✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
Belovéd Children, you are so precious to Me. I long for your Love and ask with great fervency that you accept My Great Love and Mercy with open and contrite Hearts. Belovéd Children, do not make folly of your Time. What shall you do if you are called to your Master when you are not prepared to greet Him most graciously and most reverently. I am a just God and I am righteous and Eternal and the purveyor of all that is Blesséd and Good. Why do you shy away from My Great Glory and Love? You cannot wait, My Loves. I am your Loving Father who protects you in the storm. Allow Me to bring you solace and comfort, guidance and peace during the most trying times that come.
Oh Belovéd Children, you can do nothing without Me. The glories you enjoy in this temporal World and the wealth you acquire come to you by My Loving and Correct Will. Not one person, no beggar or rich man, no child or mother, no blind man or deaf man is without Me. I am the Creator of All Things and it is by My Immeasurable Love that you BE orexist or have Life. Recall, My Belovéds, these riches and poverty, blindness and sight are all transitory. If you suffer such angst while you faithfully Love and serve your Lord God and Father, how much more shall you have by My Grace in Eternal Life. Live ahead of your temporal minds or lives. Look beyond what is now and know that your reward is just and good.
Belovéd Children, the Christ weeps and His tears burn with His Love for you. My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus, is overcome with His Loving concern for you. Too many Children turn away from My Belovéd Son, and cause Him such enormous pain. Pray to Him with Love and affection and allay His Wounds with Love or allay His fear for you or for this World with constant prayer. For My Son is Salvation and it is great folly [like eternal bad] to deny Him your Love.
Do not dismiss the one who has saved you from condemnation and death. Do not disabuse yourselves of His Love. For when you deride the Love of Christ, My Son, so you deride My Love. When you dismiss the Mercy of Christ’s Love, so does dismissal reduce My joy. Do not reject the Love of your Lord God. It is so plentiful and My Heart is always so ready to join with yours when you call out to Me. I am perpetually with you and ready to comfort you when you are in despair, to share in your joys, and appease your dread and douse the tempers that attempt to pull you away from your Lord God and Father.
Who can say but that your Time too shall come and on that day, how shall you greet your Belovéd God who longs for you? Shall you know Me intimately and come to Me joyously and with great Love prepared to embrace My Eternal Graces? Will your Soul lack the warmth of intimacy with Me and shall you come to Me as a stranger? Your Souls, My Children, are fragile and so easily destroyed by darknesses. Take shelter under the Beauteous Mantle of the Most Blesséd Queen of Heaven who intercedes for this World. Look to the Christ who Saves and repent of your sins.
My Forgiveness is like a cool shower of rain in the desert heat. My Mercy is a salve upon the broken and widened crevices of your Hearts. I am the Lord God and Father. I have created all things in goodness and with GREATEST LOVE. How do My Belovéd Children reject Me? It is a scourge upon the Sacred Heart and the whole of Heaven cries with concern. Belovéd Children, I do not want or give one Soul to fall into darkness. It is a terrible and permanent pit orstate. My ignorant or blind Children, bring your Hearts to Me and see. Your Time is limited and still you will not believe in My Great Love.
How you sacrifice so much for gold and yet you care so little for your Souls. You who enjoy the riches of this World and ignore the pleas of God the Father and My Most Belovéd Son will be destitute and miserable in the next Life which is Eternal. Belovéd Children, pray and secure your Hearts to My Love. Stay on the path of righteousness that My Belovéd Son has laid so plainly before you. My Love is not a burden you carry but that which lightens the burdens you carry. My Love is simple and never wanting or lacking. Children, pray and know Me intimately.
Belovéd Children, partake of the Eucharist, for it is the Most Holy of All Holies. You do not fathom the Blessings orpower of the Body of Christ. It sustains you and ties you more securely to Love. [God!] Choose to Love Me, your Lord God and Father. Trust in My Will for you. It is always most Loving and most Merciful. Come to Me with all of your concerns and joys, fears and confidence or successes. I want all of My Children to enjoy happy Hearts and true joy comes only through your Love Me and My total Love for you.
Children, the time to pray is now. Increase your prayers for this World and the Souls within it. Man is fettered by such sin and the earth belches in dismay or reproval. Do not wait, but pray and do so with more strength and deeper faith and great trust in Me. I condemn that which is dark and unjust. I condemn the Souls who refuse My Love so gleefully and deny the Holiness or great solemnity of the Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. There are no scourges where there is perfection. There is no darkness where there is Light. My Kingdom is all Love and perfection. [Like perfect beauty] Thus, I say to you, My Belovéd Children, will you have blatantly dismissed Me and My Immeasurable Love for you?
I long to embrace each of you with such GREAT Love. Come to Me, My Children. Call out to Me, and I listen. Pray and I shall hear your prayers. Love as I Love, My Children, and forgive as I forgive. Belovéd Children, peace. Find peace in your Love for Me and in Mine for you.