✞ The human will serves as brush for Jesus in order to portray His image in the heart.
3:33 – 4:24 pm
It is amazing (embarrassing too) how sinful I am. Even television becomes an opening for sin. I was watching a show about O.J. Simpson and found myself loathing him – thinking what a terrible person he must be. In those thoughts, even though I do not know the man, I am judging. Thank you for showing me. I’m sorry.
Belovéd Child, I am ever with you and Love when you attend Mass. You must go to Confession, My Love. What good is it for you to approach Jesus, My Beauteous Son with sin in your Heart and on your head.
Father, but I needed to (have the Eucharist). You’re the one who bonked me until I was silly!
Belovéd Child, you are not constant in your Love for Me and your Love must be as secure as iron. There is a Holy war taking place, My Love, and all of this takes place above the heads of Man and you cannot afford not to pray, My Child. I am and must always be at the forefront of your thoughts, Heart, and efforts. You must be charitable and pray for those whose Souls are most endangered, for there are many. They do not hear the Sanctity and Love of My Calls. They spurn My Love and dismiss My Son, the Christ Jesus, so readily.
Children, you who are closest to Me in your Hearts, do not stray, not for a day, not for a second. Because you are touched by the Love of the Spirit, so you must not forget your daily worship of Me. You cannot be lukewarm in your Love for Me. When you are aware of My Great Love for you and all that I offer you and all that My Belovéd Jesus has Sacrificed for the sake of Mankind, you must not wander away from Me.
A battle of such fury takes place above your heads and in the skies. Lucifer, the Fallen, seeks so many Souls. He is terrified to lose his power over people who have steeped themselves in sin. Do not make folly of your Time, Belovéd Children. Do not go through Life in a gleeful state of sinfulness, for once you have fallen to hell, you can never have what you are meant to have. You will know Me no longer and the Loving opportune of Life with Me is shattered like ice upon rocks.
Children, take this seriously or grasp My Words. I Love each of you so well, you cannot fathom its nature. Please, Belovéd Children, come to Me in your sinful state and you will be washed clean and given a joyous and new Life with Me in Eternity. MY Heart burns in desperate (HUGE, BIG) pain when I lose even one of My Belovéd Children to the one who has fallen. In this state of disgrace, he wages war and seeks to use what is temporal to catch the Souls of My Belovéd Children.
Children, My Belovéd Children! Know he is the liar. The untrustful (the one not to be trusted) one. He is not good but all black and aflame with hatred for Man. Do not follow the heated or horrid path to perdition. Regardless of his promises, the fallen one will ravage your Souls as payment for his favors. Belovéd Ones, do not disbelieve My Words, for I am cautioning you against (one) so menacing and deceitful, you must not play or open your doors to him.
Instead, My Children, pray. There is a tremendous need for prayer and the World remains silent or mostly silent in this cause. Why do My Belovéd Children wear such stubbornness upon (their) shoulders and such faithlessness or doubt within their Hearts? Even the most prayerful forget or reserve their trust in Me. Do not make your faith weak by distrusting your Loving and Eternal Father. I say to you, there will come a Time when your trust in Me will be essential and if you are weak today, how much more weak will you be in facing calamity?
Blesséd and Belovéd Children, do not stray. Participate ALWAYS in the Sacraments of Love and Sacrifice. You cannot know the blessings you are given by the Body and Blood of the Christ Jesus. His name is an anathema to the one who is fallen. I urge you to pray deeply and praise My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus, in every moment you live. Never cease in your Love and worship of your Lord and king, My Most Belovéd Son.
Pray, My Children. Pray! All that has painted itself white from blackness emerges and there will be much confusion. Do not take the word of any man when his words cross those of My Most Belovéd Son. My Love is incorruptible and I gather My Children to Me. Pray, My Children and become most intimate with Me. Thus, you will discern what is truly white and what is not. Do not fall prey to arguments and false teachings that are not of your Lord God, the Christ Jesus.
One blow to My Son’s Love shocks the Father also. One Child’s dismissal of the Son wounds the Heart of the Father. Know, Children, you cannot know Me without knowing My Belovéd Son. You cannot Love Me unless you also Love My Beatific Son. You cannot know the Blessings of the Christ when your faith is reserved for the temporal.
Believe Children, I am weary and long so much for your Love. Offer it freely to Me. Know the joy of My Eternal Love. Come to Me with repentance in your Hearts and My Own swells with Love and compassion for you. I am here beside you and so very willing to forgive each of you and raise you up to the Glory of Eternity.
Come to Me freely and I am charmed by your Love and overjoyed or HUGELY charmed by your affection for Me. You are but Little Children, and when one smiles at the Father and Son, a sigh of GREAT Love is sighed upon you. I am your Father and I am in Love with My Creations. My Creations were made by Love, for Love, and to Love. Bring your Love freely to Me.
Belovéd Children, do not be afraid. Do not be alarmed by all that you see or will see. These things must and will happen, yet they are ultimately, for the Glory of your Loving Father and Eternal God. I am just and righteous even in My GREAT Love for you. What shall I do or what shall I say that will convince My Children of My Love? To turn away from the sins that bind you?
Oh, Children, a chastisement is yours for your lack of faith. Even as I dote upon each of you, the sins of Man are grave and terrible. Your Hearts feel no sorrow or shame for your sins upon Me. You ignore the ENORMOUS Love of My Passionate and unwavering (Son). Children, believe My Judgment is true and just. When you have dismissed the Christ Jesus and His Love, so have you thrown away Mercy when in the light of Judgment.
Children, I emphasize, pray! So many of My unreconciled Children fall to the pit of fire and live in unspeakable anguish and pain. Children, you cannot know or fully understand the horror and BIG UGLY of Eternal damnation. Children, you need only call My Name. You need only give Me a whisper of attention, and I take you up with GREAT joy.
Oh, Children, I am saddened or in ultimate pain for the state in which this World finds itself. Such hatred and lasciviousness. So many sins against Me. Pray, Belovéd Children, for the reparation of every Man, Woman, and Child. Pray for My Servants who have become corrupt and unholy. They shepherd My Flock and when one fruit is penetrated by disease, it will spread its disease to the neighboring fruit that surrounds it. Thus, pray for My Servants that their (Love/faith) for Me is strong, true, and faithful. Pray, for My Servants will need strength, great strength soon.
Pray that the Children of this World turn to Me in Love and with repentant Hearts. I am a Loving Father and embrace every Child who returns to My Eternal Home. Children, pray. That is My Request. Pray and do not sin. Be strong and pray for My Guidance. Surely you will know it. Pray, Belovéd Children. Pray. I am in Love with you and consider you fondly and with great affection. Pray.