, for you are in a state of severe sin and your idolatry or love of idols appalls the whole of Heaven and wounds Me deeply. Oh Zion, you ae worthless in your sins. Come to Me and I shall make you whole again. Come to Me for forgiveness and I shall raise you up again, sweet Zion. Ignore Me and I shall whip up storms of fire and hail down upon you stones of fire. Belovéd Children, your derision of My Love condemns you. Do you not know this to be true?
Follow My Love and obey My Laws, for they are all good and My Love is Everlasting and Eternal. Children of Zion, you are sacrificing that which you hold dearest. Your Sons shall disobey their fathers, and your daughters will weep their whole lives. Such is the agony your sins bring to you, and the whole of Israel crumbles into dust. Cast down your despicable idols, for they are an insult or a flagrant dismissal to your Lord God and Father. Do not doubt that the price of lawlessness and adultery and derision of the Lamb is a high and heavy one.
Children, thus I say to you with all emphasis and urgency, step away from this road of perdition and place your hands into My Own. Be Loving and most graciously accepting of My Love for you. It is for you as you are for Me. Why shall you walk in darknesses when you can amble in Light? You do not stumble when you are guided by Light and no darknesses can exist where My Light brings peace and guidance to My Children.
I urge you, Belovéd Children, do not place yourselves gleefully into the iniquities or detriments of this Life. This Life is but a drop of water in a vast ocean, and Eternity is the ocean itself. You cannot fathom what I say is yours. Salvation, My Children, is for those who Love the Christ and worship Him most affectionately with Love and adoration and prayer. I bless the ones who come to Me in all things. Those who trust in the Lord God are most blessed and reassured.
Come to Me, Belovéd Children. I seek to give you My BIG Love and the grace of My Mercy. They are for you, My Children. Cast down your sinful natures and look to your Lord God for strength and guidance. I wait for you and long for you to call out to Me. I am your Lord God and Most Loving Father. If you shall come to Me in repentance and sorrow, I shall forgive and bring you to New Life.
Thus, I say My Children, choose My Love and belie the temporal orders of this World. I say this with all urgency for you. Glorify Me and My Beauteous and Beatific Son, the Christ. Pray, My Children. Love. Be faithful to Me, My Children and know fully the depths and strength of My Love and Mercy for you. Peace, My Children. Peace.