Do Not Be Distracted

By Linda

July 5, 2017

Wednesday, July 5, 2017     3:23 – 4:11 pm

God, I forgot to wish St. Thomas a happy birthday, but I figure You all are always celebrating in Heaven, right?

Father, I had a very scary dream the other night.  Remember?  It was about the stout old woman and the pretty little girl who didn’t talk but sang so beautiful.  The lady talked her way into my home, but all at once, I sensed she and the girl were false, bad, evil, scary, and witch-like.  I called on Your Son because He is my hero and every time I did, it damaged those two witches and drove them away.  The thing was, they kept coming back, looking for weak spots in my guard with which to take me over.  It was as if they wanted to consume me in a terrible way.  I can guess at its meaning.  It’s the worst nightmare I’ve had since the caldron one.  That one I am convinced I heard the shrieks of hell around me because You warned me before I’d eat the meat, which was actually human.  That was very scary too.  What is in my head that I have dreams like that?? 

So please, Father, wrap me to You with strong bungee cords and duck tape.  I want Your Will to be in me.  I know I don’t follow directions well, but You’re far bigger than me, so I figure Your Will will get its way anyhow.

3:23 – 4:11 pm

Alas, Belovéd Children, I hear your prayers and yet there are too few of you praying with your Lord God and Father foremost in your minds.  You are distracted by things that are not of Me or lesser than Me.  Prayer is your mission, My Loves.  It is such a powerful blessing or tool.  When your Heart’s focus is on Me, your Loving Father and Faithful God, you cannot be misguided by the evils or trickery or foolishness in this World.
Children, you must know Me intimately first.  You cannot do this when your minds and Hearts are elsewhere.  Pray without distraction and give your most solemn and deepest Love to My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus, whose death reconciled Man to your Lord God and Eternal Father.

Look to His Sacrifice with grave and solemn Hearts.  Watch as the nails are driven into His Holy Flesh.  Cry as He cries from the pain of wearing a crown of thorns.  Hear the insults and the spittle that are thrown at the Son of God and Man.  Understand the total pain and sorrow faced by the Christ Jesus, My Most Belovéd Son.  Note with open eyes and solemn Hearts that He chose death to save Man and it is only through Him that you are saved.  Do not be distracted from the Sacrifice of My Own Belovéd Son.  When the Holy Crucifixion is foremost in your Hearts and minds, what could possibly distract you from His infinite and all-enduring Love?  What Worldliness draws the pain you experience in your Hearts as you think upon My Glorious Son and His Sacrifice for you away from Him?

This World is enveloped in the sultry.  Sin abounds and becomes greater and more abhorrent to your Lord God and Father.  I do not abide by sin, and those that I witness are terrible.  Repent, Belovéd Children, for the devastation and horror of hell waits for My Belovéd Children who do not or fail to reconcile themselves to Me.  The whole of Heaven moans in dismay when Children are lost.  The pain in My Loving Heart is so LARGE, so incalculable.  If you knew My Devastation at your loss, surely My Belovéd Children would cling to Me readily.
Children, pray.  There are consequences for sin, and there are sins that are so heinous or repelling in or to My Heart, and the punishments are especial according to the sin.

Father, like…what are the worst sins ever that get these special punishments if people don’t turn to You?  Is it like the difference between egging a house and stealing a car?  Or is it the actual damage it causes others?

Belovéd Child, you have seen the horror that is readying itself for those who do not or have not sought My Eternal Love and Mercy.  Sins are simply bad by nature because they are always made against Me, and against My Benevolent and Loving Will for you.  When you lie, you stain your fragile Souls and break My Sacred and Most Loving Heart.  When you murder another, surely you murder a piece of My Heart.  My Love is yours and your own Heart should be Mine and freely offered.  You also must give your Heart to others.  To your friends and those you Love as well as those you would hate.  Your action of murder not only wounds Me but it also has wounded your Brother who I Love.  Unreconciled, you will enter Hell and know the repetition of the pain you caused your Brother.  If you have stabbed him of his Life, you shall feel and know the heat of the plunged knife repeatedly.  Thus, My Belovéd Children, I urge you so fervently to come to Me with Sorrowful Hearts and hopeful Souls.  Give yourselves over to Me and I will forgive and cleanse you of your sins.
Children, you must pray loudly or BIGLY – (with your entire self).  Your constant prayers are imperative.  The moments you are not praising My Son and pondering My Mysteries are wasted and when you see or are enlightened orunderstand, you will wish you had prayed day and night on your knees and with longing and adoration.

Such is the disparity in the Hearts of My Belovéd Children.  When the World takes the majority of your thoughts orconcerns or is more important to you than your Longing and Belovéd Lord God, you have become lukewarm in your Love of the Christ.  When it no longer hurts to hear His name uttered in hate (within) discourse, you have become lukewarm in your Love of Me.  When you no longer come to My Most Belovéd Home in the face of Mass, you pierce My Heart, for you have ignored My Loving Invitations time and again.

Children, you must make yourselves intimate with the Lord Christ Jesus.  Know His desires and joys and sorrows.  Praise Him with gentle Hearts and affectionate prayers.  He wants your Love so desperately.  His longings are My Own.  Thus, when you are lukewarm in your Love for Him, so will My Judgement or Mercy in judgement be lukewarm toward your favor.

If you dismiss the Christ, even after He approaches you time and again, I shall dismiss you when you knock on My Door.  When you adore and praise My Belovéd Son, you adore and praise the Father and the whole of Heaven celebrates in your Love.

Oh, Children, your days are waning.  Do you believe that your World or this Age has not come to the worst evil yet?  Do you purport that I do not or will not come to put an end to the reign of darknesses, the unholy one?  Do you think yourselves still clean of sin and prepared to welcome your Master home?  Is your Heart ready for My Return?
Do not disbelieve in the weight of your sins.  They are large and many.  You will say to Me with your Minds, murders have always existed as they do today.  My Holy Eyes turn to the quantities of the dead during this Time.  You will say, babies are lost naturally, because you choose to kill them and steal their breath that I have given to them.  I look orsearch your Hearts and will see no mercy or love for these Children, and it brings Me sadness.  The quantity of lives lost by your hands devastates My Angels, My Saints, the entirety of Heaven.  (They) are stunned by this blasphemy and sin of infanticide.

Some will say, men have always known men and boys.  There is nothing new in that.  I say to you, when it is a sin and so many urge it to procreate or give approval to the sinning men, so shall that person suffer if unreconciled with Me.  Children, My Heart is heavy, because sins have been disguised as goodness

 Please, My Belovéd Children, come to Me for My Constant Love and unwavering Mercy.  I am here for you.  Come today, for one day the Eucharist will be fleeting and My Name will be expelled from different lands, and those who have adopted sin so readily shall bear the brunt of My Holy Chastisement.

Belovéd Children, pray.  Pray for the conversion of your Brothers and Sisters.  Pray for the Hearts of My Servants.  So many wander and prayer calls them back to Me.  Pray for their Sisters whose pride makes them dissatisfied and impious or unreconciled to My Will for them.  Pray for this savage World where there is murder and strife.  Pray to Me, My Belovéd Children, and do not be afraid.

When you are with Me, I am with you and no one can be against you without being against Me.  Therefore, who is in the more detrimental space?  Do not fear, My Children, but pray.  Always pray.  I Love each of you so very deeply.  BIG.